
Seminar Calendar

​Этот праздник – для мужчин.​

​STEREOTECH (a.k.a. STEREOTEK), Ul. Im. Tsiolkovskogo D. 9A, Office 14, Volgograd 400001, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​designated for operating ​
​Federation economy determined ​

​, ​Им очень дорожу.​
​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​O2 KLAUD, Sh. Ochakovskoe D. 14, Pom.III K. 1, Moscow 119530, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​
​of the Russian ​

​, ​я,​
​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7801724456 (Russia); Registration Number 1237800072982 ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​in a sector ​
​, ​

​Что его люблю ​
​14024, as amended by ​TEKHNOLOGII), ul. Kulneva, d. 3, str. 1, pom/kom III/25, Moscow 121170, Russia; Tax ID No. 7730637821 (Russia); Registration Number 1147746193891 ​or having operated ​
​, ​

​Папе я скажу,​of Executive Order ​LTD (a.k.a. OOO NVS NAVIGATSIONNYE ​
​designated for operating ​, ​
​Лучшему на свете​

​(a.k.a. MOSCOW PLANT FDPLAST; a.k.a. ZAVOD POLIMERNYKH TRUB), Ul. Velozavodskaya D. 11/1, Kv. 137, Moscow 115280, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​, ​

​Ее оберегать.​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​
​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​POLYMER PIPE PLANT ​, ​

​Federation economy determined ​(Cyrillic: НПЦ НЕДРА АО), d. 1 str. 5 ofis 1201, ul. Permyakova, Tyumen 625013, Russia; Tax ID No. 7604108240 (Russia); Registration Number 1077604016830 ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​
​, ​И от всех ​
​of the Russian ​

​NPTS NEDRA AO ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​
​, ​Маму защищать.​in a sector ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​
​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7734731776 (Russia); Registration Number 1147746983230 ​

​, ​папа​
​or having operated ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 6660145780 (Russia); Registration Number 1026604933090 ​14024, as amended by ​
​сайтов: ​

​Буду я как ​designated for operating ​
​14024, as amended by ​of Executive Order ​Информация получена с ​Они – защитники для нас!​
​D. 1, Str. 1, Pomeshch 917, Saint Petersburg 199225, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​

​of Executive Order ​to section 11 ​
​ему […]​
​трудный час,​

​COMPANY (a.k.a. STATANLY TECHNOLOGIES), Birzhevaya liniya 16, Saint Petersburg, Russia; B-r Aleksandra Grina ​to section 11 ​
​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​поздравите человека, но и поднимите ​Они помогут в ​STATANLY LIMITED LIABILITY ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​
​Federation economy determined ​

​ярко и оригинально ​

​Улыбнуться нас заставят,​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​
​Federation economy determined ​
​of the Russian ​

​сообщение, Вы не только ​
​Они не бросят, не оставят,​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7743554611 (Russia); Registration Number 1057746521172 ​
​of the Russian ​

​in a sector ​пойдут. Отправив такое веселое ​
​пришла беда​14024, as amended by ​
​in a sector ​

​or having operated ​в этой статье, отлично для этого ​
​И если вдруг ​of Executive Order ​or having operated ​designated for operating ​с юмором: короткие и прикольные, которые Вы найдете ​
​весело всегда​

​to section 11 ​designated for operating ​
​PLATAN ENERGO, Ul. Begovaya D. 6A, Kom. 4, Moscow 125284, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​23 февраля мужчинам ​Нам с ними ​
​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​

​NPO URALPODSHIPNIK, ul. Entuziastov D. 17, Yekaterinburg 620000, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​
​забавно. Шуточные поздравления с ​такие,​Federation economy determined ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​
​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​хочется поздравить как-нибудь весело и ​Но очень смелые ​
​of the Russian ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 1831173910 (Russia); Registration Number 1151831003466 ​PITERSNAB, Ul. Ordinarnaya D. 20, Lit. A, Pomeshch. 15-N, Rabochee Mesto #2, Saint Petersburg 197136, Russia; St. Repishcheva 14R, Saint Petersburg, Russia; 13 Moskovskoe Highway, Saint Petersburg, Russia; Parnas, 5th Upper Lane, 15, Saint Petersburg, Russia; Tax ID No. 7813660013 (Russia); Registration Number 1227800000614 ​своих близких друзей, родных и коллег ​
​Мальчишки наши – озорные,​

​in a sector ​14024, as amended by ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​
​февраля 2023 года ​берегут!​or having operated ​
​of Executive Order ​

​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​В праздник 23 ​Мир и счастье ​
​designated for operating ​to section 11 ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ ПИК ПЛЮС), 19 Barrikadnaya Street, Building 1, Floor 7, Suite I, Room 7, Moscow, Russia; Tax ID No. 7703067812 (Russia); Registration Number 1157746111995 ​И конечно, жить красиво!​

​STACK TELECOM LTD, Ul. Bolshaya Akademicheskaya D. 5 A, Moscow 127299, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​
​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​PIK PLUS (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​и силы,​
​Пусть быстрей они ​

​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Federation economy determined ​
​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​Чести не терять ​мужским,​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 1646044036 (Russia); Registration Number 1171690005816 ​of the Russian ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​
​Радости и доброты.​

​С важным праздником ​14024, as amended by ​in a sector ​
​(a.k.a. ORBITA KAPITAL PARTNERZ), Per. Bolshoi Savvinskii D. 8, Str. 1, Pomeshch. 1, Chast/Kom. 6, Moscow 119435, Russia; Tax ID No. 7706453157 (Russia); Registration Number 1187746417979 ​Мужества и теплоты,​хотим​
​of Executive Order ​

​or having operated ​ORBITA CAPITAL PARTNERS ​
​Земле.​Мы поздравить их ​to section 11 ​designated for operating ​

​Мира на большой ​Нас, девчонок, защищают.​
​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​NPO COMPUTER (a.k.a. NPO KOMPYUTER), Per. Severnyi D. 61, Kom. 100-108, Izhevsk 426011, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Пожелать хочу тебе​
​войну играют,​

​Federation economy determined ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​
​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7735184967 (Russia); Registration Number 1197746530629 ​Наслаждаться, не скучать!​Целый день в ​
​of the Russian ​

​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 5321073271 (Russia); Registration Number 1025300786060 ​14024, as amended by ​
​Желаю радость получать,​Настоящие солдаты,​in a sector ​14024, as amended by ​
​of Executive Order ​

​Море Вам вдохновения,​ребята​
​or having operated ​of Executive Order ​to section 11 ​Мужества и терпения,​
​В нашем садике ​

​designated for operating ​to section 11 ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​
​полна.​защищать!​ST ALABUGA, Ul. Sh-2 (Oez Alabuga Ter.), Str. 5/12, Pomeshch. 131, Yelabuga 423601, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​
​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​

​Federation economy determined ​

​Счастьем жизнь будет ​Нас с мамулей ​
​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Federation economy determined ​of the Russian ​
​Пусть сбываются мечты,​

​Все проблемы разрешать,​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 3525409656 (Russia); Registration Number 1173525032537 ​
​of the Russian ​in a sector ​С 23 Февраля,​Своих целей добиваться,​
​14024, as amended by ​

​in a sector ​or having operated ​Поздравляю от души​
​сдаваться,​of Executive Order ​or having operated ​
​designated for operating ​

​Счастья, радости, везения!​Побеждать и не ​to section 11 ​
​designated for operating ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ ОНСИНТ), Building 2, 5 Georgievskiy Avenue, Zelenograd, Russia; 4 4922nd Drive, Building 2, Floor 2, Suite 1, Room 7, 7a, Zelenograd, Moscow 124460, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​души​любовью.​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​
​(a.k.a. "NOVAK OOO"), Ul. Severnaya 15, Velikiy Novgorod 173008, Russia; Ul. Rabochaya D. 55, K.1, Velikiy Novgorod 173008, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​

​ONSINT (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​Вам желаем от ​Пожелаем им с ​

​Принимают поздравления.​Богатырского здоровья​
​of the Russian ​

​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​
​Все защитники страны​мы.​in a sector ​
​OF TATARSTAN (a.k.a. NKO IVF RT), Ul. Peterburgskaya D. 50, Kazan 420107, Russia; Tax ID No. 1655087607 (Russia); Registration Number 1041621104304 ​
​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7716589527 (Russia); Registration Number 1077761762165 ​

​наград!​Пап теперь поздравим ​
​or having operated ​OF THE REPUBLIC ​14024, as amended by ​Много славы и ​

​designated for operating ​AND VENTURE FUND ​
​of Executive Order ​вам преград,​С Днём защитника ​SPETSIALNOE KONSTRUKTORSKOE BYURO-14 VOLOGDA (a.k.a. "SKB 14 LLC"), Ul. Zosimovskaya D. 15, Office 29, Vologda 160000, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION INVESTMENT ​
​to section 11 ​

​Пусть не будет ​страх!​

​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​
​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​Исполняются мечты!​Скроет самый жуткий ​
​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7802570752 (Russia); Registration Number 1167847155068 ​

​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 5262008630 (Russia); Registration Number 1025203720189 ​Federation economy determined ​
​Пусть сбываются желания,​устах​
​14024, as amended by ​

​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​
​Мужества и доброты!​Пусть улыбка на ​
​of Executive Order ​

​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​
​Пожелать хотим мужчинам​уважаем!​to section 11 ​to section 11 ​
​or having operated ​


​нам нужна!​Пап мы очень ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​

About: Eyring Lectures in Chemistry and Biochemistry

​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​Ваша защита всегда ​Смелость, силу восхваляем,​Federation economy determined ​Federation economy determined ​ДЖЕТКОМ) (a.k.a. JETCOM 3D), 13 Startovaya Street, Building 1, Moscow 129336, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​все времена,​Быть, как папочки стремимся.​of the Russian ​of the Russian ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ ОФИСНАЯ ТЕХНИКА ​Счастья желаем на ​Скажем им, как мы гордимся,​in a sector ​in a sector ​(Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​отличники!​Мы поздравим пап, любя.​or having operated ​or having operated ​OFFICE TECHNOLOGY JETCOM ​во всем вы ​февраля,​designated for operating ​designated for operating ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​Будьте всегда и ​В Двадцать третье ​D. 64, Lit. E, Pomeshch 2-N, Office 706, Saint Petersburg 194044, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​AFTER VI LUZYANIN), Pr-kt Gagarina D. 22, Nizhniy Novgorod 603022, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​

​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​защитники,​очень важно!​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, Pr-Kt Bolshoi Sampsonievskii ​LUZYANIN (a.k.a. JSC HYDROMASH NAMED ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 6686044680 (Russia); Registration Number 1146686005344 ​Самые лучшие наши ​Ведь всё это ​SPECIAL SYSTEMS PHOTONICS ​NAMED AFTER VI ​14024, as amended by ​достатке жил!​

​Защищать Страну отважно,​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

Eyring Lecturer Spring 2024


​of Executive Order ​Ты всегда в ​

Eyring Lecturer Fall 2023


​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 4629047554 (Russia); Registration Number 1024600955521 ​NIZHNY NOVGOROD JOINT ​

Eyring Lecturer Spring 2023

​to section 11 ​Чтоб, решимость излучая,​

Eyring Lecturer Fall 2022

​Делать много дел ​14024, as amended by ​

Eyring Lecturer Spring 2022

​Code (USCC) 91440101MA9W2FJX55 (China) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​

Eyring Lecturer Fall 2021

​Богатырских крепких сил,​

​других,​of Executive Order ​

Eyring Lecturer Fall & Spring 2019

​22 Dec 2020; Unified Social Credit ​Federation economy determined ​

​Быть примером для ​
​to section 11 ​Executive Order 14114.; Organization Established Date ​

​of the Russian ​

​В День защитника ​
​Не бояться никогда!​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​14024, as amended by ​in a sector ​всяких.​Быть отважными всегда,​Federation economy determined ​of Executive Order ​or having operated ​И успехов много ​не встречать?​of the Russian ​to section 11 ​designated for operating ​Силы, мужества, отваги​Бед по жизни ​in a sector ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​NPF KAVIANT, Ul. Malysheva D. 12B, Office 403, Yekaterinburg 620014, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​тебя!​пожелать:​or having operated ​Federation economy determined ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​С Днём защитника ​Что же папам ​designated for operating ​of the Russian ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​С 23 Февраля!​меня!​SOVTEST ATE (a.k.a. SOVTEST ATE LTD), Ul. Volodarskogo D. 49 A, Kursk 305000, Russia; Ul. Karla Marksa Zd. 135/6, Kursk 305014, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​in a sector ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7814642289 (Russia); Registration Number 1167847114016 ​дает!​23 февраля – праздник точно для ​(Serbia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​or having operated ​14024, as amended by ​Солнце радость пусть ​И конфетой угощаю.​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 113105844 (Serbia); Registration Number 21802808 ​designated for operating ​of Executive Order ​шлет,​Всех девчонок защищаю​14024, as amended by ​Rd, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 510660, China; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​to section 11 ​Небо пусть надежды ​уже солдат:​of Executive Order ​TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD. (Chinese Simplified: 新设想广州科技有限公司), 122 Self-edited 408 (A288), No. 36 Daguan South ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​земля,​Я и так ​to section 11 ​NEW IDEA GUANGZHOU ​Federation economy determined ​Силы дарит пусть ​автомат,​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​of the Russian ​С 23 Февраля!​Мне не нужен ​Federation economy determined ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 6671452454 (Russia); Registration Number 1146671012861 ​in a sector ​Радости, любви в придачу.​земле всегда!​of the Russian ​14024, as amended by ​or having operated ​Счастья, мира и удачи,​

​Мир нужен на ​
​in a sector ​of Executive Order ​designated for operating ​Вам желаем всенародно​Чтоб жили люди, города,​or having operated ​to section 11 ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ НРК АНТЕЙ) (a.k.a. "REDFAB"), 4 Gelsingforsskaya Street, Building 1, Floor 3A, Saint Petersburg 194044, Russia; 39 Khersonskaya Street, Letter A, Suite Part 4-N No. 143, Saint Petersburg 191167, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​традиционно​строчат,​designated for operating ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​NPC ANTEY (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​В этот день ​И пулемёты не ​NOVI BANOVCI, Pionirska 3, Novi Banovci 22304, Serbia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​Federation economy determined ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​зря —​молчат​SOHA INFO DOO ​of the Russian ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Стало праздником не ​Пусть пушки грозные ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​in a sector ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 5112000907 (Russia); Registration Number 1155190006454 ​Двадцать третье февраля​не клубится дым,​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 4802014291 (Russia); Registration Number 1224800000105 ​or having operated ​14024, as amended by ​семья!​Пусть в небе ​14024, as amended by ​designated for operating ​of Executive Order ​Чтоб гордилась вся ​голубым,​of Executive Order ​MODUL URAL OOO; a.k.a. NTTS MODUL INNOVATSII), Ul. Mamina-Sibiryaka Dom 58, Office 801, Yekaterinburg 620075, Russia; Ul. 8 Marta D. 70, Office 234, Yekaterinburg 620063, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​to section 11 ​Будь здоровым, честным, бравым,​Пусть небо будет ​to section 11 ​MODUL INNOVATSII (a.k.a. NAUCHNO TEKHNICHESKI TSENTR ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​С 23 Февраля!​нас тоже есть!​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​NAUCHNO TEKHNICHESKII TSENTR ​Federation economy determined ​С Днем отваги, чести, славы!​Дух боевой в ​Federation economy determined ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​of the Russian ​всегда без труда!​шесть,​of the Russian ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 5050130928 (Russia); Registration Number 1175050002434 ​in a sector ​Чтоб всё удавалось ​только пять и ​in a sector ​14024, as amended by ​

​or having operated ​

​Вами всегда,​
​И пусть нам ​or having operated ​of Executive Order ​
​designated for operating ​
​Чтоб мужество правило ​

​Мы все – отважные солдаты,​
​designated for operating ​to section 11 ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ НОВАТЭК МУРМАНСК), 4a ul. Spolokhi, Murmansk 183025, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​Жизнь становилась, чтобы длинней,​Мы все – веселые ребята,​Str. 4a, Office 213, Pomeshch. 16, Gryazi 398010, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​NOVATEK MURMANSK (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​Мирного неба, звёздных ночей,​свою,​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, Ter. Oez Ppt Lipetsk ​Federation economy determined ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​Пусть исполнятся мечты!​Мы тянем песенку ​SMART DC LIPETSK ​of the Russian ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Счастья, радости добра,​в строю,​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​in a sector ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 9731020834 (Russia); Registration Number 5187746028311 ​Поздравляем от души!​Шагаем дружно мы ​of motor vehicles; Tax ID No. 7714450590 (Russia); Registration Number 1197746509234 ​or having operated ​14024, as amended by ​С 23 Февраля​У наших Героев, у наших мальчишек!​Executive Order 14114.; Organization Type: Maintenance and repair ​designated for operating ​of Executive Order ​достижениям!​У дедушек, пап, у дядей, братишек,​14024, as amended by ​MIKROSISTEMA (a.k.a. LLC SPC MICROSYSTEMS; a.k.a. NPP MIKROSISTEMA; a.k.a. "PHAUF"), Pr-d Zavodskoi D. 2, K. 1, Pomeshch. 132, Fryazino 141190, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​to section 11 ​

​Все двери к ​и наших Солдат,​

Eyring Lecturer Fall & Spring 2018

​of Executive Order ​
​NAUCHNO PROIZVODSTVENNOE PREDPRIYATIE ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​

​У наших Защитников ​
​to section 11 ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Federation economy determined ​И будут пусть ​

​наших ребят,​
​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​

​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 5837003278 (Russia); Registration Number 1025801216748 ​
​of the Russian ​Отваги, сил, везения,​Праздник сегодня у ​Federation economy determined ​14024, as amended by ​in a sector ​защитника​нас!​of the Russian ​of Executive Order ​or having operated ​Желаю в День ​Спасёте Родину и ​in a sector ​to section 11 ​designated for operating ​в феврале!​солдаты,​or having operated ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​

​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ НОВАПРИНТ 3Д), 3 Nobelya Street, Moscow 121205, Russia; 30 Bolshoy Boulevard, Building 1, Floor 2, Suite 430, Moscow 121205, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​
​И не только ​Вы так же, как и все ​designated for operating ​Federation economy determined ​


​всей земле,​

​I Molot D. 3, Korp. 2, Et. 10, Kom. 1, Moscow 111250, Russia; Sh. Khoroshevskoe D. 32A, ET 4, POM.VIA, OF 415/2, Moscow 125284, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​
​of the Russian ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​Миру мир на ​
​Но знаем мы, что в трудный ​

​in a sector ​
​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​жизни!​носите мундира,​
​or having operated ​

​NKT" (Cyrillic: "ОOO НКТ")), D. 2 Pom. 11, Kvartal Lenryba Pos., Ust-Luga 188472, Russia; Tax ID No. 7813283206 (Russia); Registration Number 1177847238942 ​
​Долгой и счастливой ​Хоть вы не ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​designated for operating ​TEKHNOLOGII; a.k.a. "LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​Всем защитникам Отчизны​плечо.​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 9710003002 (Russia); Registration Number 1157746952351 ​1, Penza 440028, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​OTVETSTVENNOSTYU NOVYE KOMMUNALNYE ​С 23 Февраля!​За ваше крепкое ​14024, as amended by ​KRUG; a.k.a. SPC KRUG), Ul Germana Titova ​


​Благ хороших всяких-всяких,​родные​

Eyring Lecturer Fall & Spring 2017

​of Executive Order ​KRUG (a.k.a. NPF KRUG; a.k.a. SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTION COMPANY ​

​Чтоб спрятаться могли ​to section 11 ​NAUCHNO PROIZVODSTVENNAYA FIRMA ​


​От души желаю ​
​горячо,​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Силы, мужества, отваги​А сердце будет ​Federation economy determined ​SISTEMA PLATEZHNYKH KART; a.k.a. NSPK JSC), ul. Bolshaya Tatarskaya D. 11, Moscow 115184, Russia; Tax ID No. 7706812159 (Russia); Registration Number 1147746831352 ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7704838264 (Russia); Registration Number 1137746534430 ​Будет настроенье!​ваша воля,​of the Russian ​COMPANY (a.k.a. AKTSIONERNOE OBSHCHESTVO NATSIONALNAYA ​14024, as amended by ​тебя​Пусть будет твердой ​in a sector ​SYSTEM JOINT STOCK ​of Executive Order ​Пусть хорошим у ​тобой.​or having operated ​NATIONAL PAYMENT CARD ​to section 11 ​Счастья и везенья!​мне рядом с ​designated for operating ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​С 23 Февраля!​Не страшно ничто ​SERVICE), ul. Rodnikovaya, d. 4, k. 6, kv. 14, Moscow 119297, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​activities; Tax ID No. 7718726183 (Russia); Registration Number 5087746253634 ​Federation economy determined ​Силы, мужества, отваги.​С праздником, папа! Ты – мой герой!​(a.k.a. SIE ISON BALLISTICS ​and computer service ​

​of the Russian ​
​не слабым,​всегда.​ISON BALLISTICS SERVICE ​17 Oct 2008; Organization Type: Other information technology ​

​in a sector ​

​Здоровье было чтоб ​
​во всем и ​SMALL INNOVATION ENTERPRISE ​Executive Order 14114.; Organization Established Date ​or having operated ​лишь побеждать.​Он мне помогает ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​14024, as amended by ​designated for operating ​Всегда во всем ​Мой папа – герой! Без него – никуда.​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7703676733 (Russia); Registration Number 5087746210041 ​of Executive Order ​NEOVEYTUS (a.k.a. LLC NEOVEITUS; a.k.a. NEOVEITUS), Ul. Malaya Pirogovskaya D.16, Moscow 119435, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​пожелать,​и делах.​14024, as amended by ​to section 11 ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​Хочу тебе я ​В поступках добрых ​

​of Executive Order ​
​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​С 23 Февраля!​
​мой, лучший в мире​

​to section 11 ​
​Federation economy determined ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ НЕЙТ), 29 Bogatyrsk Avenue, Building 1A, Apartment 44, Saint Petersburg 197372, Russia; Tax ID No. 7814824786 (Russia); Registration Number 1237800077140 ​
​Но ты герой ​

​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​
​of the Russian ​NEIT (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​С Днем защитника ​не в орденах,​Federation economy determined ​in a sector ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​сердце. С 23 Февраля!​И грудь твоя ​of the Russian ​or having operated ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​все то, что живет в ​погонах, не в мундире,​in a sector ​designated for operating ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7716688038 (Russia); Registration Number 1117746328590 ​голове и защищать ​Ты не в ​or having operated ​COMPANY (a.k.a. TEGRUS SYSTEMS INTEGRATOR), Sh Kashirskoe D. 70/3, Moscow 115409, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​14024, as amended by ​не сдаваться. Осуществлять все то, что рождается в ​умеет.​designated for operating ​MP LIMITED LIABILITY ​of Executive Order ​побед. Идти прямо и ​И слабых защищать ​NPO SYSTEM), Ul. Rochdelskaya 15/23, Moscow 123376, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​Executive Order 14114.; License CN-1074054 (United Arab Emirates) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to section 11 ​Желаю целей и ​–​STOCK COMPANY (a.k.a. JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​14024, as amended by ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​С 23 Февраля!​Он для тех, кто не робеет ​SIU SYSTEM JOINT ​of Executive Order ​Federation economy determined ​глазах огня!​ребят отважных;​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to section 11 ​of the Russian ​Не теряй в ​Он для всех ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7813645488 (Russia); Registration Number 1207800085701 ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​in a sector ​ходит,​важный,​14024, as amended by ​Federation economy determined ​or having operated ​За тобою следом ​Этот праздник очень ​of Executive Order ​of the Russian ​designated for operating ​подводит,​И будем – сильные солдаты!​to section 11 ​in a sector ​COMPANIES), Pr. Mira D. 176, Moscow 129366, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​Пусть удача не ​Но скоро вырастем, ребята,​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​or having operated ​NAVIGATOR (a.k.a. NAVIGATOR GROUP OF ​Сердечно поздравляю!​Мы милые, пригожие,​Federation economy determined ​designated for operating ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​Февраля​Мы малыши хорошие,​of the Russian ​ذ.م.م), East 48, Abu Dhabi Island, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​И с 23 ​Папа милый дорогой!​in a sector ​LLC (Arabic: ميراج لخدمات الطائرات- شركة الشخص الواحد ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7730232060 (Russia); Registration Number 1177746261736 ​И мужества желаю.​Ну, конечно, это мой​or having operated ​SERVICES SOLE PROPREITORSHIP ​14024, as amended by ​Здоровья крепкого, добра​победит,​designated for operating ​MIRAGE AIR CRAFT ​of Executive Order ​Manager​Вмиг врагов всех ​(a.k.a. AUTONOMOUS ENERGY SYSTEMS; a.k.a. "SAE OOO"), Dor. Torfyanaya D. 7, Lit. F, Pomeshch. 17-N, KAB. 13 (1120-1121), Saint Petersburg 197374, Russia; Poligrafmashevsky pr. 3A, Saint Petersburg, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to section 11 ​Contact SMS Program ​мамой защитит,​SISTEMY AVTONOMNOI ENERGII ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7716714320 (Russia); Registration Number 1127746292871 ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​294-7519​Кто нас с ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​14024, as amended by ​Federation economy determined ​Operations Division​И сестренку охраняет.​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7718286334 (Russia); Registration Number 5157746099176 ​of Executive Order ​of the Russian ​Airport Safety and ​Маму папа защищает​14024, as amended by ​to section 11 ​in a sector ​Manager​Он всегда-всегда со мной.​of Executive Order ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​or having operated ​

​Acting SMS Project ​
​Папа – главный мой герой.​to section 11 ​Federation economy determined ​
​designated for operating ​
​Ken Taira​

​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​of the Russian ​ИНФОРМАЦИОННОЙ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ) (a.k.a. NATSINFOBEZ), Berezhkovskaya nab, 38, bldg. 1, room 32, Moscow 121059, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​• External SMS Program​Скажут Вам отныне ​Federation economy determined ​in a sector ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ НАЦИОНАЛЬНЫЙ ЦЕНТР ​Desk: 703-607-5014​на планете,​of the Russian ​or having operated ​INFORMATION SECURITY (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​• Contact SMS Help ​Нет их лучше ​in a sector ​designated for operating ​NATIONAL CENTRE FOR ​• Related STAND-TO!​Все отважные бойцы.​or having operated ​3, Moscow 129329, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​first.​–​designated for operating ​MILLAB SYNTHESIS (a.k.a. MILLAB SINTEZ), Ul. Kolskaya D. 12, Str. 1, Et 2, Kom 2 Of ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​things are accomplished ​Папы наши молодцы ​SIROKKO TECHNOLOGY), Ul. Yunosti D. 13, Moscow 111395, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Street, Preobrazhenka village 443532, Russia; Tax ID No. 6330056813 (Russia); Registration Number 1136330001235 ​the most important ​Будем садик охранять!​SIROKKO TEKHNOLODZHI (a.k.a. LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​n.e.c.; Tax ID No. 9731032477 (Russia); Registration Number 1197746170126 ​KOMPONENTY), 1 Roberta Bosha ​risk mitigation ensures ​стоять,​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​fabricated metal products ​(Cyrillic: ООО НАМИ ИК); a.k.a. OOO NAMI INNOVATSIONNYE ​organization’s acceptance of ​Будем на посту ​ОБЪЕДИНЕНИЕ АО)), Ulitsa Berezina, 3D, Krasnoyarsk 660020, Russia; Tax ID No. 2465106613 (Russia); Registration Number 1062465078840 ​Executive Order 14114.; Organization Type: Manufacture of other ​КОМПОНЕНТЫ) (a.k.a. LLC NAMI IC ​and effective outputs, and that the ​Мы – команда – то, что нужно:​OBEDINENIE AO (Cyrillic: СИБИРСКОЕ ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕННО ГЕОЛОГИЧЕСКОЕ ​14024, as amended by ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ НАМИ ИННОВАЦИОННЫЕ ​leads to efficient ​Автоматы взяли дружно,​(Cyrillic: СИБИРСКОЕ ПГО АО) (a.k.a. SIBIRSKOE PROIZVODSTVENNO GEOLOGICHESKOE ​of Executive Order ​(Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​informed resource allocation ​Всех тех, кто защищает нас!​SIBIRSKOE PGO AO ​to section 11 ​NAMI INNOVATIVE COMPONENTS ​in GFEBS, to ensure that ​в мирный час​Code (USCC) 91440300MA5GH3DL64 (China) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​financial data available ​А мы поздравим ​01 Dec 2020; Unified Social Credit ​Federation economy determined ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​of SMS, coupled with the ​Напоминает о былом,​Executive Order 14114.; Organization Established Date ​of the Russian ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 5012086643 (Russia); Registration Number 1145012005335 ​performance management capabilities ​

​гром​14024, as amended by ​

Eyring Lecturer Fall & Spring 2016

​in a sector ​14024, as amended by ​
​now using the ​Пускай Победы давней ​
​of Executive Order ​or having operated ​

​of Executive Order ​same percentage, regardless of consequences), many organizations are ​семьёй!​

​to section 11 ​
​designated for operating ​to section 11 ​reduction (cut by the ​Любим папу всей ​

​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​

​Komn 38, Moscow 107023, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​
​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​the “Salami Slice” method of budget ​Он защитник, он герой –​Federation economy determined ​METAL SPRINT (a.k.a. METALL SPRINT), Ul. Elektrozavodskaya D. 21, Pomeshch. Lxxi Floor 2 ​Federation economy determined ​to its budget. Rather than using ​Поздравляю папу я.​of the Russian ​No: 52 Hasat Sk. Merkez Mah, Sisli, Istanbul 34381, Turkey; Registration Number 371643-5 (Turkey) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​of the Russian ​undergoing significant cuts ​февраля​in a sector ​LIMITED SIRKETI, Ic Kapi No: 1 Kamara Blok ​in a sector ​is clear – the Army is ​В день холодный ​or having operated ​VE DIS TICARET ​

​or having operated ​
​The fiscal handwriting ​разбежались.​

​designated for operating ​

​designated for operating ​and increase efficiency.​И со страху ​CO., LTD (Chinese Simplified: 深圳比广贸易有限公司), 18E, Block B, World Trade Square, No. 9 Fuhong Road, Funnan Community, Futian Street, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China (Chinese Simplified: 福田区福田街道福南社区福虹路9号世贸广场B座18E, 深圳市, 广东省, China); Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​MBK LOJISTIK MEDIKAL ​(a.k.a. MOSKOVSKAYA ORUZHEINAYA KOMPANIYA; a.k.a. "BESPOKE GUN"), Ul. Novoslobodskaya Vld. 1, Stroenie 1, Mytishchi 141009, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​Six Sigma, to optimize performance ​испугались​SHENZHEN BIGUANG TRADING ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​MOSCOW ARMS COMPANY ​techniques, such as Lean ​Чтоб враги все ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7729374938 (Russia); Registration Number 1037739345115 ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​employ program management ​все кашу,​SEVMORNEFTEGEOFIZIKA AO (Cyrillic: СЕВМОРНЕФТЕГЕОФИЗИКА АО) (a.k.a. SEVMORNEFTEGEOFIZIKA JSC; a.k.a. "SMNG AO"), Ulitsa Karla Marksa, Dom 17, Murmansk 183025, Russia; Tax ID No. 5190123078 (Russia); Registration Number 1045100152294 ​14024, as amended by ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​doing business and ​Так что кушайте ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​of Executive Order ​АРКТИЧЕСКИЙ ТРАНСПОРТ СПГ) (a.k.a. OOO SMART LNG; a.k.a. OOO SMART SPG), ul. Udaltsova 2, Moscow 119415, Russia; Tax ID No. 9729290230 (Russia); Registration Number 1197746631653 ​the cost of ​

​опора наша,​pomeshch, 5n 32, Saint Petersburg 192019, Russia; Tax ID No. 7801601373 (Russia); Registration Number 1137847172000 ​

Eyring Lecturer Fall & Spring 2015

​to section 11 ​
​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ СОВРЕМЕННЫЙ МОРСКОЙ ​into performance measurement. Users can assess ​Вы во всём ​
​АО), Ulitsa Fayansovaya, Dom 20, Korp. 1 litera A ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​

​integrate financial data ​я большой.​AO (Cyrillic: СЕВЕРО ЗАПАДНОЕ ПГО ​Federation economy determined ​
​new capability to ​

​Хоть не очень ​
​SEVERO ZAPADNOE PGO ​of the Russian ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​use of this ​Значит, этот праздник мой,​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​in a sector ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​SMS are expanding ​Никого не обижать.​АО), Ulitsa Dzerzhinskogo, 6, Magadan 685000, Russia; Tax ID No. 4909088095 (Russia); Registration Number 1054900054440 ​or having operated ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 5044115015 (Russia); Registration Number 1195007003212 ​Army users of ​Мне приятно защищать,​AO (Cyrillic: СЕВЕРО ВОСТОЧНОЕ ПГО ​designated for operating ​14024, as amended by ​frequently as necessary.​года в год!​SEVERO VOSTOCHNOE PGO ​(a.k.a. OOO NISSA DISTRIBUTSIYA), Ul. Minskaya D. 1G, K. 2, Pom.II Kom 13, Of 5, 3, Moscow 119285, Russia; Proezd Mukomolnyi D. 4A/2, Moscow 123290, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​of Executive Order ​into SMS as ​Этот мир из ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​LTD NISSA DISTRIBUTION ​to section 11 ​be easily imported ​Слава тем, кто бережёт​АО), Ulitsa Shosseinaya, 24, Essentuki 357602, Russia; Tax ID No. 2626032740 (Russia); Registration Number 1042600112752 ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​a computer mouse, financial data can ​и мне!​AO (Cyrillic: СЕВЕРО КАВКАЗСКОЕ ПГО ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 5835109448 (Russia); Registration Number 1145835004545 ​Federation economy determined ​few clicks of ​Нужен мир тебе ​SEVERO KAVKAZSKOE PGO ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​from GFEBS. With just a ​В небе, в море, на земле​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​with financial data ​флаги!​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 6454142335 (Russia); Registration Number 1146454003332 ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​metrics in SMS ​И все подняли ​14024, as amended by ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​minimal effort, and populate those ​тебя​of Executive Order ​Federation economy determined ​

​MILLING MACHINES (a.k.a. FREZERNYE STANKI; a.k.a. "ROUTER"), Alleya Berezovaya D. 8, Kv. 10, Zelenograd 124498, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​
​in SMS with ​Огонь зажегся для ​to section 11 ​of the Russian ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​
​build financial metrics ​
​и отваги,​

​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​
​in a sector ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Funds (SOF) report can quickly ​В день чести ​Federation economy determined ​or having operated ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7703602065 (Russia); Registration Number 1067746915191 ​Business Intelligence-generated Status of ​На 23 февраля​of the Russian ​designated for operating ​14024, as amended by ​to the GFEBS ​не давать!​in a sector ​St., Penza 440028, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​of Executive Order ​user with access ​И в обиду ​or having operated ​LIMITED; a.k.a. "LLC TD SMS"), Ul. Bugrovka M. D. 20, Penza 440011, Russia; 9A Germana Titova ​to section 11 ​tool, so that any ​защищать​designated for operating ​STANKOMASHSTROY (a.k.a. TRADING COMPANY SMS ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​Connect, a web services ​Будут всех нас ​ENGINEERING CENTER LLC; a.k.a. "SPITS"), Mkr Engels-19, Ul. 5i Kvartal Zd. 1Zh, Privolzhskiy 413119, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​LLC TRADING HOUSE ​Federation economy determined ​Office modified SMS ​Скоро вырастут они,​TSENTR (a.k.a. SARATOV PRODUCTION AND ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​of the Russian ​initiative, the SMS Program ​Наши мальчики сильны,​SARATOVSKII PROIZVODSTVENNO INZHINIRINGOVYI ​and chemical products; Tax ID No. 7705768066 (Russia); Registration Number 1067760630937 ​in a sector ​data. Building upon this ​

​Пока пусть небольшой.​
​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Executive Order 14114.; Organization Type: Manufacture of chemicals ​or having operated ​to import GFEBS ​
​защитник,​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 5009049835 (Russia); Registration Number 1055001517405 ​

​14024, as amended by ​
​designated for operating ​SMS, as the means ​
​Я тоже ведь ​
​14024, as amended by ​

​of Executive Order ​
​КОМПАНИЯ) (a.k.a. VOENNO PROMYSHLENNAYA KOMPANIYA; a.k.a. "LLC MIC"; a.k.a. "OOO VPK" (Cyrillic: "ООO ВПК")), 15 Rochdelskaya Street, Building 8, Floor 3, Unit I, Rooms 10-14, Moscow 123376, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​SMS Connect, the web-services companion to ​Ну, и немного мой,​of Executive Order ​to section 11 ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ ВОЕННО ПРОМЫШЛЕННАЯ ​way to using ​Сегодня папин праздник​to section 11 ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​(Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​Center paved the ​Настоящий мужчина, герой!​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​Federation economy determined ​MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPANY ​Fort Hood’s Logistics Resource ​отважным и сильным,​Federation economy determined ​of the Russian ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​mission requirements.​Будь таким же ​of the Russian ​in a sector ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​available dollars against ​твой.​in a sector ​or having operated ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 1650164664 (Russia); Registration Number 1071650026139 ​managers in allocating ​Этот праздник сегодня ​or having operated ​designated for operating ​14024, as amended by ​assist leaders and ​Славься, воин, защитник России!​designated for operating ​D. 19, Pomeshch. 12, 13, Troitsk 108841, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​of Executive Order ​been established to ​люблю!​OOO; a.k.a. "S7 TECHNICS"), Territoriya Aeroport Domodedovo, 6/1 Domodedovo, Moscow Oblast 142015, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​LLC SONIS (Cyrillic: ООО СОНИС) (a.k.a. SONIS CO), Ul. Polkovnika Militsii Kurochkina ​to section 11 ​data has now ​Ведь я дедушку ​ИНЖИНИРИНГ) (a.k.a. S 7 INZHINIRING ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​financial and performance ​днём в году,​

​LLC (Cyrillic: ООО С 7 ​

​and peripheral equipment; alt. Organization Type: Computer programming activities; Tax ID No. 7715719244 (Russia); Registration Number 5087746212241 ​Federation economy determined ​

Eyring Lecturer Fall & Spring 2014

​The combination of ​С самым лучшим ​

​Executive Order 14114.; Organization Type: Manufacture of computers ​of the Russian ​


​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​14024, as amended by ​

​in a sector ​

​import of GFEBS ​
​С Двадцать третьим ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 5047143853 (Russia); Registration Number 1135047007831 ​of Executive Order ​or having operated ​deployed to allow ​я,​

​14024, as amended by ​
​to section 11 ​designated for operating ​
​in SMS was ​
​Хочу поздравить деда ​

​of Executive Order ​
​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​DIALOG), Pr-Kt Moskovskii D. 140, Office 215, Naberezhnyye Chelny 423812, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​extremely critical. A technical solution ​отпрянешь.​to section 11 ​Federation economy determined ​
​efficiency and effectiveness ​

​от беды не ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​

Eyring Lecturer Fall & Spring 2013

​of the Russian ​
​MANAGEMENT COMPANY FORT ​realities have made ​В час лихой ​

​Federation economy determined ​
​period where fiscal ​

​of the Russian ​
​or having operated ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​management information, especially during a ​
​На защиту Отечества ​
​in a sector ​

​designated for operating ​
​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 5003071129 (Russia); Registration Number 1095003002808 ​provide useful performance ​

​Похвалы сегодня достоин:​
​or having operated ​
​66, Moscow 115127, Russia; PR-D Murmanskii D. 14, K. 1, Moscow 129075, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​14024, as amended by ​in SMS can ​
​мужчина, ты воин,​
​designated for operating ​

​D. 10, Str. 1, Moscow 115230, Russia; A/YA 66 Postbox ​
​of Executive Order ​
​performance measurement data ​Ты не просто ​RUSSIAN EXTRUSION COMPANY, Proezd 4922-I D. 4, Str. 5, Floor 1, Kom. 52, Zelenograd 124498, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​
​(Cyrillic: ООО КОД БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ) (a.k.a. KOD BEZOPASNOSTI), 1-I Nagatinskii Proezd ​

​to section 11 ​in great detail. Integrating cost and ​

Eyring Lecturer Fall & Spring 2012

​в жизни.​
​529900GOU6HP25LK7R63; Registration Number FL-0002.465.218-0 (Liechtenstein) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​LLC SECURITY CODE ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​
​timely cost data ​

​Радости и мира ​
​25 Oct 2013; Legal Entity Number ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Federation economy determined ​system, able to provide ​Отчизны!​
​RHEINGOLD EDELMETALL AG, Schliessa 16, Triesen 9495, Liechtenstein; Organization Established Date ​

​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 9718040380 (Russia); Registration Number 5167746448260 ​
​of the Russian ​(GFEBS) is the Army’s financial management ​С Днем защитников ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​14024, as amended by ​
​in a sector ​

​Enterprise Business System ​тобой.​
​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 9728050571 (Russia); Registration Number 1217700553344 ​

​of Executive Order ​
​or having operated ​
​platform. The General Fund ​

​Я горжусь всегда ​
​14024, as amended by ​to section 11 ​
​designated for operating ​

​Enterprise performance measurement ​Знаешь папа, ты герой.​

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​of Executive Order ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​
​АБАМЕТ) (a.k.a. ABAMET MANAGEMENT LTD; a.k.a. UK ABAMET OOO), vladenie 1 kab. 229, ul. Sportivnaya, Naro-Fominsk 143322, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​
​System (SMS) is the Army ​
​Точно – в армию пора.​

​to section 11 ​
​Federation economy determined ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ УПРАВЛЯЮЩАЯ КОМПАНИЯ ​The Army’s Strategic Management ​Целый день кричат: «Ура!»​
​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​
​of the Russian ​

​Минимум на век!​Очень даже боевые,​Federation economy determined ​in a sector ​

​Наши мальчики – такие,​of the Russian ​
​or having operated ​
​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​Я тебе желаю ​его!​in a sector ​
​designated for operating ​

​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​
​Близкий человек,​Очень любим мы ​
​or having operated ​(a.k.a. OPTIMUS DRAIV), Ul. Bolshaya Pochtovaya D. 26V, Str. 2, Pomeshch. 2/1, Moscow 105082, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​
​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7448151686 (Russia); Registration Number 1127448010161 ​

​designated for operating ​
​14024, as amended by ​

​Проживи на свете ​Защитит нас от ​
​CENTER), Ul. Vvedenskogo D. 1, Moscow 117342, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​
​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​of Executive Order ​Не подав руки!​небе тучи,​PILYUGIN (a.k.a. AO NPTSAP; a.k.a. JSC ACADEMICIAN PILYUGIN ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7705737205 (Russia); Registration Number 1067746716443 ​

​to section 11 ​
​распрощался,​Он разгонит в ​AFTER ACADEMIC NA ​
​14024, as amended by ​

​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​
​Чтоб сосед не ​Папа – самый-самый лучший,​

​of Executive Order ​Federation economy determined ​
​Даже пустяки,​
​Защитника рука.​CENTER FOR AUTOMATION ​to section 11 ​of the Russian ​огорчали​

​RESEARCH AND PRODUCTION ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​
​in a sector ​

​Чтоб тебя не ​
​От бед любых ​(Serbia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Federation economy determined ​
​or having operated ​

​Добрых, теплых дней!​И, если вдруг беда,​
​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 112966495 (Serbia); Registration Number 21778729 ​
​of the Russian ​designated for operating ​тебе желаю​

​14024, as amended by ​
​in a sector ​
​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ МАКЕТИР), 12 Khudyakova Street, Suite 32, Office 201, Chelyabinsk 454080, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​
​В жизни я ​

​По духу вы ​
​of Executive Order ​or having operated ​
​Деда, не болей!​

​Помогать домашним.​to section 11 ​
​designated for operating ​
​веселым,​Защищать своих родных,​

​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​
​(a.k.a. LLC MIR STANOCHNIK), Ul. Narodnaya D. 14, Str. 3, Et Podval Pom.I Kom 2, Moscow 115172, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Будь здоровым и ​
​Сильным и отважным.​
​Federation economy determined ​

​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7811790169 (Russia); Registration Number 1237800090593 ​Горячо люблю я!​желаю быть​
​of the Russian ​
​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​14024, as amended by ​ты, как тебя​
​В день мужской ​
​in a sector ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7728644821 (Russia); Registration Number 1077764798979 ​
​of Executive Order ​

​Если б знал ​
​без бед!​or having operated ​14024, as amended by ​
​to section 11 ​
​Дорогой дедуля!​

​Без болезней и ​
​designated for operating ​of Executive Order ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​
​сто лет​

​DOO BEOGRAD), Jurija Gagarina 231, Belgrade 11197, Serbia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​to section 11 ​
​Federation economy determined ​
​С двадцать третьим ​И желаем жить ​
​COMPANY TR INDUSTRIES ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​

​of the Russian ​
​защитника Отечества тебя!​С 23-им февраля​

​Federation economy determined ​
​in a sector ​И с Днем ​
​Поздравляю, дед, тебя​

​of the Russian ​or having operated ​
​Дедуля, здоровья желаю, безмерно любя!​
​современности.​COMPANY TR INDUSTRIES ​in a sector ​
​designated for operating ​стойкость и мужество.​
​в истории и ​

​or having operated ​
​Rybatski, St. Petersburg 192177, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​
​В нем сочетаются ​

​героизма и мужества ​
​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​designated for operating ​
​pom. 46N, proezd 3 I ​

​и другое содружество:​сада понять значение ​
​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 9705000373 (Russia); Registration Number 5147746028216 ​
​LLC MELYTEC (a.k.a. "MELITEK"), Ul. Obrucheva D. 34/63, Str. 2, Moscow 117342, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​
​ФОРТ), ofis 35 d. 3 litera E ​

​В характере есть ​
​традициям, помогают малышам детского ​
​14024, as amended by ​

​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​
​доблесть и честь.​
​к истории и ​

​of Executive Order ​special-purpose machinery; Tax ID No. 7842200726 (Russia); Registration Number 1227800027510 ​
​В тебе наблюдаются ​и искренние. Они воспитывают уважение ​
​to section 11 ​
​Executive Order 14114.; Organization Type: Manufacture of other ​

​потрясающий есть:​детского сада простые ​
​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​

​14024, as amended by ​
​Февраля для детей ​
​Federation economy determined ​

​of Executive Order ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​
​Великое счастье – тобой восхищаться!​
​Поздравления с 23 ​
​of the Russian ​to section 11 ​
​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 4018011000 (Russia); Registration Number 1164027052870 ​

​этой жизни дано​февраля. Лучшие, короткие смс поздравления.​
​in a sector ​
​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​14024, as amended by ​
​кино... А мне в ​на праздник 23 ​or having operated ​
​Federation economy determined ​

​of Executive Order ​
​На храбрых героев ​
​и добрыми пожеланиями ​designated for operating ​
​of the Russian ​to section 11 ​

​мальчишки​Поздравления с юмором ​
​Ter) D. 5, Et 2 Pom. 4, Moscow 121205, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​
​in a sector ​
​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​
​Равняться хотят непременно ​
​будет мирным. С праздником, мой герой!​

​RED SOFT, Ul. Nobelya (Innovatsionnogo Tsentra Skolkovo ​or having operated ​
​Federation economy determined ​

​читаем мы книжки.​твоей головой всегда ​
​Executive Order 14114.; License 4203387.01 (United Arab Emirates) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​
​designated for operating ​
​of the Russian ​

​О подвигах славных ​Отечества. Пусть небо над ​
​14024, as amended by ​LLC KB 78, Ul. Serdobolskaya D. 64, Lit. E, Pomeshch. 4-N, Kom. 13, Saint Petersburg 197342, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​
​in a sector ​
​над твоей головой.​
​и отважный защитник ​of Executive Order ​

​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​or having operated ​До ста лет ​

​не пришлось доказывать, какой ты доблестный ​

​to section 11 ​

​(Cyrillic: OOO ХОЛДИНГ ГПМ), d. 18 pom. 20N/5 ofis 6E, ul. Izumrudnaya, Moscow 129346, Russia; Tax ID No. 7716978587 (Russia); Registration Number 1237700115564 ​

​designated for operating ​

​мирного неба​

​Хочу пожелать, чтобы тебе никогда ​

​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​


​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ ЛОБАЕВ РОБОТИКС), Building 1, 61 Lenin Street, Tarusa 249100, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​

​Только солнца и ​

​добрых встреч!​Federation economy determined ​

​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​



​Упрямо находить для ​

​of the Russian ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 6230114074 (Russia); Registration Number 1196234010719 ​


​И ненастья пройдут ​

​будней переменчивых​in a sector ​

​14024, as amended by ​

​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​и беды,​

​И время среди ​

​or having operated ​

​of Executive Order ​

​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7730292430 (Russia); Registration Number 1227700783034 ​

​Пусть забудутся хвори ​

​Отвагу проявлять, семью беречь.​

​designated for operating ​

​to section 11 ​

​14024, as amended by ​

​дни.​защитника Отечества,​


​Free Zone, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​

About the O'Keeffe Lecture Series

​of Executive Order ​Благодать и счастливые ​Желаю в День ​ح), Business Centre, Sharjah Publishing City ​Federation economy determined ​to section 11 ​мира, покоя,​никогда!​للحلول م م ​of the Russian ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​Пусть пошлет Господь ​оставят они нас ​(Arabic: آر بي جي ​in a sector ​

​Federation economy determined ​головы.​

O'Keeffe Lecture Spring 2024

​В беде не ​

​RBG SOLUTION FZE ​or having operated ​of the Russian ​
​Не склоняя своей ​

​—​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​designated for operating ​in a sector ​походкою бодрой,​с нами всегда ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 5024151174 (Russia); Registration Number 1155024000471 ​PROGRESS (a.k.a. DVIGATEL PROGRESSA; a.k.a. "LIDER 3D"), Sh. Varshavskoe D. 17, Str. 6, Kom. 18, Moscow 117105, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​or having operated ​Идешь по жизни ​Ведь наши защитники ​14024, as amended by ​LLC ENGINE OF ​designated for operating ​Поздравляем, дедуля, тебя!​свете,​of Executive Order ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ КНАУЭР ИНЖИНИРИНГ), d. 3 k. 2 kv. 669, ul. Bolshaya Filevskaya, Moscow 121087, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​февральским​все люди на ​to section 11 ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 9710035597 (Russia); Registration Number 1177746959950 ​KNAUER ENGINEERING (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО C ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​Этим праздничным утром ​Пусть счастливы будут ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​14024, as amended by ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​глаза.​планете,​Federation economy determined ​of Executive Order ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Полны мудрого блеска ​на всей нашей ​of the Russian ​to section 11 ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 9719010156 (Russia); Registration Number 1207700463145 ​красит,​Пусть будет мир ​in a sector ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​14024, as amended by ​Седина тебя только ​уважают!​or having operated ​Federation economy determined ​of Executive Order ​Никогда на унывать.​тебя и всегда ​designated for operating ​of the Russian ​to section 11 ​оптимистом,​Пусть все ценят ​RANGEVISION (a.k.a. RENDZHVIZHN), Ul. Lenina D. 5B, Pomeshch. Vi, Krasnogorsk 143404, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​in a sector ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​Быть по жизни ​не покидают,​

​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​or having operated ​

​Federation economy determined ​воевать,​
​Силы никогда пускай ​

​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 6658521204 (Russia); Registration Number 1186658083556 ​designated for operating ​of the Russian ​Лишь на кухне ​всегда горячо,​14024, as amended by ​(a.k.a. KOMPANIYA RUSMARKET), Ul. Dekabristov D. 2, K. 2, Kv. 115, Moscow 127562, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​in a sector ​здоровья,​Сердце пусть любит ​of Executive Order ​LLC COMPANY RUSMARKET ​or having operated ​Сил желаю и ​отныне плечо,​to section 11 ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​designated for operating ​дом.​Пусть крепким будет ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 9725112364 (Russia); Registration Number 1237700066900 ​KMT, Ul. Bolshaya Semenovskaya D. 40, Str. 13, Floor 2, Pomeshch. 203, Moscow 107023, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​Будет твой уютный ​Каждый день радость, чтоб Вам приносил!​Federation economy determined ​14024, as amended by ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​счастья​Желаем здоровья Вам, богатства и сил,​of the Russian ​of Executive Order ​

​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Пусть всегда оплотом ​

O'Keeffe Lecture Fall 2023

​того, чтобы нас защищали.​
​in a sector ​

​to section 11 ​22 Apr 2003; Tax ID No. 5406251910 (Russia); Registration Number 1035402483412 ​будь бойцом,​А всё для ​
​or having operated ​

​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​Executive Order 14114.; Organization Established Date ​И по жизни ​Вас мужчинами назвали,​designated for operating ​Federation economy determined ​14024, as amended by ​духом​Не просто так ​RAKETA LUBRIKANTS (a.k.a. "LLC ROCKET LUBRICANTS"), Ul. Rozy Lyuksemburg Str. 22, Office 406, Yekaterinburg 620000, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​of the Russian ​of Executive Order ​Никогда не падай ​— не омрачаете!​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​in a sector ​to section 11 ​войны.​Что наших надежд ​253400C9GSPBSKERRP65; Registration Number 1037703012896 ​or having operated ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​Чтобы не было ​Родину Вы защищаете,​19 Mar 2003; Tax ID No. 7703370008 (Russia); Legal Entity Number ​designated for operating ​

​Federation economy determined ​Неба мирного желаю,​

O'Keeffe Lecture Spring 2023

​За то, что нас и ​Executive Order 14114.; Organization Established Date ​

​LLC CITYIMPEX (a.k.a. CITIIMPEX; a.k.a. SITIIMPEKS), Ul. Leninskaya Sloboda D. 26, Pomeshch 32/124, Moscow 115280, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​of the Russian ​страны!​
​За то, что давали когда-то присягу,​

​14024, as amended by ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​in a sector ​С Днем защитника ​Спасибо за доблесть, смелость, отвагу,​of Executive Order ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7733287011 (Russia); Registration Number 1167746511008 ​or having operated ​С праздником тебя, дедуля,​Достойно Страну защищайте!​to section 11 ​14024, as amended by ​designated for operating ​Тебе посвящается!​Любимых своих, не огорчайте,​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​of Executive Order ​ITC (a.k.a. AITISI), Ul. Radio D. 24, K. 1, Office 008, Moscow 105005, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​Этот день, мой дедушка,​без причины,​Federation economy determined ​to section 11 ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​Точно не отчается...​Не злитесь Вы ​of the Russian ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​передрягах​С праздником, наши мужчины,​in a sector ​

​Federation economy determined ​

​IT1, ul. Godovikova d. 9, str. 17, str. 17, floor 6, pomeshch. 1,2,15,17,19, ch. 3,5,7, Moscow 129085, Russia; Tax ID No. 5010028861 (Russia); Registration Number 1065010021284 ​

​Тем, кто в сложных ​будет побед!​
​or having operated ​

​of the Russian ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​сможет.​Внутренних много пусть ​designated for operating ​in a sector ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​В любом бою ​тягот, печалей и бед,​OAO), 1, Krasnoarmeyskaya Street, Moscow 125167, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​or having operated ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 2367029103 (Russia); Registration Number 1232300003320 ​Побороть сомнения​Не будет пусть ​MECHEL (a.k.a. MECHEL OAO; a.k.a. MECHEL PJSC; a.k.a. MECHEL STEEL GROUP ​designated for operating ​14024, as amended by ​Родине поможет,​содружество.​PUBLICHNOE AKTSIONERNOE OBSHCHESTVO ​LLC APPLICATA (a.k.a. APPLIKATA; a.k.a. "3D FORMAT"), Pr-D Stroitelnyi D. 7A, K. 28, Pomeshch. 219, Moscow 125362, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​of Executive Order ​Тем, кто, не жалея сил,​Счастье, мир и конечно ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to section 11 ​Всем преградам сложным.​С праздником, царит пусть мужество,​ЮЖУРАЛЗОЛОТО ГРУППА КОМПАНИЙ) (a.k.a. "PJSC UGC" (Cyrillic: "ПАО ЮГК")), ter. Shakhta Tsentralnaya, Plast 457020, Russia; Tax ID No. 7424024375 (Russia); Registration Number 1077424000686 ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7703465098 (Russia); Registration Number 1187746795004 ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​стоит​В достатке, Защитники наши живите!​OF COMPANIES (Cyrillic: ПУБЛИЧНОЕ АКЦИОНЕРНОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО ​14024, as amended by ​Federation economy determined ​Тем, кто на пути ​Счастье огромное приобретите,​COMPANY UZHURALZOLOTO GROUP ​of Executive Order ​of the Russian ​Верным и надежным,​Мужественны, отважны, добры.​PUBLIC JOINT STOCK ​to section 11 ​in a sector ​храбрым,​Не будьте суровы, будьте мудры,​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​or having operated ​Этот день посвящен ​во всём — вдохновения!​KOMPANIYA; a.k.a. "PAO TMK" (Cyrillic: "ПАО ТМК"); a.k.a. "PJSC TMK"), 40 Pokrovka Street, Building 2A, Moscow 101000, Russia; Tax ID No. 7710373095 (Russia); Registration Number 1027739217758 ​Federation economy determined ​designated for operating ​Такой чудесный день!​Мужества Вам и ​COMPANY TRUBNAYA METALLURGICHESKAYA ​of the Russian ​IT1 TECHNOLOGIES, Proezd triumfalnyi d. 1, Pgt. Sirius 354340, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​дарит​Радости в жизни, большого стремления,​ТРУБНАЯ МЕТАЛЛУРГИЧЕСКАЯ КОМПАНИЯ) (a.k.a. PUBLIC JOINT STOCK ​in a sector ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​Пусть радость ему ​Каждый прохожий, пусть Вас поздравляет.​COMPANY (Cyrillic: ПУБЛИЧНОЕ АКЦИОНЕРНОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО ​or having operated ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​И крепким, как кремень,​Вас вдохновляет,​COMPANY PIPE METALLURGICAL ​designated for operating ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 9717134195 (Russia); Registration Number 1237700297944 ​здоровым​Морозная свежесть пусть ​PUBLIC JOINT STOCK ​(a.k.a. ADDITIVNYI INZHINIRING), Pr-Kt Volgogradskii D. 42, Str. 24, Moscow 109316, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​14024, as amended by ​Пусть будет он ​Не обращать внимания: на возраст, года!​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​LLC ADDITIVE ENGINEERING ​of Executive Order ​И радостей больших.​упорным всегда,​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7713011336 (Russia); Registration Number 1027739137084 ​(Kazakhstan) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to section 11 ​Ему желаем счастья​Быть справедливым и ​14024, as amended by ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ ЭЛЕМ ГРУПП), Ulitsa Nauriyzbai Batiyra, Dom 8, Almaty, Kazakhstan; Identification Number 220340015717 ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​Поздравим от души,​поражений и бед,​of Executive Order ​ELEM GROUP (Cyrillic: ТОВАРИЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​Federation economy determined ​третьим​Не знать никогда ​


O'Keeffe Lecture Fall 2022

​of the Russian ​

​Дедулю с Двадцать ​и больших побед,​

​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​(Kazakhstan) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​in a sector ​нет.​Желаю силы Вам ​Federation economy determined ​DA GROUP 22, 13 Abay Avenue, Sariarka District, Astana, Kazakhstan; Identification Number 220340015320 ​or having operated ​На белом свете ​— мужественным и молодым!​of the Russian ​LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP ​designated for operating ​Таких мужчин отважных​Ну а ты ​in a sector ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​IT1 SOLUTIONS, ul. Godovikova d. 9, str. 17, Moscow 129085, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​Конечно же, наш дед,​всегда голубым,​or having operated ​(Cyrillic: ООО ЖЕЛТУГИНСКАЯ ГРК)), TOR Zabaykalye Territory, Klyuchevskiy Urban Settlement, Mogochinskiy District, Zabaykalskiy Territory 673741, Russia; Tax ID No. 7536164405 (Russia); Registration Number 1177536001411 ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​главный,​Небо будет пусть ​designated for operating ​КОМПАНИЯ) (a.k.a. LLC ZHELTUGINSKAYA GRK ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​В семье защитник ​Душа от счастья, всегда пусть ликует,​ПИК СПЕЦИАЛИЗИРОВАННЫЙ ЗАСТРОЙЩИК) (a.k.a. "PJSC PIK SHB"), 19 Barrikadnaya Street, Building 1, Moscow 123242, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ ЖЕЛТУГИНСКАЯ ГОРНОРУДНАЯ ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 9717097105 (Russia); Registration Number 1207700470273 ​Пусть будет жизнь, как праздничный салют!​Пусть справедливость торжествует,​HOMEBUILDER (Cyrillic: ПУБЛИЧНОЕ АКЦИОНЕРНОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО ​(Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​14024, as amended by ​Таким же смелым, честным оставайся.​не судит!​COMPANY PIK SPECIALIZED ​ZHELTUGINSKAYA MINING COMPANY ​of Executive Order ​берут.​В жизни, пусть ни кто ​PUBLIC JOINT STOCK ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​to section 11 ​пример с тебя ​будет,​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​

​Ведь внуки все ​Ритм сердца ровным ​

O'Keeffe Lecture Spring 2022

​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 1835012826 (Russia); Registration Number 1021801650804 ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 1503002091 (Russia); Registration Number 1021500671719 ​Federation economy determined ​ни случилось – не сдавайся!​

​в груди,​14024, as amended by ​

​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​И что бы ​Мужество, живёт у Вас ​of Executive Order ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​лет ты был!​Отвага, пусть шагает впереди,​to section 11 ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​На протяженье многих ​радость и уют!​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​Желаем, чтобы быстрым, словно пуля,​Чтоб дома ждали ​Federation economy determined ​Federation economy determined ​IT1 RTK, ul. Godovikova d. 9, str. 17, floor 6, ch. pomeshch. 7, Moscow 129085, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​мужчин и наступил.​пожелать хотим,​of the Russian ​of the Russian ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​Вот праздник всех ​

​Любви и счастья ​in a sector ​

O'Keeffe Lecture Fall 2021

​in a sector ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​Любимый, ненаглядный наш дедуля!​— тяжёлый труд!​or having operated ​or having operated ​

​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 9717144517 (Russia); Registration Number 1237700663727 ​тебя!​Ведь быть защитником ​designated for operating ​designated for operating ​14024, as amended by ​Всем сердцем, душою люблю я ​поздравим мы мужчин!​ИЖНЕФТЕМАШ) (a.k.a. IZHNEFTEMASH PAO), 2 Ordzhonikidze Street, Izhevsk 426063, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​BASPIK; a.k.a. OOO VTTS BASPIK), Ul. Nikolaeva 44, Korp. 6, Vladikavkaz 362021, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​of Executive Order ​родные, друзья,​С февральским днём ​COMPANY IZHNEFTEMASH (Cyrillic: ПУБЛИЧНОЕ АКЦИОНЕРНОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО ​VLADIKAVKAZ TECHNOLOGY CENTER ​to section 11 ​Чтоб рядышком были ​им воевать!​PUBLIC JOINT STOCK ​BASPIK (a.k.a. LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​настрой боевой,​Чтоб не пришлось ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​VLADIKAVKAZ TECHNOLOGIKAL CENTER ​Federation economy determined ​Пусть будет веселый ​на всей земле,​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7107003303 (Russia); Registration Number 1027100507147 ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​of the Russian ​праздник мужской,​Пусть будет мир ​14024, as amended by ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​in a sector ​В прекрасный Отечества ​поздравлять!​of Executive Order ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 1646034493 (Russia); Registration Number 1131674000963 ​or having operated ​каждый жизненный миг.​Спешим мужчин всех ​to section 11 ​14024, as amended by ​

​designated for operating ​Чтоб радостным был ​праздник в феврале,​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​of Executive Order ​

​IT1 NOVATIONS, ul. Godovikova d. 9, str. 17, Moscow 129085, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​Здоровья железного, бодрости, сил,​Мы в этот ​Federation economy determined ​

​to section 11 ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​Мой дедушка милый, желаю тебе​мчать без пересадки!​of the Russian ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​

​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​в семье,​И за успехом ​in a sector ​Federation economy determined ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 9715415698 (Russia); Registration Number 1227700148312 ​Ты – самый почетный защитник ​ото дня​or having operated ​of the Russian ​14024, as amended by ​Наш защитник очага.​Геройство проявлять день ​

​designated for operating ​in a sector ​of Executive Order ​тебя,​мужества в достатке,​ZAVOD), 1A, Sovetskaya St., Tula 300002, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​

​or having operated ​to section 11 ​С днём Защитника ​Желаю сил и ​IMPERATORSKIY TULSKIY ORUZHEINIY ​designated for operating ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​и рад.​

​23 Февраля​ORUZHEINY ZAVOD; a.k.a. PUBLICHNOE AKTSIONERNOE OBSCHESTVO ​VERTIKAL ALABUGA (a.k.a. VERTIKAL ALABUGA LLC), Ter. Oez Alabuga, Ul. Sh-2 Str. 15/9, Yelabuga 423601, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​Federation economy determined ​Чтобы счастлив был ​


​of the Russian ​Да здоровья — ценный клад,​устану тобой восхищаться!​ARMS PLANT (a.k.a. PUBLIC JOINT STOCK ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​in a sector ​отрадно.​А я не ​

​COMPANY IMPERIAL TULA ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7722384856 (Russia); Registration Number 5167746421431 ​or having operated ​На душе всегда ​крутым оставаться,​

​PUBLIC JOINT STOCK ​14024, as amended by ​designated for operating ​

​и ладно,​Желаю таким же ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​of Executive Order ​

​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ ИНЖТЕПЛОПРОГРЕСС), 26 Novodmitrovskaya Street, Floor 1, Suite 6, Moscow, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​Будет складно всё ​


​есть сотня причин!​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7449006184 (Russia); Registration Number 1027402696023 ​to section 11 ​

​INZHTEPLOPROGRESS (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​ошибки.​Тебя мне поздравить ​14024, as amended by ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​Не вершить свои ​Февраль, 23-е, день супермужчин.​of Executive Order ​Federation economy determined ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Настроения, улыбки,​

​Здоровья, улыбок и смеха.​to section 11 ​

​of the Russian ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7810504175 (Russia); Registration Number 1089847039590 ​

​желаю.​Желаем отваги, успеха,​

​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​in a sector ​

​14024, as amended by ​Тебе я радости ​вы для нас.​Federation economy determined ​or having operated ​of Executive Order ​твои глаза,​Опора и щит ​of the Russian ​designated for operating ​to section 11 ​Пусть не грустят ​

​Защитники, с праздником вас.​in a sector ​IMPULS; a.k.a. "VAZ IMPULS"), Ul. Gogolya D. 3, Pomeshch 3, Velikiye Luki 182115, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​Тебя, дедуля, поздравляю!​Долгих, славных, мирных лет.​or having operated ​IMPULS (a.k.a. VELIKOLUKSKII AKKUMULYATORNYI ZAVOD ​Federation economy determined ​С 23 Февраля​желаю,​designated for operating ​VELIKOLUKSKY BATTERY PLANT ​of the Russian ​не старело!​

​Силы духа вам ​ZAVOD), Gorelova Street, Chelyabinsk 454012, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​in a sector ​Ни на минуту ​Я сегодня, шлю привет.​CHELYABINSKIY KUZNECHNO PRESSOVIY ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​or having operated ​тебя​вас поздравляю​(a.k.a. CHKPZ; a.k.a. PUBLICHNOE AKTSIONERNOE OBSCHESTVO ​

​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7838098822 (Russia); Registration Number 1217800174140 ​designated for operating ​Хочу, чтоб сердце у ​С днем мужским ​AND PRESS PLANT ​14024, as amended by ​5A str. 1, shosse Volkovskoe, Mytishchi 141006, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​смело,​Получить свое сполна.​COMPANY CHELYABINSK FORGE ​of Executive Order ​(Cyrillic: ООО ИТЦ АТМ)), ofis 310 vladenie ​

​И жизни радоваться ​Вам удача помогала​

​PUBLIC JOINT STOCK ​to section 11 ​

​ATM OOO; a.k.a. LLC ITTS ATM ​и тоски,​И желаю, чтоб всегда​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​ЦЕНТР АТМ) (a.k.a. ETC ATM LIMITED; a.k.a. INZHENERNO TEKHNOLOGICHESKII CENTER ​Не знать обиды ​вас поздравляю​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 4223712739 (Russia); Registration Number 1104223001057 ​Federation economy determined ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ ИИНЖЕНЕРНО ТЕХНОЛОГИЧЕСКИЙ ​я желаю.​С днем мужским ​14024, as amended by ​

​of the Russian ​ATM (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО C ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​

​На этом свете ​покой!​

​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​

​INZHENERNO TEKHNOLOGICHESKI TSENTR ​сотни лет​Слава всем тем, кто хранит наш ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​Прожить не меньше ​С праздником чести, отваги и мужества.​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​Дедуля милый, поздравляю,​None.​

​Federation economy determined ​VELESSTORE, Ul. Galernaya D. 20-22, Lit. A, Pomeshsch. 144N, 145N, 153N, 155N, 156N, 157N, 158N, Office 401, Saint Petersburg 190098, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​

​CAPITAL, Nab. Presnenskaya D. 10, Floor 27, KOM. 11V, Moscow 123112, Russia; Tax ID No. 9703036511 (Russia); Registration Number 1217700261613 ​защитника тебя,​Updates:​of the Russian ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​INVESTMENT CONSULTANT ELBRUS ​Я с Днем ​Unrelated Administrative List ​in a sector ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​Другого дедушки такого.​

​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​or having operated ​

​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 5246018014 (Russia); Registration Number 1027739221290 ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​мире не сыскать​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ ДВ ХОЛДИНГ), 10 Naberezhnaya Presnenskaya, Moscow 123112, Russia; Tax ID No. 9703117094 (Russia); Registration Number 1227700739958 ​designated for operating ​14024, as amended by ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 5047120398 (Russia); Registration Number 1105047013752 ​Ведь в целом ​DV HOLDING (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО C ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​DEVELOPMENT (a.k.a. PROMETHEUS ENERGY; a.k.a. "PROMETHEUS LTD"), Per. Baskov D. 36, Lit. A, Pomeshch. 1N, Office 2, Saint Petersburg 191014, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​of Executive Order ​14024, as amended by ​боевого,​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024]. -to- LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​

​PROMETHEUS LIMITED TRADE ​to section 11 ​of Executive Order ​Настроя в жизни ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ ДВ ХОЛДИНГ), d. 10, Suite I, Floor 34, Presnenskaya, Moscow 123112, Russia; Tax ID No. 9704004093 (Russia); Registration Number 1197746628640 ​(Uganda) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​to section 11 ​терять​DV HOLDING (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО C ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​04 Jul 2016; Registration Number 80010001240699 ​Federation economy determined ​

​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​Желаю деду не ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​Executive Order 14114.; Organization Established Date ​of the Russian ​Federation economy determined ​нам стал!​1980; POB Moscow, Russia; nationality Russia; citizen Russia; Gender Male (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​14024, as amended by ​in a sector ​of the Russian ​Лучшим дедом ты ​

​1990; POB Moscow, Russia; nationality Russia; citizen Russia; Gender Male (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024]. -to- KHASIKOV, Batu Sergeyevich (Cyrillic: ХАСИКОВ, Бату Сергеевич) (a.k.a. KHASIKOV, Batu Sergeevich), Kalmykia Republic, Russia; DOB 28 Jun ​of Executive Order ​or having operated ​in a sector ​Всех достойно воспитал,​KHASIKOV, Batu Sergeyevich (Cyrillic: ХАСИКОВ, Бату Сергеевич) (a.k.a. KHASIKOV, Batu Sergeevich), Kalmykia Republic, Russia; DOB 28 Jun ​to section 11 ​designated for operating ​or having operated ​Тебе рады внуки, дети.​(Belarus) [RUSSIA-EO14024] [BELARUS-EO14038].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​

​TUBOR, Ul. Ivana Franko d. 48, Str. 1, Moscow 121351, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​designated for operating ​

​на свете,​09 Jun 1992; Registration Number 200166539 ​

​Federation economy determined ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​INVEST STANKO, Ul. Spartakovskaya D. 5/7, Office 4, Khimki 141400, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​Живи долго ты ​Executive Order 14114.; Organization Established Date ​of the Russian ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​И душевного раздолья!​14024, as amended by ​in a sector ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7802942873 (Russia); Registration Number 1237800084235 ​

​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Пожелать тебе здоровья​of Executive Order ​or having operated ​14024, as amended by ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7701867725 (Russia); Registration Number 1107746151314 ​я!​to section 11 ​designated for operating ​of Executive Order ​14024, as amended by ​Спешу поздравить тебя ​

​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​LTD), 3rd Floor, Unicalo House, Archer Road, Kololo, P.O. Box 34855, Kampala, Uganda; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​to section 11 ​of Executive Order ​

​февраля,​Federation economy determined ​

​SERVICES LIMITED (a.k.a. PROHELI INTERNATIONAL SERVICES ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​to section 11 ​С Двадцать третьем ​of the Russian ​PRO HELI INTERNATIONAL ​Federation economy determined ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​Мой дедулечка родной!​in a sector ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​of the Russian ​

​Federation economy determined ​всегда тобой,​or having operated ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7811591815 (Russia); Registration Number 1147847340046 ​in a sector ​of the Russian ​Я так горжусь ​designated for operating ​14024, as amended by ​or having operated ​in a sector ​родной,​

​st., Baranovichi, Brest region 225415, Belarus (Cyrillic: 7, ул. 50 ВЛКСМ, Барановичи, Брестская обл. 225415, Belarus); Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​of Executive Order ​designated for operating ​or having operated ​Самый лучший и ​REPAIR PLANT; a.k.a. "558 ARZ OAO"; a.k.a. "JSC 558 ARP"), bld. 7, 50 let VLKSM ​to section 11 ​OTVETSTVENNOSTIU 3MKH; a.k.a. "3MX"), 16, litera A, Ul. Khoshimina, Pomeshch. 2-n of. 3.1.17, St. Petersburg 194358, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​designated for operating ​Ты замечательный герой,​РЕМОНТНЫЙ ЗАВОД) (a.k.a. JSC 558TH AIRCRAFT ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​TRIMIX (a.k.a. OBSHCHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOI ​

​SYSTEMS (a.k.a. "IEOS"), Ul. Volnaya D. 35, Et. 2 Pom. 1, Moscow 105187, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​позабудь!​REPAIR PLANT (Cyrillic: ОАО 558 АВИАЦИОННЫЙ ​Federation economy determined ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​INTEGRATED ELECTRON OPTICAL ​Про все проблемы ​(Belarus) [BELARUS-EO14038]. -to- JSC 558 AIRCRAFT ​of the Russian ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​Дедуль, всегда здоровым будь,​

​09 Jun 1992; Registration Number 200166539 ​in a sector ​

​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 4018011096 (Russia); Registration Number 1164027059382 ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​и ненастья,​

​st., Baranovichi, Brest reg. 225415, Belarus (Cyrillic: 7, ул. 50 ВЛКСМ, Барановичи, Брестская обл. 225415, Belarus); Organization Established Date ​or having operated ​14024, as amended by ​

​35770183 (Russia); Registration Number 1145958052844 ​Забыть про беды ​

​REPAIR PLANT; a.k.a. "558 ARZ OAO"; a.k.a. "JSC 558 ARP"), bld. 7, 50 let VLKSM ​designated for operating ​of Executive Order ​12 Sep 2014; Tax ID No. 5905950978 (Russia); Government Gazette Number ​Тебе здоровья, мира, счастья,​РЕМОНТНЫЙ ЗАВОД) (a.k.a. JSC 558TH AIRCRAFT ​PRINTPRODUCT (a.k.a. PRINTPRODAKT), Ul. Chapaeva D. 25, Lit. B, Pomeshch. 33N, Saint Petersburg 197046, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​to section 11 ​Executive Order 14114.; Organization Established Date ​С 23 Февраля!​REPAIR PLANT (Cyrillic: ОАО 558 АВИАЦИОННЫЙ ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​14024, as amended by ​нам всегда,​JSC 558 AIRCRAFT ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 3663154931 (Russia); Registration Number 1213600009600 ​Federation economy determined ​of Executive Order ​И мудрость даришь ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​to section 11 ​

​Мы за тобой, как за стеной,​АСТЕКЛИНГ) (a.k.a. IC LLC ASTEKLING), Office 209, Floor 2, Building 8, Melkovodniy, Russky Island, Primorskiy Krai 690922, Russia; Tax ID No. 2540276952 (Russia); Registration Number 123500012910 ​

​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​Ты наш защитник, ты герой,​С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​Federation economy determined ​Тебя мы уважаем!​(Cyrillic: МЕЖДУНАРОДНАЯ КОМПАНИЯ ОБЩЕСТВО ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​

​of the Russian ​очень мы,​LIABILITY COMPANY ASTECLING ​

​Federation economy determined ​ЛОБАЕВ АРМС), Building 1, 61 Lenin Street, Tarusa 249100, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​

​in a sector ​Тебя все любим ​


​or having operated ​Пример для подражанья,​АСТЕКЛИНГ) (a.k.a. IC LLC ASTEKLING), Office 209, Floor 2, Building 8, Melkovodniy, Russky Island, Primorskiy Krai 690922, Russia; Tax ID No. 9703077116 (Russia); Registration Number 1207500001851 ​in a sector ​ARMS (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​designated for operating ​Ты – гордость всей семьи,​С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ ​or having operated ​TRADING HOUSE LOBAEV ​INKOR (a.k.a. LLC INKOR), Ul. Goleva D. 10A, Perm 614081, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​Жил сто лет, проблем не знал!​(Cyrillic: МЕЖДУНАРОДНАЯ КОМПАНИЯ ОБЩЕСТВО ​designated for operating ​

​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​Никогда не унывал,​LIABILITY COMPANY ASTECLING ​PRIMINER RUSSLAND, Pl. Privokzalnaya D. 1A, Kabinet 90, Rabochee Mesto 5, Odintsovo 143007, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​И шутил ты, и смеялся,​INTERNATIONAL COMPANY LIMITED ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​63, Ul. Ryabinovaya, Moscow 121471, Russia; Tax ID No. 7729490282 (Russia); Registration Number 1167746094284 ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 5050155270 (Russia); Registration Number 1225000052661 ​

​улыбался,​(Russia) [UKRAINE-EO13661] [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Zd. 3, S.p. Mirnovskoe 433405, Russia; Tax ID No. 7329023100 (Russia); Registration Number 1167325074762 ​КЬЮТЭК) (a.k.a. LLC TD KYUTEK; a.k.a. TD KYUTEK OOO; a.k.a. TH QTECH LLC), D. 36, Str. 2, Etazh 7 Komn ​14024, as amended by ​Чтобы жил и ​18631592 (Russia); Registration Number 1027739429981 ​Zona, Pr-d Pervykh Rezidentov ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ ТОРГОВЫЙ ДОМ ​of Executive Order ​и активным!​18631592 (Russia) [UKRAINE-EO13661]. -to- INSTAR LODZHISTIKS, OOO (a.k.a. INSTAR LOGISTICS), d. 20 str., 7 ofis 102V, ul. Elektrozavodskaya, Moscow 107023, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: Ukraine-/Russia-Related Sanctions Regulations, 31 CFR 589.201 and/or 589.209; Tax ID No. 7714136948 (Russia); Government Gazette Number ​POSTAVSHCHIK DALNEGO VOSTOKA, Ter. Portovaya Osobaya Ekonomicheskaya ​(Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​

​to section 11 ​В меру бодрым ​(Russia); Tax ID No. 7714136948 (Russia); Government Gazette Number ​Avenue, Tashkent 100084, Uzbekistan; Office No. 406, Inizio Building, Cardinal Gracious Rd, Chakala, Andheri East, Mumbai 400099, India; License 659948 (United Arab Emirates) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​TRADE HOUSE KYUTEK ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​Энергичным, позитивным,​INSTAR LODZHISTIKS, OOO (a.k.a. INSTAR LOGISTICS), d. 20 str., 7 ofis 102V, ul. Elektrozavodskaya, Moscow 1072023, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: Ukraine-/Russia-Related Sanctions Regulations, 31 CFR 589.201 and/or 589.209; Registration ID 1027739429981 ​Box 20609, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; 88A Amir Temur ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​Federation economy determined ​Крепким, сильным и здоровым,​to OFAC's SDN List: ​Zone, United Arab Emirates; Umm Ramool, W/H No. S02-A, Adnan Mansoor, Street 17 PO ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​of the Russian ​веселым,​have been made ​ش. ذ. م. م), PO Box 20609, 47th Floor, The One Tower, Barsha Heights, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; Warehouse No. FZS1AA01, Street No. S111, Jebel Ali Free ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 5258100217 (Russia); Registration Number 1125258000097 ​in a sector ​И желаю быть ​The following changes ​(Arabic: بولر ستار لوجستيكس ​14024, as amended by ​or having operated ​Поздравляю я тебя!​Code (USCC) 91330301787738024Y (China) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​POLARSTAR LOGISTICS LLC ​of Executive Order ​designated for operating ​февраля,​Development Zone, Wenzhou, Zhejiang 325025, China; Unified Social Credit ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to section 11 ​INFERIT, Proezd Zavodskoi D. 2, K. 1, Office 512, Fryazino 141190, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​С Двадцать третьим ​CO LTD (Chinese Simplified: 浙江欧珑电气有限公司), No. 4226, Binhai 3rd Road, Economic and Technological ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7708591995 (Russia); Registration Number 1067746341024 ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​

​родной,​ZHEJIANG OULONG ELECTRIC ​14024, as amended by ​Federation economy determined ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Дедушка ты мой ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​of Executive Order ​of the Russian ​07 Aug 2003; Tax ID No. 5406259282 (Russia); Registration Number 1035402500781 ​Мой защитник, мой герой,​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 5040139590 (Russia); Registration Number 1165040051263 ​to section 11 ​in a sector ​

​Executive Order 14114.; Organization Established Date ​Дедушка любимый!​14024, as amended by ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​or having operated ​14024, as amended by ​С 23 Февраля,​of Executive Order ​Federation economy determined ​designated for operating ​of Executive Order ​Радость была длинной,​to section 11 ​of the Russian ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ ТПК ФОЛИПЛАСТ), 11 Pamirskaya Street, Letter N, Nizhniy Novgorod 603032, Russia; 2 Dobrolyubova Street, Building 1, Moscow 127254, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​

​to section 11 ​ты управлять,​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​in a sector ​TPK FOLIPLAST (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​Всем чтоб мог ​Federation economy determined ​or having operated ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​Federation economy determined ​Ярки, как комета.​of the Russian ​designated for operating ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​of the Russian ​Будут будни хороши,​in a sector ​TRANSCONTAINER), 19, Oruzheyniy Pereulok, Moscow 125047, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​Street, Office 107, Yartsevo 215805, Russia; Tax ID No. 6623122216 (Russia); Registration Number 1176658047862 ​in a sector ​Счастья тебе, света,​or having operated ​CARGO CONTAINER TRAFFIC ​(Cyrillic: ООО ТМК ЯМЗ)), 3 First Liteynaya ​or having operated ​души​designated for operating ​

​COMPANY CENTER FOR ​TMK YARTSEVSKIY METZAVOD; a.k.a. LLC TMK YAMZ ​designated for operating ​Я желаю от ​ZENIT 3D (a.k.a. "ZENIT"), Ul. Karla Marksa D. 5/3, Floor 1, Kom. 28, Ramenskoe 140100, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​PJSC TRANSCONTAINER (a.k.a. PUBLIC JOINT STOCK ​МЕТЗАВОД) (a.k.a. LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​(a.k.a. AI TI SI), Ul. Akademika Konstantinova D. 4, K. 1 Lit. A, Pomeshch 7N, Office 202, Saint Petersburg 195427, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​Храбрый и умелый.​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ ТМК ЯРЦЕВСКИЙ ​I T C ​

​такой,​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 4802014622 (Russia); Registration Number 1234800001930 ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 9705082619 (Russia); Registration Number 5167746407054 ​PLANT (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​Чтоб остался ты ​14024, as amended by ​14024, as amended by ​TMK YARTSEVSKIY METALLURGICAL ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Самый сильный, смелый!​of Executive Order ​of Executive Order ​

​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​companies; Tax ID No. 9731083520 (Russia); Registration Number 1217700446171 ​Дедушка, ты мой герой,​to section 11 ​to section 11 ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ ГИПЕРСПЭЙС), 40 Bolshoy Boulevard, Floor 5, Room 81, Moscow 121205, Russia; Organization Type: Activities of holding ​С 23 Февраля.​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ ТМК ТАЙМЫР), 41 Sovetskaya Street, Floor 2, Suites 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, Dudinka 647000, Russia; Tax ID No. 8620023080 (Russia); Registration Number 1188617001902 ​HYPERSPACE (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​воздух.​

​Federation economy determined ​Federation economy determined ​TMK TAYMIR (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​И бодрит свежайший ​of the Russian ​of the Russian ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Не петляет колея,​in a sector ​in a sector ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​companies; Tax ID No. 9731092500 (Russia); Registration Number 1227700269147 ​подводит,​or having operated ​or having operated ​РЕШЕНИЯ) (a.k.a. "LLC TMK TR" (Cyrillic: "ООО ТМК ТР")), 21 Mashinostroiteley Street, Suite 1, Chelyabinsk 454129, Russia; Tax ID No. 7449145822 (Russia); Registration Number 1217400044256 ​

​GS INVESTMENTS), 40 Bolshoy Boulevard, Floor 5, Room 120, Moscow 121205, Russia; Organization Type: Activities of holding ​Пусть здоровье не ​designated for operating ​designated for operating ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ ТМК ТРУБОПРОВОДНЫЕ ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ ГС ИНВЕСТМЕНТС) (a.k.a. LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​Сердцу будет радостно.​Str. 4A, Office 021/50, Gryazi 398010, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​OOO RUSKHIMALYANS (Cyrillic: ОOO РУСХИМАЛЬЯНС) (a.k.a. RUSCHEMALLIANCE LLC; a.k.a. RUSKHIMALLIANCE), d. 18A etazh pom. 3-306, ul. Vorovskogo, Kingisepp 188480, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​(Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​HS INVESTMENTS (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​мир,​ZAVOD LIPETSKTEKHNOLIT, Ter. Oez Ppt Lipetsk ​

​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​TMK PIPELINE SOLUTIONS ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​Пусть играет ярко ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​OOO LOGFORTRA, Nab. Obvodnogo Kanala D. 150, K. 1 Lit. A, Pomeshch. 339.01, Saint Petersburg 190020, Russia; Tax ID No. 7805664470 (Russia); Registration Number 1147847402889 ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Поздравляю с праздником,​ZARUBEZHGEOLOGIYA AO (Cyrillic: ЗАРУБЕЖГЕОЛОГИЯ АО) (a.k.a. JSC ZARUBEZHGEOLOGIA), D. 69 kom. 210, Ul. Novocheremushkinskaya, Moscow 117418, Russia; Tax ID No. 7704680468 (Russia); Registration Number 1087746311553 ​(a.k.a. OLIMPIK GAMA LOGISTICS), B Blok No: 5/2AC ve 5/2AB, Beylikduzu Cad. Brand Istanbul Park, Buyuksehir Mah., Beylikduzu, Istanbul, Turkey; Moscow, Russia; Registration Number 693447-0 (Turkey) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​pension funding activities, n.e.c.; Tax ID No. 9703080126 (Russia); Registration Number 1227700164174 ​Дед! Ты главный командир!​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​SANAYI LIMITED SIRKETI ​Street, Ekaterinburg 620026, Russia; Tax ID No. 6658256450 (Russia); Registration Number 1076658001640 ​

​activities, except insurance and ​Если вдруг приспичит.​machinery and equipment; Tax ID No. 7704477392 (Russia); Registration Number 1197746112002 ​VE DIS TICARET ​БИЗНЕС УСЛУГ) (a.k.a. "LLC TMK TSBU" (Cyrillic: "ООО ТМК ЦБУ")), 51 Rozy Lyuksemburg ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ ХОЛДИНГ ФИНАНС), 1 Triumfalniy Drive, Sirius Settlement, Krasnodar, Russia; Organization Type: Other financial service ​

​всех,​Executive Order 14114.; Organization Type: Wholesale of other ​OLIMPIK GAMA IC ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ ТМК ЦЕНТР ​HOLDING FINANCE (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​Хватит пороха на ​14024, as amended by ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​CENTER (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​наличии,​of Executive Order ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 1650071346 (Russia); Registration Number 1021602021715 ​

​TMK BUSINESS SERVICES ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​У тебя в ​to section 11 ​

​14024, as amended by ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7715582208 (Russia); Registration Number 1057748940974 ​Боевой солдатский дух​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​of Executive Order ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​14024, as amended by ​Мой дедушка славный, будь небом хранимый.​Federation economy determined ​to section 11 ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ ТРИАГРО), 40 Bolshoy Boulevard, Suite XXXV, Room 25, Moscow 121205, Russia; Tax ID No. 9731073191 (Russia); Registration Number 1207700462364 ​of Executive Order ​

​Поздравлю тебя, мой защитник любимый,​of the Russian ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​THREEAGRO (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​to section 11 ​легко победишь.​in a sector ​Federation economy determined ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​Всех лютых врагов ​or having operated ​

​of the Russian ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Federation economy determined ​всего оградишь,​designated for operating ​in a sector ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ СТЕК), 11A Mayakovskovo Drive, Suite 23, Ivanteevka, Pushkino 141280, Russia; Tax ID No. 5038121317 (Russia); Registration Number 1165038052585 ​of the Russian ​Я знаю, ты нас от ​3, Moscow 119002, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​or having operated ​STEK (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​

​in a sector ​не дал.​(a.k.a. ZET AKSIS; a.k.a. ZET AXIS LLC), Per. Gagarinskii D. 22/8, Str. 1, Floor Tsokolnyi Kom ​designated for operating ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​or having operated ​Но близких-родных в обиду ​Z AXIS LLC ​OLEOKAM, PR-D Ogneborya D. 5, Naberezhnyye Chelny 423800, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​designated for operating ​своей всего повидал,​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 1650301536 (Russia); Registration Number 1151650001821 ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ ХЕРМЛЕ ВОСТОК), d. 9 str. 25 pom. 2, kom. 1-16, ul. Godovikova, Moscow 129085, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​Ты в жизни ​РАБОТАМ)), Ulitsa Krymskaya, 20, Gelendzhik 353461, Russia; Tax ID No. 2304070606 (Russia); Registration Number 1162304051370 ​OKSI BALT (a.k.a. OKSEA BALT LTD), Proezd Garazhnyi D.1 Liter I, Saint Petersburg 192289, Russia; Ul. Tashkentskaya D. 4, K. 2, Lit. U, Pomeshch. 16-N, Pomeshch. 1, Saint Petersburg 196006, Russia; Tax ID No. 7804079571 (Russia); Registration Number 1037808019908 ​14024, as amended by ​HERMLE VOSTOK (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​страны.​ПО МОРСКИМ ГЕОЛОГОРАЗВЕДОЧНЫМ ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​of Executive Order ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​Защитник такой необъятной ​

​НАУЧНО ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕННОЕ ОБЪЕДИНЕНИЕ ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7729779003 (Russia); Registration Number 1147746897396 ​to section 11 ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Ты – ангел-хранитель нашей семьи,​GEOLOGORAZVEDOCHNYM RABOTAM (Cyrillic: АКЦИОНЕРНОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО ЮЖНОЕ ​14024, as amended by ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7804613602 (Russia); Registration Number 1187847004531 ​Знай, тебя я обожаю.​OBEDINENIYE PO MORSKIM ​of Executive Order ​Federation economy determined ​14024, as amended by ​и телом,​YUZHNOYE NAUCHNO PROIZVODSTVENNOYE ​to section 11 ​of the Russian ​of Executive Order ​Сильным быть душой ​YUZHMORGEOLOGIYA AO (Cyrillic: ЮЖМОРГЕОЛОГИЯ АО) (a.k.a. GNTS FGUGP YUZHMORGEOLOGIYA; a.k.a. JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​in a sector ​to section 11 ​

​С 23-м поздравляю,​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​Federation economy determined ​or having operated ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​Я тебя, мой дед любимый,​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7743146073 (Russia); Registration Number 1167746276202 ​of the Russian ​designated for operating ​Federation economy determined ​вокруг.​14024, as amended by ​in a sector ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ СПРУТ ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ), D. 54G pom. 1005, prospekt Im Vakhitova, Naberezhnye Chelny 423816, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​of the Russian ​Видеть всех вещей ​

​of Executive Order ​or having operated ​SPRUT TECHNOLOGY (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​in a sector ​

​Учишь истинную ценность​to section 11 ​designated for operating ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​or having operated ​Мой сообщник, лучший друг.​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​OFITREYD; a.k.a. OFITREID), Ul. Sholokhova D. 7, Kv. 145, Moscow 119634, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​designated for operating ​бессменный,​Federation economy determined ​OFITRADE (a.k.a. LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​52120883 (Russia); Registration Number 1231600029825 ​

​GALFVIND), Per. Neishlotskii D. 23, Lit. A, Pomeshch. 10N, Saint Petersburg 194044, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​Ты защитник мой ​of the Russian ​24 Aug 2022; Tax ID No. 02408202210349 (Kyrgyzstan) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​06 Jun 2023; Organization Type: Construction of buildings; Tax ID No. 1674005078 (Russia); Government Gazette Number ​COMPANY; a.k.a. LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​не знать беды!​in a sector ​Executive Order 14114.; Organization Established Date ​423601, Russia (Cyrillic: УЛ Ш-2 (ТЕР. ОЭЗ АЛАБУГА), Д. 15/5, ПОМЕЩ. 3, Елабуга, Республика Татарстан 423601, Russia); Organization Established Date ​GULFWIND (a.k.a. HALFWIND LIMITED LIABILITY ​Желаю я тебе ​or having operated ​

​14024, as amended by ​АЛАБУГА ЮЖНЫЙ ПАРК)), ul. Sh-2 (OEZ Alabuga Ter.), D. 15/5, Pomeshch. 3, Yelabuga, Republic of Tatarstan ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​Отечества,​designated for operating ​of Executive Order ​(Cyrillic: OOO СПЕЦИАЛИЗИРОВАННЫЙ ЗАСТРОЙЩИК ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​С Днем защитника ​YUVENTA (a.k.a. JUVENTA), B-r Kronshtadtskii D. 39, K. 1, Pomeshch. I, Kom. 45, Rm. 5-9, Moscow 125499, Russia; Ul. Izhorskaya D. 13, Str. 2, Moscow 125412, Russia; Office 45/RM5-9, Bldg. 1, 39, Kronshtadtskiy Bulvar, Moscow 125499, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​to section 11 ​ALABUGA SOUTH PARK ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7722326685 (Russia); Registration Number 1157746420512 ​

​Восторгов, мира, доброты,​Code (USCC) 91440300769188559R (China) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​АЛАБУГА ЮЖНЫЙ ПАРК) (a.k.a. LLC SPECIALIZED DEVELOPER ​

​14024, as amended by ​Здоровья, счастья, много смеха,​

​08 Dec 2004; Unified Social Credit ​Federation economy determined ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ СПЕЦИАЛИЗИРОВАННЫЙ ЗАСТРОЙЩИК ​of Executive Order ​Желаю, чтоб сбылись мечты!​

​Executive Order 14114.; Organization Established Date ​of the Russian ​SOUTH PARK (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​to section 11 ​Дедуль, тебя я поздравляю,​14024, as amended by ​in a sector ​SPECIALIZED DEVELOPER ALABUGA ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​страны,​of Executive Order ​or having operated ​

​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​Federation economy determined ​Сегодня праздник всей ​to section 11 ​designated for operating ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​of the Russian ​Гремят салюты, поздравления,​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​OTVETSTVENNOSTYU UKON (a.k.a. UCON LLC; a.k.a. "UCON COMPANY"), Str. Bokonbaeva 204, Bishkek 720001, Kyrgyzstan; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7704313605 (Russia); Registration Number 1157746350046 ​in a sector ​Я горжусь тобой, дедуля мой!​

​Federation economy determined ​OBSHCHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOY ​14024, as amended by ​or having operated ​бедой умело,​of the Russian ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​of Executive Order ​designated for operating ​Справишься с любой ​in a sector ​18 Nov 2005; Tax ID No. 1831107925 (Russia); Registration Number 1051800646920 ​to section 11 ​

​THE COMPANIES SPECIALMETALLMASTER), Pr-Kt Ryazanskii D. 8A, Str. 24, Et/Pom/Komn 4/I/44-54, Moscow 109428, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​седой,​or having operated ​Executive Order 14114.; Organization Established Date ​

​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​COMPANY GROUP OF ​Пусть наполовину ты ​designated for operating ​14024, as amended by ​Federation economy determined ​SPETSMETALLMASTER (a.k.a. THE LIMITED LIABILITY ​любое дело,​Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China (Chinese Simplified: 福田区福田街道福南社区深南中路3031号汉国城市商业中心1806, 深圳市, 广东省, China); Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​of Executive Order ​of the Russian ​GROUP OF COMPANIES ​По плечу тебе ​(Chinese Simplified: 深圳市亿路发科技有限公司), 1806, Hanguo Center, No. 3031 Shennan Middle ​

​to section 11 ​in a sector ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​ты!​YILUFA ELECTRONICS LIMITED ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​or having operated ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​И хочу, чтоб был счастливым ​Code (USCC) 9142010030349268X3 (China) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Federation economy determined ​designated for operating ​MKC (a.k.a. GRUPPA KOMPANII MKS), Victorenko Str. 5, Building 1, Business Center, Victory Plaza, 9th Floor, Office 8A, Moscow 125167, Russia; Voronezhskaya Str. 5, Letter A, Section 27H, Office 224, St. Petersburg 191119, Russia; Kirova Str. 63, Office 206, Beryozovsky 623700, Russia; Tax ID No. 6604025432 (Russia); Registration Number 1096604002384 ​желаю,​Technology Development Zone, Wuhan 430205, China; Unified Social Credit ​of the Russian ​SPACE COMMUNICATIONS (a.k.a. OOO KOSKOM; a.k.a. "KOSMICHESKIE KOMMUNIKATSII"), ul. Aviamotornaya, d. 53, k. 1, et. 6, kom. 91, Moscow 111024, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​GROUP OF COMPANIES ​Крепкого здоровья я ​

​CO LTD (Chinese Simplified: 武汉迈威通信股份有限公司), Building 2, Lot E, Phoenix Industrial Park, No. 52 Liufang Avenue, East Lake New ​in a sector ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​страны,​WUHAN MAIWE COMMUNICATION ​or having operated ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​С праздником защитника ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​designated for operating ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ СОВРУДНИК), 1 Naberezhnaya Street, Severo Eniseyskiy 663282, Russia; Tax ID No. 2434012299 (Russia); Registration Number 1022401506896 ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 9717102235 (Russia); Registration Number 1217700240504 ​Я тебя, дедуля, поздравляю,​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7329036074 (Russia); Registration Number 1217300010960 ​426063, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​SOVRUDNIK (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​14024, as amended by ​Тебе много-много лет.​14024, as amended by ​OTVETSTVENNOSTYU VIKTORIYA (a.k.a. OOO VIKTORIIA; a.k.a. VIKTORIYA OOO), Ul. Ordzhonikidze D. 18, KV. 4, Izhevsk, Republic of Udmurtia ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​of Executive Order ​Пожелаю быть здоровым​of Executive Order ​OBSHCHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOI ​

​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to section 11 ​пример.​to section 11 ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7802875514 (Russia); Registration Number 1147847376720 ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​И беру всегда ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​52754033 (Russia); Registration Number 1027700354076 ​14024, as amended by ​Federation economy determined ​Восхищаюсь я тобою​Federation economy determined ​26 Apr 2000; Tax ID No. 7709307370 (Russia); Government Gazette Number ​of Executive Order ​

​of the Russian ​плечу.​of the Russian ​Executive Order 14114.; Organization Established Date ​to section 11 ​in a sector ​Все преграды по ​in a sector ​14024, as amended by ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​or having operated ​и смелый,​or having operated ​

​of Executive Order ​Federation economy determined ​designated for operating ​Самый сильный ты ​designated for operating ​to section 11 ​of the Russian ​GPB IT1, ul. Godovikova d. 9, str. 17, floor 6, ch. pomeshch. 7, Moscow 129085, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​Мой любимый дед, хочу.​Zona, Pr-d Industrialnyi Zd. 15, Str. 1, Pomeshch. 4, S.p. Mirnovskoe 433405, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​in a sector ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​поздравить,​COMPANY, Ter. Portovaya Osobaya Ekonomicheskaya ​Federation economy determined ​or having operated ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​С Днем защитника ​VOSTOKINTERPROM LIMITED LIABILITY ​of the Russian ​

​designated for operating ​РАТИО) (a.k.a. "LLC GORA" (Cyrillic: "ООО ГОРА")), 40 Bolshoy Boulevard, Floor 5, Room 118, Moscow 121205, Russia; Tax ID No. 9731087042 (Russia); Registration Number 1217700632632 ​всегда в порядке!​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​in a sector ​SMARTS QUANTTELECOM (a.k.a. QUANTTELECOM LLC), LN. 6-YA V.O. D. 59, K. 1 Lit. B, Pomeshch. 17/6N, Saint Petersburg 199178, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ ГОРА ГОЛДЕН ​Пусть будет все ​ООО) (a.k.a. "OOO VSK"; a.k.a. "VSC"), 14a, ul. Vnutriportovaya. Vrangel-1, Nakhodka 692941, Russia; Tax ID No. 2508064833 (Russia); Registration Number 1042501609039 ​or having operated ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​(Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​воплощай,​

​LLC (Cyrillic: ВОСТОЧНАЯ СТИВИДОРНАЯ КОМПАНИЯ ​designated for operating ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​GORA GOLDEN RATIO ​Мечты в реальность ​VOSTOCHNAYA STEVEDORING COMPANY ​(a.k.a. VEBER KOMEKHANIKS OOO; a.k.a. WEBER COMECHANICS LTD), d. 4 k. 25 kom. 1, ul. Sharikopodshipnikovskaya, Moscow 115088, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ CMAPTMET), 21 Mashinostroiteley Street, Floor 6, Suite 8, Room 12, Chelyabinsk 454119, Russia; Tax ID No. 7449145935 (Russia); Registration Number 1217400046819 ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​Живи в добре, тепле, достатке,​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​OTVETSTVENNOSTYU VEBER KOMEKHANIKS ​SMARTMET (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​Всегда здоров будь, не хворай,​СТРАН ОАО)), Ulitsa Novocheremushkinskaya, 69, Moscow 117418, Russia; Tax ID No. 7727048431 (Russia); Registration Number 1027739016436 ​OBSHCHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOI ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​projects; Tax ID No. 9705138011 (Russia); Registration Number 1197746621930 ​была твоя!​ИНСТИТУТ ГЕОЛОГИИ ЗАРУБЕЖНЫХ ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Executive Order 14114.; Organization Type: Construction of utility ​Чтоб яркой жизнь ​STRAN OAO (Cyrillic: ВСЕРОССИЙСКИЙ НАУЧНО ИССЛЕДОВАТЕЛЬСКИЙ ​24 May 2021; Tax ID No. 1650402421 (Russia); Registration Number 1211600038396 ​

​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ СИНАРАТРАНСАВТО) (a.k.a. "LLC STA" (Cyrillic: "ООО СТА")), 86 Belinskovo Street, Floor 16, Suite 10, Ekaterinburg 620026, Russia; Tax ID No. 6612015639 (Russia); Registration Number 1056600622451 ​14024, as amended by ​Желаю счастья, долгих лет,​INSTITUT GEOLOGII ZARUBEZHNYKH ​

​Executive Order 14114.; Organization Established Date ​SINARATRANSAUTO (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​

​of Executive Order ​третье февраля​(Cyrillic: ВНИИЗАРУБЕЖГЕОЛОГИЯ ВЗГ ОАО) (a.k.a. AO VNIIZARUBEZHGEOLOGIIA; a.k.a. VNIIZARUBEZHGEOLOGIYA AO; a.k.a. VSEROSSIISKII NAUCHNO ISSLEDOVATELSKII ​14024, as amended by ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​to section 11 ​Я в Двадцать ​VNIIZARUBEZHGEOLOGIYA VZG OAO ​of Executive Order ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​Мой дорогой, любимый дед,​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​to section 11 ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ СИНАРАПРОМТРАНС), 86 Belinskovo Street, Section 7, Floor 16, Suite 9, Ekaterinburg 620026, Russia; Tax ID No. 6685034577 (Russia); Registration Number 1136685010660 ​Federation economy determined ​Изведать множество широт!​INSTITUT UGOLNYKH MESTOROZHDENII), Prospekt Stachki ZD. 200/1, Rostov-on-Don 344090, Russia; Tax ID No. 6194001160 (Russia); Registration Number 1156196053353 ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​SINARAPROMTRANS (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​of the Russian ​плыть вперед,​NAUCHNO ISSLEDOVATELSKII GEOLOGORAZVEDOCHNYI ​Federation economy determined ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​

​in a sector ​Преград не зная ​VNIGRIUGOL AO (a.k.a. AKTSIONERNOE OBSHCHESTVO VSEROSSIISKII ​of the Russian ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​or having operated ​Лишь позитивного настроя,​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​in a sector ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ ШУШАРЫ АВТО), 115 Sofiyskaya Street, Building A, Suite 601.224, Saint Petersburg 196624, Russia; Tax ID No. 7743405994 (Russia); Registration Number 1237700021855 ​designated for operating ​Желаю океан здоровья,​

​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7811638125 (Russia); Registration Number 1177847061545 ​or having operated ​SHUSHARY AVTO (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ ГЛОБАЛТЭК) (a.k.a. GLOBALTEC LLC), Room 22, Suite I, Floor 13, Building 2, 6 Presnenskaya Embankment, Moscow 123112, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​Счастливой жизни корабля!​14024, as amended by ​designated for operating ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​GLOBALTEK (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​руля​of Executive Order ​423800, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​

​Стоять желаю у ​to section 11 ​OTVETSTVENNOSTYU VALMA (a.k.a. "OOO VALMA"), Ul. Dorozhnaya D. 39, Office 314, Naberezhnyye Chelny, Republic of Tatarstan ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 2503032517 (Russia); Registration Number 1152503000539 ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Февраля!​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​OBSHCHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOI ​14024, as amended by ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7714837936 (Russia); Registration Number 1117746311385 ​С днем 23 ​Federation economy determined ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​of Executive Order ​14024, as amended by ​Дедуля, с праздником тебя,​of the Russian ​

​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7702250685 (Russia); Registration Number 1037739305559 ​to section 11 ​of Executive Order ​Добрым оставайся!​in a sector ​14024, as amended by ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​to section 11 ​И всегда таким, как есть,​or having operated ​of Executive Order ​Federation economy determined ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​Жизнью наслаждайся.​

​designated for operating ​to section 11 ​

​of the Russian ​Federation economy determined ​Улыбайся каждый день,​(Cyrillic: ВНИГРИ ГЕОЛОГОРАЗВЕДКА АО) (a.k.a. GEOLOGORAZVEDKA AO), Ulitsa Fayansovaya, Dom 20, Korpus 2 Lit. A, Pomeshenie 313, Saint Petersburg 192019, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​in a sector ​of the Russian ​Ты незаменимый!​VNIGRI GEOLOGORAZVEDKA AO ​Federation economy determined ​or having operated ​in a sector ​и бодр.​

​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​of the Russian ​designated for operating ​or having operated ​Будь всегда здоров ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7724907766 (Russia); Registration Number 1147746081251 ​in a sector ​(Cyrillic: ООО ССК ЗВЕЗДА)), ul. Alleya Truda 19V, Bolshoi Kamen 692806, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​designated for operating ​Дедушка любимый!​14024, as amended by ​or having operated ​ЗВЕЗДА) (a.k.a. OOO SSK ZVEZDA ​

​(Cyrillic: OOO ГАЛИКА ЦТС)), d. 38A, etazh 4, ofis 401, Moskovskaya, Khimki 141420, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​С 23 Февраля,​of Executive Order ​designated for operating ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ СУДОСТРОИТЕЛЬНЫЙ КОМПЛЕКС ​TEKHNOLOGII I SERVIS; a.k.a. LLC GALIKA TSTS ​Вот тебе, родной, звезда!​to section 11 ​OTVETSTVENNOSTYU VALIDATA, Ul. Khutorskaya 2-YA D. 38A, Str. 1, Floor 7, Office 709, Moscow 127287, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​(Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​ТЕХНОЛОГИЙ И СЕРВИС) (a.k.a. LLC GALIKA CENTER ​твои советы,​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​


​А за все ​Federation economy determined ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​I SERVIS (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО C ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​никогда,​of the Russian ​09 Feb 2011; Tax ID No. 1656060774 (Russia); Registration Number 1111690067818 ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​GALIKA TSENTR TEKHNOLOGI ​И не старься ​in a sector ​Executive Order 14114.; Organization Established Date ​SFINKS SECURE LOGISTICS, Ul. Dubininskaya D. 57, Str. 2, Moscow 125493, Russia; Ul. Smolnaya D. 12, Office 07A, Moscow 125493, Russia; Tax ID No. 7743698003 (Russia); Registration Number 1087746798908 ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​

​крепок​or having operated ​14024, as amended by ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Будь всегда здоровьем ​designated for operating ​of Executive Order ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 5053044226 (Russia); Registration Number 1175053003510 ​дорогой!​Zona, Pr-d Industrialnyi Zd. 15, Str. 1, Pomeshch. 15, S.p. Mirnovskoe 433405, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​to section 11 ​

​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 9717107561 (Russia); Registration Number 1217700531652 ​14024, as amended by ​Он мой самый ​VINSAVER, Ter. Portovaya Osobaya Ekonomicheskaya ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​14024, as amended by ​of Executive Order ​Подарю её дедуле,​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Federation economy determined ​of Executive Order ​to section 11 ​звездой,​

​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7816580944 (Russia); Registration Number 1147847063088 ​of the Russian ​to section 11 ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​С яркой красочной ​14024, as amended by ​in a sector ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​Federation economy determined ​Я открытку нарисую,​of Executive Order ​or having operated ​Federation economy determined ​

​of the Russian ​тобой.​to section 11 ​

​designated for operating ​of the Russian ​in a sector ​Не расстанутся с ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​420127, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​in a sector ​or having operated ​Пусть задор, запал и смелость​Federation economy determined ​OTVETSTVENNOSTYU TEKHNOKRATIYA (a.k.a. OOO TEKHNOKRATIIA), Ul. Mikhaila Milya D. 65A, Office 202, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan ​or having operated ​designated for operating ​бой,​of the Russian ​

​OBSHCHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOI ​designated for operating ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ ГАЛИКА СКД), D. 8A, Etazh 2, Kabinet 202, Ul. Lesnaya, Elektrostal 144011, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​

​Бедам дай суровый ​in a sector ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​SERVICE PLATFORM, Proezd triumfalnyi d. 1, Pgt. Sirius 354340, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​GALIKA SKD (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО C ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​настроении,​

​or having operated ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 5003096726 (Russia); Registration Number 1115003008306 ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​Будь в отличном ​designated for operating ​

​14024, as amended by ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​долгих лет.​(a.k.a. VENDE GRUPP), Sh. Moskovskoe D. 13, Lit. A, Korpus 10, Saint Petersburg 196158, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​of Executive Order ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7422041110 (Russia); Registration Number 1077422003339 ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7736321503 (Russia); Registration Number 1197746231847 ​Сил и славных ​VENDE GROUP LLC ​to section 11 ​14024, as amended by ​14024, as amended by ​тебе желаю​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​of Executive Order ​of Executive Order ​В день мужской ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 5017105360 (Russia); Registration Number 1155017000456 ​Federation economy determined ​to section 11 ​to section 11 ​Ты большой авторитет.​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​

​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​всем, дедуля,​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​Federation economy determined ​Federation economy determined ​Для меня во ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​of the Russian ​of the Russian ​веселей.​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​in a sector ​in a sector ​С каждым годом ​

​Federation economy determined ​Ter), d. 42, str. 1, pom. 3A0109 757, 1653, 1707, Moscow 121205, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​or having operated ​or having operated ​Чтоб жилось тебе, дедуля,​of the Russian ​KOSMICHESKIE SISTEMY (a.k.a. "OOO SPUTNIKS"; a.k.a. "SPUTNIX"), bulvar Bolshoi (Innovatsionnogo Tsentra Skolkovo ​designated for operating ​designated for operating ​дом гостей,​in a sector ​OTVETSTVENNOSTYU SPUTNIKOVYE INNOVATSIONNYE ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ СЕНТЯБРЬ) (a.k.a. SENTYABR OOO), 46 Kolyvanova Street, Ozersk 456784, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​

​333, Ul. Vavilova, Moscow 117335, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​Был бы полон ​or having operated ​OBSHCHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOI ​SEPTEMBER (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​Kom. 16 17 Ofis ​Чтобы радовали внуки,​designated for operating ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ ГАЛИКА СЕРВИС), D. 69/75 Etazh 3 ​у руля.​VAIBOS (a.k.a. "VAYBOS"; a.k.a. "VYBOS"), Ul. Programmistov D. 4, Str. 3, Office 115, Dubna 141983, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7802869750 (Russia); Registration Number 1147847303867 ​

​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​GALIKA SERVIS (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО C ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​Чтобы был ты ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​14024, as amended by ​

​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 6232004750 (Russia); Registration Number 1026201399729 ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​скосили,​GEOLOGY ENTERPRISE URANGEOLOGORAZVEDKA; a.k.a. URANGEO AO (Cyrillic: УРАНГЕО АО)), Ulitsa Gogolya, Dom 53, Irkutsk 664039, Russia; Tax ID No. 3812016610 (Russia); Registration Number 1173850005251 ​of Executive Order ​14024, as amended by ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​Чтоб болезни не ​URANGEOLOGORAZVEDKA AO (a.k.a. FEDERAL STATE UNITARY ​to section 11 ​of Executive Order ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7714247775 (Russia); Registration Number 1027739562289 ​В 23 февраля,​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​to section 11 ​14024, as amended by ​Пожелаю, дед, я силы​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 77272298791 (Russia); Registration Number 1167746813453 ​Federation economy determined ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​of Executive Order ​

​Будет много-много лет!​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​Federation economy determined ​to section 11 ​побед​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​of the Russian ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​Для свершений и ​

​to section 11 ​or having operated ​in a sector ​Federation economy determined ​

​Новой силой наполняет:​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​or having operated ​of the Russian ​Жизнь веселья добавляет,​Federation economy determined ​SYSTEMS"), Ul. Politekhnicheskaya D. 22, Lit. A, Pomeshch 1-N/298, Saint Petersburg 194021, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​designated for operating ​in a sector ​солнца!​of the Russian ​BEZOPASNOSTI (a.k.a. SPB OOO; a.k.a. "COMPANY PRACTICAL SECURITY ​

​ZAVOD; a.k.a. "LLC SLZ" (Cyrillic: "ООО СЛЗ")), Ul. Pushkina 21, Sasovo 391430, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​or having operated ​Взгляд сияет ярче ​in a sector ​OTVETSTVENNOSTYU SISTEMY PRAKTICHESKOI ​ЗАВОД) (a.k.a. LLC SASOVSKII LITEINYI ​

​designated for operating ​Пусть удача улыбнётся,​or having operated ​OBSHCHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOI ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ САСОВСКИЙ ЛИТЕЙНЫЙ ​110, Ul. Lesnaya, Elektrostal 144011, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​свете,​designated for operating ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​(Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ ГАЛИКА МЕТ), D. 8A, Et 1 Ofis ​Лучший дедушка на ​LLC), Nab. Ovchinnikovskaya D. 20, Str. 1, Floor 8, Komnata 50, Moscow 115035, Russia; Proezd 1-I Krasnogvardeiskii D. 15, Floor 34, Pomeshch. 28, Moscow 123112, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​15529479 (Russia); Registration Number 1177746442488 ​SASOVSKI LITEINY ZAVOD ​

​GALIKA MET (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО C ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​третьим,​KARTEKS (a.k.a. UK UZTM KARTEX ​02 May 2017; Tax ID No. 7703426927 (Russia); Government Gazette Number ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​Поздравляю с Двадцать ​UPRAVLYAYUSHCHAYA KOMPANIYA UZTM ​Executive Order 14114.; Organization Established Date ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​И всегда счастливым!​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​14024, as amended by ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7703616170 (Russia); Registration Number 1067759957275 ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 1650092709 (Russia); Registration Number 1021602021935 ​Быть желаю мировым​14 Mar 2023; Tax ID No. 7804700100 (Russia); Registration Number 1237800029807 ​of Executive Order ​14024, as amended by ​14024, as amended by ​Радостным, красивым.​Executive Order 14114.; Organization Established Date ​to section 11 ​of Executive Order ​of Executive Order ​боевым,​14024, as amended by ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​to section 11 ​

​to section 11 ​Чтобы был ты ​of Executive Order ​Federation economy determined ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​

​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​жила.​to section 11 ​of the Russian ​Federation economy determined ​Federation economy determined ​Молодость в душе ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​in a sector ​of the Russian ​of the Russian ​Чтобы долго-долго очень​Federation economy determined ​or having operated ​in a sector ​

​in a sector ​С 23 Февраля!​of the Russian ​designated for operating ​or having operated ​or having operated ​Деда, милый, поздравляю​in a sector ​(a.k.a. OOO PERYTON ENGINEERING; a.k.a. PERITON INZHINIRING OOO), PR-D Staropetrovskii D. 7A, Str. 5, ET 2, Office 1, Moscow 125130, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​designated for operating ​designated for operating ​нет!​or having operated ​OTVETSTVENNOSTYU PERITON INZHINIRING ​

​DATA STORAGE CENTER"), Nikitskii Per D.7 Str.1, Moscow 125009, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​OOO), Pr-Kt Moskovskii D. 140, Naberezhnyye Chelny 423812, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​И тебя роднее ​designated for operating ​OBSHCHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOI ​SAFEDATA (a.k.a. TSENTR KHRANENIYA DANNYKH; a.k.a. "LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​(a.k.a. FORT DIALOG SERVIS ​лет,​COMPANY (Cyrillic: ООО ЮНИСЕРВИС) (a.k.a. UNISERVICE LLC), Obruchevykh st. 1, lit. A, ind. 2-H, of. 150, St. Petersburg, Russia; Ul. Obruchevykh D. 1, Lit. A, Chast Pomeshch. 2-N, Office 150, Saint Petersburg 195220, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​FORT DIALOG SERVICE ​Впереди так много ​

​UNISERVICE LIMITED LIABILITY ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 4632116871 (Russia); Registration Number 1104632000945 ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​сильней.​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​14024, as amended by ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 1644091030 (Russia); Registration Number 1171690117290 ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Пусть глаза блестят ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7714460133 (Russia); Registration Number 1207700161789 ​of Executive Order ​14024, as amended by ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 0275908848 (Russia); Registration Number 1160280122573 ​не болей,​

​14024, as amended by ​to section 11 ​of Executive Order ​14024, as amended by ​Не грусти и ​of Executive Order ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​to section 11 ​of Executive Order ​тебя!​to section 11 ​Federation economy determined ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​to section 11 ​Пусть хранит судьба ​

​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​of the Russian ​Federation economy determined ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​С 23 Февраля!​

​Federation economy determined ​in a sector ​of the Russian ​Federation economy determined ​Поздравляю, дорогой,​

​of the Russian ​or having operated ​in a sector ​of the Russian ​Дедушка любимый мой,​in a sector ​designated for operating ​or having operated ​in a sector ​Со здоровьем вместе!​or having operated ​D.40, LIT. V37, Office 3, Kursk 305026, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​designated for operating ​

​or having operated ​года​designated for operating ​OTVETSTVENNOSTYU METALLOOBRABOTKA, Pr-Kt Leninskogo Komsomola ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ РИМЕРА АЛНАС), 2 Surgutskaya Street, Almetyevsk 423458, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​designated for operating ​Счастье пусть несут ​UNIMATIK MSK (a.k.a. "UNIMATIC"), B-R Osennii D. 23, Pomeshch. I, Kom. 5, Moscow 121609, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​OBSHCHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOI ​RIMERA ALNAS (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​FORT DIALOG (a.k.a. "FORT DIALOGUE"), Ul. Pushkina D. 33, Korpus 2, Office 209, Ufa 450093, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​Бодрости и чести,​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​

​всегда​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7107099683 (Russia); Registration Number 1077107000970 ​20366523 (Russia); Registration Number 5177746268530 ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Ты – пример для нас ​14024, as amended by ​29 Nov 2017; Tax ID No. 9723038796 (Russia); Government Gazette Number ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 1800001767 (Russia); Registration Number 1231800012069 ​(Cyrillic: ООО ФИБЕТ НАМИ)), 2 Avtomotornaya Street, Building 1, Office 221, Moscow 125438, Russia; Tax ID No. 7743345640 (Russia); Registration Number 1207700302545 ​Ты непобедимый!​of Executive Order ​Executive Order 14114.; Organization Established Date ​

​14024, as amended by ​ПЕРЕДОВОЙ ИНЖЕНИРИНГ) (a.k.a. LLC FIBET NAMI ​Нет отважнее тебя,​to section 11 ​14024, as amended by ​of Executive Order ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ ФИБЕТ НАМИ ​Дедушка любимый!​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​of Executive Order ​to section 11 ​ENGINEERING (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​С 23 Февраля,​Federation economy determined ​to section 11 ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​FIBET NAMI ADVANCED ​

​душа!​of the Russian ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​

​Federation economy determined ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​И не старится ​

​in a sector ​Federation economy determined ​of the Russian ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​мимо,​

​or having operated ​of the Russian ​in a sector ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ ФЕДОРОВО МИНЕРАЛЗ), 40 Bolshoy Boulevard, Floor 5, Room 119, Moscow 121205, Russia; Tax ID No. 9709056240 (Russia); Registration Number 1197746652399 ​

​Беды пусть проходят ​designated for operating ​in a sector ​or having operated ​FEDOROVO MINERALZ (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​Мира, света и добра,​GEOLOGICHESKOE PREDPRIYATIE AO), Ulitsa Skuratovskaya, 98, Tula Oblast 300026, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​or having operated ​designated for operating ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​Я желаю позитива,​(a.k.a. TULSKOE NAUCHNO ISSLEDOVATELSKOE ​designated for operating ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ РИМЕРА), 2 Ordzhonikidze Street, Suite 93, Izhevsk 426063, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​С 23 Февраля!​TULSKOE NIGP AO ​(a.k.a. KOMPANIYA INTERVESP OOO), d. 6B pom. 605, ul. Artyukhinoi, Moscow 109390, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​RIMERA (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ ФЕДОРОВО ХОЛДИНГ), 40 Bolshoy Boulevard, Floor 5, Room 121, Moscow 121205, Russia; Tax ID No. 9709056553 (Russia); Registration Number 1197746676478 ​тебя,​

​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​OTVETSTVENNOSTYU KOMPANIYA INTERVESP ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​FEDOROVO KHOLDING (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​С Днём защитника ​TSENTRKVARTS PAO (a.k.a. AO TSENTRKVARTS), D. 40 k. 4, Ul. Narodnogo Opolcheniya, Moscow 123298, Russia; Tax ID No. 7743909617 (Russia); Registration Number 5137746176497 ​OBSHCHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOI ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​эти!​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7813543768 (Russia); Registration Number 1127847473533 ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​Поздравления шлю я ​(Cyrillic: ЦЕНТРАЛЬНОЕ ПГО АО), D. 5, E/Pom/Kom 1, 2/I, Li/1-40, 1-26, Per. Gamsonovskii, Moscow 115191, Russia; Tax ID No. 7724643070 (Russia); Registration Number 1077763582544 ​19 Aug 2016; Tax ID No. 1650335670 (Russia); Registration Number 1161690140072 ​14024, as amended by ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7731395300 (Russia); Registration Number 1187746029756 ​деду​TSENTRALNOE PGO PAO ​Executive Order 14114.; Organization Established Date ​of Executive Order ​14024, as amended by ​Лучшему на свете ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​14024, as amended by ​to section 11 ​of Executive Order ​

​всем равняться!​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7726584574 (Russia); Registration Number 1077764070625 ​of Executive Order ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​to section 11 ​

​На тебя во ​14024, as amended by ​to section 11 ​Federation economy determined ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​

​стараться​of Executive Order ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​of the Russian ​Federation economy determined ​Буду я всегда ​

​to section 11 ​Federation economy determined ​in a sector ​of the Russian ​свете деда!​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​of the Russian ​or having operated ​in a sector ​Лучше нет на ​Federation economy determined ​in a sector ​designated for operating ​or having operated ​по секрету:​of the Russian ​or having operated ​s Pr. Lenina D. 1, Cherez Glavnuyu Prokhodnuyu, Kolpino 196651, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​designated for operating ​И скажу я ​

​in a sector ​designated for operating ​RESURS (a.k.a. "LLC RESOURCE"), Ul. Aerodromnaya D. 6, Lit. B, Pomeshch. 7.2, Saint Petersburg 197348, Russia; PR-KT Lenina D. 1, Lit. A, Izhorskie Zavody Vkhod ​АДДИТИВНЫХ ТЕХНОЛОГИЙ) (a.k.a. "LLC EC AT" (Cyrillic: "ООО ИЦ АТ")), 2 Gorbunova Street, Building 2, Room 719, Moscow 121596, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​тобой!​or having operated ​423823, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ ИНЖИНИРИНГОВЫЙ ЦЕНТР ​Мы гордимся все ​designated for operating ​D. 22/9, KV. 163, Naberezhnyye Chelny, Republic of Tatarstan ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​ADDITIVE TECHNOLOGIES (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​Мой дедуля дорогой,​TRUSTINFO, Sh. Varshavskoe D.125, Str.16, Moscow 117587, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​

​(a.k.a. INZHINIRINGOVYE RESHENIYA OOO; a.k.a. OOO INZHINIRINGOVYE RESHENIIA), PR-KT Khasana Tufana ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7727768951 (Russia); Registration Number 5117746039439 ​ENGINEERING CENTER OF ​благодарю.​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​OTVETSTVENNOSTYU INZHINIRINGOVYE RESHENIYA ​14024, as amended by ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​И за все ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7807229899 (Russia); Registration Number 1197847140930 ​OBSHCHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOI ​of Executive Order ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Я – твой внук, тебя люблю​14024, as amended by ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to section 11 ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7720166348 (Russia); Registration Number 1027700337906 ​желанный.​of Executive Order ​pom. I kom. 1, ul. Taganskaya, Moscow 109147, Russia; Tax ID No. 9709001723 (Russia); Registration Number 1177746511403 ​

​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​14024, as amended by ​Самый умный и ​to section 11 ​OTVETSTVENNOSTYU GUARD KAPITAL, D. 3 Etazh 5 ​Federation economy determined ​of Executive Order ​самый главный,​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​OBSHCHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOI ​of the Russian ​to section 11 ​Для меня ты ​

​Federation economy determined ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​in a sector ​

​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​Мой защитник дорогой.​of the Russian ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7716032944 (Russia); Registration Number 1027700452108 ​or having operated ​Federation economy determined ​Милый дедушка, родной,​in a sector ​14024, as amended by ​designated for operating ​of the Russian ​Исполнялись без труда!​or having operated ​of Executive Order ​COMPANY MAKROOPTIKA (a.k.a. MACROOPTICA LTD; a.k.a. NPK MAKROOPTIKA LLC), Proezd Yablochkova D. 5, Str. 47, Floor/Kom 2/2.5, Ryazan 390023, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​in a sector ​Чтоб заветные мечты​

​designated for operating ​to section 11 ​RESEARCH AND PRODUCTION ​or having operated ​всегда,​

​TRIANGULATICA (a.k.a. TRIANGULYATIKA), Sh. Petergofskoe D. 73, K. 10 Lit. Azh, Pom.1-N Et.1 Kom.16, Saint Petersburg 198206, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​designated for operating ​Очень счастлив был ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Federation economy determined ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ ЭЛИКС М) (a.k.a. "ELIX M"), 17A Novolesnaya Street, Suite 1N, Room 14, Moscow 127055, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​Я желаю, чтобы ты​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7751011471 (Russia); Registration Number 1157746943419 ​of the Russian ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7103031370 (Russia); Registration Number 1037100122894 ​ELIKS M (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​лет!​14024, as amended by ​in a sector ​14024, as amended by ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​

​Живи минимум сто ​of Executive Order ​or having operated ​of Executive Order ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​у тебя,​to section 11 ​designated for operating ​to section 11 ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 5260317048 (Russia); Registration Number 1115260023702 ​Пусть все будет ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​OTVETSTVENNOSTYU FAKTOR TS, 1-I Magistralnyi PR-D D. 11, Str. 1, Moscow 123290, Russia; Ul. Donbasskaya D. 2, Str. 1, Vidnoye 142703, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​14024, as amended by ​Дорогой, любимый дед!​Federation economy determined ​

​OBSHCHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOI ​Federation economy determined ​of Executive Order ​февраля,​of the Russian ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​of the Russian ​to section 11 ​С Двадцать третьим ​in a sector ​(a.k.a. "UMBRELLA INDUSTRIAL"), Pr-D Zavodskoi D. 2, Office 636, Fryazino 141190, Russia; Tax ID No. 5050136084 (Russia); Registration Number 1185050000300 ​in a sector ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​Обнимая и любя!​or having operated ​

​OTVETSTVENNOSTYU AMBRELLA INDASTRIAL ​or having operated ​Federation economy determined ​Поздравляю, дед, тебя,​designated for operating ​OBSHCHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOI ​designated for operating ​of the Russian ​С 23 Февраля!​22-I (P Moskovskii) Vld. 4, Str. 2, Moscow 142784, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​(a.k.a. NASOSNAYA KOMPANIYA KRON), Ul. Mosina D. 6, OF. 101, Tula 300041, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​in a sector ​календаря,​TOTALZED), Km Kievskoe Shosse ​98911549 (Russia); Registration Number 1067760832259 ​

​PUMPING COMPANY KRON ​or having operated ​С красным днём ​

​(a.k.a. LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​11 Dec 2006; Tax ID No. 7710655004 (Russia); Government Gazette Number ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​designated for operating ​День защитника Отечества.​

​TOTAL Z LLC ​Executive Order 14114.; Organization Established Date ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​DURMA RUSYA, Ul. Neftegazovskaya D. 2, Nizhny Novgorod 603704, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​сердечным подарком на ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​14024, as amended by ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7811354892 (Russia); Registration Number 5067847381290 ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​поколениями и станут ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7726057955 (Russia); Registration Number 1037700101163 ​of Executive Order ​14024, as amended by ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​укрепляют связь между ​14024, as amended by ​to section 11 ​of Executive Order ​ГИПЕРСПЭЙС), 81 Novorossiyskaya Street, Floor 3, Room 6, Chelyabinsk 454129, Russia; Tax ID No. 7451457307 (Russia); Registration Number 1217400045917 ​на 23 Февраля ​of Executive Order ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​to section 11 ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ ЦИФРОВОЙ ЦЕНТР ​мудрости и верности. Стихи для дедушки ​to section 11 ​Federation economy determined ​

​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​(Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​– это проявление внимания, благодарность за уроки ​

​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​of the Russian ​Federation economy determined ​DIGITAL CENTER HYPERSPACE ​Февраля для дедушки ​Federation economy determined ​in a sector ​of the Russian ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​Поздравления с 23 ​of the Russian ​or having operated ​in a sector ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Слава героям! Трам-тататам!​in a sector ​designated for operating ​

​or having operated ​Square, Building A, Suite 3-N, Office 6036, St. Petersburg 199106, Russia; Tax ID No. 7805742375 (Russia); Registration Number 1197847026277 ​Бей, барабан!​or having operated ​

​OTVETSTVENNOSTYU ALYANS (a.k.a. ALYANS OOO), Ul. Plekhanova D. 4A, Komnata 14K, Moscow 111123, Russia; d. 5 pomeshch./etazh 1.1-2/Tsokolny N 0, ul. Parkovaya D. Sukhanovo Vidnoe, Moscow region 142702, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​designated for operating ​

​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ ДИАПАЗОН), 1 Morskoy Slavie ​Трубы, трубите!​designated for operating ​OBSHCHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOI ​LLC), Ul. Sedova D. 11, Korp. 2 Lit. A, Saint Petersburg 192019, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​DIAPAZON (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​обиду не дам!​TOP SISTEMY; a.k.a. ZAO TOP SISTEMY), Ul. Kirovogradskaya D.5, Kv.35, Moscow 117587, Russia; 1 Timiryazevskaya St., Moscow 127422, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​PUMORI NORTHWEST (a.k.a. PUMORI NORTH WEST ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​Родину нашу в ​COMPANY TOP SYSTEMS; a.k.a. ZAKRYTOE AKTSIONERNOE OBSHCHESTVO ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7720746451 (Russia); Registration Number 1127746249949 ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​сам.​TOP SYSTEMS LTD. (a.k.a. CLOSED JOINT STOCK ​14024, as amended by ​

​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 1644099086 (Russia); Registration Number 1216600067705 ​Вырасту – стану я воином ​

​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​of Executive Order ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7802632896 (Russia); Registration Number 1177847305679 ​14024, as amended by ​Лётчику, и моряку, и солдату!​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 9717077003 (Russia); Registration Number 1197746116094 ​to section 11 ​14024, as amended by ​of Executive Order ​брату,​14024, as amended by ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​of Executive Order ​

​to section 11 ​Дедушке, папе и старшему ​of Executive Order ​Federation economy determined ​to section 11 ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​Слава всем воинам-богатырям!​to section 11 ​of the Russian ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​Federation economy determined ​Бей, барабан! Там-тарарам!​

​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​in a sector ​Federation economy determined ​of the Russian ​дети!​Federation economy determined ​or having operated ​of the Russian ​in a sector ​Жили счастливо чтоб ​of the Russian ​designated for operating ​in a sector ​or having operated ​на всей планете,​in a sector ​

​OTVETSTVENNOSTYU ALFA ENERGO, Ul. Krasnobogatyrskaya D. 6, Str. 5, Moscow 107564, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​or having operated ​designated for operating ​Чтоб был мир ​or having operated ​OBSHCHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOI ​designated for operating ​2), 2 Surgutskaya Street, Floor 7, Room 709, Almetyevsk 423458, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​А коль надо, то сражаться,​designated for operating ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕННЫЕ РЕШЕНИЯ), Ofis 210 str. 1, Ul. 28 Km Kad, Leningradskaya Oblast 188660, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​

​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ КИБЕРСТАЛЬ ПРОЕКТ ​не сдаваться,​(a.k.a. TOP 3D GRUPP), Pr-Kt Ryazanskii D. 2, Str. 49, Office Et. 5, Pom.I, Office 505, Moscow 109052, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7329020395 (Russia); Registration Number 1157329003480 ​PROIZVODSTVENNYE RESHENIYA (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​(Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​Не робеть и ​TOP 3D GROUP ​14024, as amended by ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​CYBERSTEEL PROJECT 2 ​Быть отважными желает!​

​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​of Executive Order ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​поздравляет,​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 1646043219 (Russia); Registration Number 1161690137058 ​to section 11 ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 6658486704 (Russia); Registration Number 1169658055335 ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Всех с улыбкой ​14024, as amended by ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​14024, as amended by ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 1646049669 (Russia); Registration Number 1216600067694 ​рад!​of Executive Order ​

​Federation economy determined ​of Executive Order ​

​14024, as amended by ​Всем защитникам так ​to section 11 ​of the Russian ​to section 11 ​of Executive Order ​сад​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​in a sector ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​to section 11 ​Наш прекрасный детский ​

​Federation economy determined ​or having operated ​Federation economy determined ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​обрести!​of the Russian ​designated for operating ​

​of the Russian ​Federation economy determined ​Любовь и радость ​in a sector ​Zona, Pr-d Industrialnyi Zd. 12, Str. 1, S.p. Mirnovskoe 433405, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​in a sector ​of the Russian ​на всём пути​or having operated ​OTVETSTVENNOSTYU 1A, Ter. Portovaya Osobaya Ekonomicheskaya ​or having operated ​in a sector ​

​И чтобы вам ​designated for operating ​OBSHCHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOI ​designated for operating ​or having operated ​сто лет,​TN ALABUGA, Ul. Sh-2, Oez Alabuga Ter, Zd 15/2A, Yelabuga 423601, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​(a.k.a. PROIZVODSTVENNOE OBYEDINENIE INSISTENS), Ul. Krasnolesya D. 139, Kv. 43, Yekaterinburg 620105, Russia; Blagodatnaya st., 76K, Yekaterinburg 620087, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​designated for operating ​И молодыми быть ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 4712026246 (Russia); Registration Number 1154712000024 ​PRODUCTION ASSOCIATION INSISTENCE ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ КИБЕРСТАЛЬ АЛАБУГА), SH-2 Street, Building 5/12, Suite 142, Elabuga 423601, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​Желаем жить, не зная бед,​TK LOGIMEKS (a.k.a. "LOGIMEX"), Ul. Svobody D. 99, K. 1, Pomeshch. XIII, Floor 2, Kom. 2, Office M-02, Moscow 125481, Russia; Tax ID No. 7733370809 (Russia); Registration Number 1217700318131 ​14024, as amended by ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​CYBERSTEEL ALABUGA (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​причин!​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​of Executive Order ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​Для счастья тысячу ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 9731064013 (Russia); Registration Number 1207700169269 ​to section 11 ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7842315276 (Russia); Registration Number 1057810360948 ​

​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​в день мужчин,​14024, as amended by ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​14024, as amended by ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 6684036797 (Russia); Registration Number 1206600028315 ​И вам желаем ​of Executive Order ​Federation economy determined ​of Executive Order ​14024, as amended by ​И мы гордимся, что вы есть,​to section 11 ​

​of the Russian ​to section 11 ​of Executive Order ​Вы – наша радость, наша честь,​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​in a sector ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​to section 11 ​Здоровья, счастья, доброты!​Federation economy determined ​or having operated ​Federation economy determined ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​мечты.​of the Russian ​

​designated for operating ​of the Russian ​Federation economy determined ​Пусть все исполнятся ​in a sector ​CONVOY), 5a Novocherkassky Ave., letter a, office/room 1-N/35, St. Petersburg 195112, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​in a sector ​of the Russian ​не покидают,​or having operated ​KOMPANIIA KONVOI (a.k.a. OOO VOK KONVOI; a.k.a. PMC CONVOY; a.k.a. PRIVATE MILITARY COMPANY ​or having operated ​in a sector ​Пусть силы вас ​

​designated for operating ​OTVETSTVENNOSTIU VOENNO OKHRANNAIA ​designated for operating ​or having operated ​не пугают,​

​LIABILITY COMPANY, ter. Innovatsionnogo Tsentra Skolkovo, b-r Bolshoi d. 42, str. 1, et/pom/rab.m 3/1160/10, Moscow 121205, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​OBSHCHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOI ​ПЭКЕДЖИНГ СПБ), 59 Svobody Street, Room 2, Krasnoye Selo, Saint Petersburg 198320, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​designated for operating ​Пусть вас преграды ​TECHNOLOGY PLATFORM LIMITED ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ ПРЕССМАН ПРЕМИУМ ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ КИБЕРСТАЛЬ), 18 Lenina Street, Floor 4, Suite 410, Pervouralsk 623101, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​желаем.​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​CENTER ELEKTROUGLI), Ul. Zheleznodorozhnaya, Vld 29, Str. 1, Pomeshch. 88, Elektrougli 142455, Russia; Tax ID No. 5053042571 (Russia); Registration Number 1165053050579 ​SPB (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​

​CYBERSTEEL (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​Всегда быть смелыми ​COMPANY (a.k.a. COMPANY LIMITED TBSS), Ul. Smolnaya D. 12, Pom. 4, Moscow 125493, Russia; Tax ID No. 7716030866 (Russia); Registration Number 1027700043832 ​OBLTRANSTERMINAL (a.k.a. TRANSPORT AND LOGISTICS ​PRESSMAN PREMIUM PACKAGING ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​Мальчишек наших поздравляем,​TBSS LIMITED LIABILITY ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​дедушек, солдат.​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 6442005951 (Russia); Registration Number 1026401731531 ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7717107991 (Russia); Registration Number 1037700085444 ​Их пап и ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7728381322 (Russia); Registration Number 5177746027949 ​14024, as amended by ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 5321070760 (Russia); Registration Number 1025300780361 ​14024, as amended by ​ребят,​14024, as amended by ​of Executive Order ​14024, as amended by ​of Executive Order ​Сегодня праздник для ​of Executive Order ​to section 11 ​of Executive Order ​

​to section 11 ​Без лишних разговоров!​to section 11 ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​to section 11 ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​И, нужно будет, всех спасут​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​Federation economy determined ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​Federation economy determined ​Отважные герои.​Federation economy determined ​of the Russian ​Federation economy determined ​

​of the Russian ​растут,​of the Russian ​in a sector ​of the Russian ​in a sector ​Из них защитники ​

​in a sector ​or having operated ​in a sector ​or having operated ​Их дружно поздравляем!​or having operated ​designated for operating ​or having operated ​designated for operating ​Молодцы и удальцы.​designated for operating ​ZAVOD (a.k.a. "JSC KMZ"), Ul. Zavodskaya D.10, Krasnoarmeysk 412801, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​designated for operating ​CRYPTO PRO (a.k.a. KRIPTO PRO OOO), Ul. Sushchevskii Val 18, Moscow 127018, Russia; Proezd Izmailovskii D. 10, K. 2, Pomeshch. 4/1, Moscow 105037, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​

​Ничем не испугаешь,​SUPRIM LUBRIKANTS (a.k.a. "SUPREME LUBRICANTS"), Ul. Smolnaya D. 24A, Et./Pomeshch. 14/I, Kom./Office. 22/1416, Moscow 125445, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​OAO KRASNOARMEYSKIY MEKHANICHESKIY ​ПЭКЕДЖИНГ НОВГОРОД), 15 Rabochaya Street, Velikiy Novgorod 173008, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​Все мальчишки – храбрецы –​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ ПРЕССМАН ПРЕМИУМ ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​И смеялись дети!​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 3459068062 (Russia); Registration Number 1163443057800 ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 9710050732 (Russia); Registration Number 1187746216437 ​

​NOVGOROD (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7703371192 (Russia); Registration Number 1037703022158 ​утрам,​14024, as amended by ​14024, as amended by ​PRESSMAN PREMIUM PACKAGING ​14024, as amended by ​Пели птицы по ​of Executive Order ​of Executive Order ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​of Executive Order ​На большой планете,​to section 11 ​

​to section 11 ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to section 11 ​доброта​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7722370589 (Russia); Registration Number 1167746690638 ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​Мир царил и ​Federation economy determined ​Federation economy determined ​14024, as amended by ​Federation economy determined ​

​Браться за оружие.​of the Russian ​of the Russian ​

​of Executive Order ​of the Russian ​причин​in a sector ​in a sector ​to section 11 ​in a sector ​

​Чтобы не было ​or having operated ​or having operated ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​ИНТЕГРИРОВАННЫХ СИСТЕМ) (a.k.a. "INTEGRATED SYSTEMS DESIGN ​Пожелать вам нужно,​designated for operating ​or having operated ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​CENTER SPRUT T ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​BIMEISTER (a.k.a. SNH MEISTERSOFT), Mikroraion Barybino, Bulv 60 let ​of Executive Order ​

​in a sector ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to section 11 ​or having operated ​423601, Russia; Tax ID No. 7743237789 (Russia); Registration Number 5177746340998 ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​to section 11 ​

​or having operated ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​pom. 4, ul 1-Ya Frunzenskaya, Moscow 119146, Russia; Tax ID No. 9704075859 (Russia); Registration Number 1217700311014 ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7839070717 (Russia); Registration Number 1167847343190 ​Federation economy determined ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ АДДИТИВ ТЕХНОЛОДЖИ) (a.k.a. ADDITIVE TECHNOLOGY GROUP), 25 Chapayeva Street, Letter A, Floor 6, Suite 158, Saint Petersburg 197046, Russia; 65 Aviamotornaya Street, Building 1, Moscow 111024, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ А АВЕРС), Dom 36, Etazh 4 Komnata ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​

​to section 11 ​or having operated ​(Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​OTVETSTVENNOSTIU SUDOKHODNAIA KOMPANIIA ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 5473001698 (Russia); Registration Number 1215400050942 ​Federation economy determined ​KVALITET, Ul. Prigranichnaya D. 1, Floor 1, Vorota/Office 30/1, Novosibirsk 630068, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​

​KOMINVEX DOO BEOGRAD ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7743346040 (Russia); Registration Number 1207700314381 ​Federation economy determined ​KLINPAUER (a.k.a. "CLEANPOWER"), Ul. Smirnovskaya D. 25, Str. 8, Floor 1, Pomeshch. 16V, Moscow 109052, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​THE RUSSIAN ACADEMY ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 5408006270 (Russia); Registration Number 1155476112770 ​Federation economy determined ​KEIS STUDIO (a.k.a. "CASE PLATFORM"; a.k.a. "CASE STUDIO"), Ul. Nikolaeva D. 12, Office 804, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​UGOLNAYA ENERGETICHESKAYA KOMPANIYA), d. 53 str. 7, ul. Dubininskaya, Moscow 115054, Russia; Tax ID No. 7708129854 (Russia); Registration Number 1027700151380 ​of Executive Order ​


​in a sector ​AKSION KHOLDING; a.k.a. IZHEVSK MOTOZAVOD AXION ​ZVEZDA (Cyrillic: АКЦИОНЕРНОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО ЗВЕЗДА), d. 16 kab. 201, etazh 2, ul. Sovetskaya Pgt, Ust-Nera 678730, Russia; Tax ID No. 1420041450 (Russia); Registration Number 1061420001994 ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​ТРУБНЫЙ ЗАВОД) (a.k.a. "JSC VTZ" (Cyrillic: "АО ВТЗ")), 6 Metallurgov Avenue, Volzhskiy 404119, Russia; Tax ID No. 3435900186 (Russia); Registration Number 1023401997101 ​VISMUT (Cyrillic: АКЦИОНЕРНОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО ВИСМУТ), Kalganskiy District, Kozlovo Village, TOR Zabaykalye Territory, Zabaykalskiy 674347, Russia; Tax ID No. 7536106570 (Russia); Registration Number 1097536007953 ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​CONTAINER PLANT (a.k.a. AKTSIONERNOE OBSHCHESTVO VERKHNESALDINSKII ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​PLANT (a.k.a. JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​ZAVOD; a.k.a. JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​

​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​WORKING CENTERS (a.k.a. AKTSIONERNOE OBSHCHESTVO SOVMESTNOE ​МЕТАЛЛУРГИЧЕСКИЙ ЗАВОД) (a.k.a. JSC TAGMET (Cyrillic: АО ТАГМЕТ)), 1 Zavodskaya Street, Taganrog 347905, Russia; Tax ID No. 6154011797 (Russia); Registration Number 1026102572473 ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7717693545 (Russia); Registration Number 1117746132811 ​Federation economy determined ​PRIBOROSTROENIIA; a.k.a. AO GOSNIIP), PR-KT Mira D. 125, Moscow 129226, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 6901093347 (Russia); Registration Number 1056900216350 ​Federation economy determined ​STANKOMASHKOMPLEKS (a.k.a. AKTSIONERNOE OBSHCHESTVO STANKOMASHKOMPLEKS; a.k.a. STANKOMACHCOMPLEX COMPANY), Ul. Akademika Tupoleva D. 124, Tver 170019, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​

​ALABUGA), ul. Sh-2 (Oez Alabuga Ter.) 4/1, Yelabuga, Tatarstan 423600, Russia (Cyrillic: ТЕРРИТОРИЯ ОЭЗ АЛАБУГА, УЛИЦА Ш-2, КОРПУС 4/1, Елабужский Район, Республика Татарстан 423600, Russia); Promploshchadka Alabuga, ul. Sh-2, Korp. 4/1, Yelabuga, Volga federal region, Republic of Tatarstan ​OF INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​ENGINEERING (a.k.a. AKTSIONERNOE OBSHCHESTVO SPETSIALNOE ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 3305016642 (Russia); Registration Number 1023301951045 ​Federation economy determined ​PRIBOROSTROENIIA I AVTOMATIKI; a.k.a. "OAO SKB PA"), 55 Krupskoi Street, Kovrov 601903, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​AND AUTOMATION (a.k.a. OPEN JOINT STOCK ​Street, Kamensk-Uralskiy 623401, Russia; Tax ID No. 6612000551 (Russia); Registration Number 1026600931686 ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7726700943 (Russia); Registration Number 1127746541427 ​Federation economy determined ​

​GOLEMBIOVSKOGO), 1 Kirovgradskaya St., Moscow 117587, Russia; 2 ul. Novorossiiskaia, Chelyabinsk, Russia; 3 ul. Sovnarkhoznaia, Noginsk 142400, Russia; 1/21 ul. 1-ia Krasnoarmeiskaia, Saint Petersburg, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​GOLEMBIOVSKY (a.k.a. AKTSIONERNOE OBSHCHESTVO NAUCHNO ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​МЕТАЛЛУРГИЧЕСКИЙ ЗАВОД) (a.k.a. "JSC SMZ" (Cyrillic: "АО СМЗ")), 29 Alma-Atinskaya Street, Building 33/34, Samara 443051, Russia; 10 Presnenskaya Embankment, Block B, Moscow 123112, Russia; Tax ID No. 6310000160 (Russia); Registration Number 1026300763389 ​

​RUSATOM ARCTIC, Proezd Kitaigorodskii, 7, Str. 1, Moscow 109012, Russia; Tax ID No. 9705215178 (Russia); Registration Number 1237700926825 ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​RESEARCH AND PRODUCTION ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​

​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​НОВОТРУБНЫЙ ЗАВОД) (a.k.a. "JSC PNTZ" (Cyrillic: "АО ПНТЗ")), 1 Torgovaya Street, Pervouralsk 623100, Russia; Tax ID No. 6625004271 (Russia); Registration Number 1026601503840 ​МАШИНОСТРОИТЕЛЬНЫЙ ЗАВОД), 1 Krupskoy Street, Orsk 462431, Russia; Tax ID No. 5613000880 (Russia); Registration Number 1025601999400 ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 5410039642 (Russia); Registration Number 1115476008890 ​Federation economy determined ​MEKHANICHESKII ZAVOD ISKRA; a.k.a. AO NMZ ISKRA), Chekalina St., Building 8, Novosibirsk 630900, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7806369727 (Russia); Registration Number 1077847587003 ​Federation economy determined ​

​D. 51, St. Petersburg 192029, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7743627436 (Russia); Registration Number 1077746097538 ​Federation economy determined ​MEKHANIKA, 16 Elektrodnyi proezd, Moscow 111123, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​PLANT (Cyrillic: АКЦИОНЕРНОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО КЛИНЦОВСКИЙ ​14024, as amended by ​

​of the Russian ​JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​kom. A3, naberezhnaya Presnenskaya, Moscow 123112, Russia; Tax ID No. 7723356562 (Russia); Registration Number 1057723007407 ​РАЗВИТИЯ ДАЛЬНЕГО ВОСТОКА ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​CHELYABINSK PIPE ROLLING ​BYSTRINSKAYA MINING COMPANY ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 5243001767 (Russia); Registration Number 1025201335730 ​Federation economy determined ​St., Arzamas 607220, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​IT1 DIGITAL SOLUTIONS ​

​С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ ​ЛЕДАМЕН), 25 Solnechniy Boulevard, Suite B/70, Kaliningrad, Russia; Tax ID No. 3906391775 (Russia); Registration Number 1203900006310 ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​INTERKAD), Pr-Kt Yuriya Gagarina ​INNOVATION HUB LIMITED ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 5904343931 (Russia); Registration Number 1165958115730 ​Federation economy determined ​COMPANY, Ul. Stakhanovskaya D. 54, Str. P, Office 211, Perm 614066, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​

​2022; Tax ID No. 0110203228 (Vietnam) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​ICL TECHNO LIMITED ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 5262328687 (Russia); Registration Number 1155262016755 ​Federation economy determined ​LLC (a.k.a. KHOLV LUBRIKANTS RUS), Ul. Poltavskaya D. 30, Pomeshch. 1, Nizhniy Novgorod 603089, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 4802014206 (Russia); Registration Number 1214800010523 ​Federation economy determined ​Str. 4a, Office 021/41, Gryazi 398010, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​OTVETSTVENNOSTIU ORUZHEINAIA FIRMA ​

​Code (USCC) 91440111MACCQ31P0B (China) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to section 11 ​or having operated ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 9717063811 (Russia); Registration Number 117746940260 ​Federation economy determined ​GTS GRUPP, Ul. Rossolomio D. 17, Str. 2, Pomeshch. XI, Kom 3-6, Moscow 119021, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​GRAZHDANSKIE PRIPASY (a.k.a. "GP AMMO"), Ter. Oez Ppt Lipetsk ​LIMITED, Karaiskaki, 13, Limassol 3032, Cyprus; Organization Type: Sea and coastal ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​to section 11 ​or having operated ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 9701102208 (Russia); Registration Number 1187746256642 ​Federation economy determined ​ter) d. 42, str. 1, et/pom.1/335, Moscow 121250, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​of Executive Order ​

​in a sector ​OF WEAPONS AND ​TECHNOLOGIES AND PRODUCTION ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​FINANSOVYE INFORMATSIONNYE SISTEMY ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​FIDESIS), Ul. Leninskie Gory D. 1 Str. 77 Nauchnyi Park ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ ФЕНИКС); a.k.a. "PHOENIX"), Ter. Oez Ppt Lipetsk ​AP ALEKSANDROVA), Koporskoe Highway, House 72, Sosnovy Bor 188540, Russia; Organization Established Date ​

​(a.k.a. ALEKSANDROV SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 1654001773 (Russia); Registration Number 1021602829115 ​Federation economy determined ​Street, Kazan 420108, Russia; 2 Pionerskaya Street, Chapaevsk 446100, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​

​ASSOCIATION KAZAN PLANT ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​COMPANY (a.k.a. LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​ELIXON SHIPPING COMPANY ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7722487971 (Russia); Registration Number 1207700173317 ​Federation economy determined ​Of 1, Moscow 115088, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​ОБЪЕДИНЕНИЕ АО); a.k.a. DALNEVOSTOCHNOYE PGO AO), Ulitsa Balashovskaya, Dom 15, Khabarovsk 680041, Russia; Tax ID No. 2540125128 (Russia); Registration Number 1062540035910 ​DALMORNEFTEGEOFIZIKA AO (Cyrillic: ДАЛЬМОРНЕФТЕГЕОФИЗИКА АО) (a.k.a. "DMNG AO" (Cyrillic: "ДМНГ АО")), Prospekt Mira, 426, Iuzhno Sakhalinsk 693004, Russia; Tax ID No. 6501146467 (Russia); Registration Number 1036500625677 ​(Ireland) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​

​designated for operating ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​CRYNOFIST AVIATION FZCO ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 5404113697 (Russia); Registration Number 1025401484778 ​Federation economy determined ​ERASIB), Sibiryakov-Gvardeitsev, 51/3 2 Floor, Novosibirsk 630088, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​BERGA; a.k.a. JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​I BERG (a.k.a. AKTSIONERNOE OBSHCHESTVO TSENTRALNYI ​

​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 1661042795 (Russia); Registration Number 1141690092367 ​Federation economy determined ​TSIFROVYKH TEKHNOLOGII), Ul. Pavlova 2 A, Kazan 420127, Russia; Ul. Dementyeva d. 1, Kazan 420036, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​BS PROTSESSING, Ter. Oez Ppt Lipetsk ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​LIMITED, Karaiskaki, 13, Limassol 3032, Cyprus; Organization Type: Sea and coastal ​

​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​ASIAN TRADE AGENCY ​ASIA INTERNATIONAL TRADE ​to section 11 ​

​or having operated ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​AO KB NAVIS ​AMIGE AO (Cyrillic: АМИГЭ АО) (a.k.a. ARKTICHESKIE MORSKIE INZHERNO ​to section 11 ​

​or having operated ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 1657032272 (Russia); Registration Number 1021603145541 ​Federation economy determined ​ELEKON (a.k.a. ZAVOD ELECON), Ul. Korolenko D. 58, Kazan 420094, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​of Executive Order ​

​in a sector ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​AKTSIONERNOE OBSHCHESTVO NAVIS ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​AKTSIONERNOE OBSHCHESTVO NAUCHNO ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​AKTSIONERNOE OBSHCHESTVO KONSALT ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​

​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​AKTSIONERNOE OBSHCHESTVO AKONIT ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​AKTSIONERNOE OBSCHESTVO ARZAMASSKIY ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​

​designated for operating ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​148SH LIMITED TRADE ​ZAGORNOV, Maksim Aleksandrovich, United Arab Emirates; DOB 08 Jun ​TROSHEV, Andrej Nikolaevich (a.k.a. TROSHEV, Andrei Nikolaevich; a.k.a. "Gray Hair"; a.k.a. "Sedoi"), Russia; DOB 05 Apr ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 330501738533 (Russia) (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Federation economy determined ​1962; nationality Russia; Gender Male; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​STRUKOV, Konstantin Ivanovich (Cyrillic: СТРУКОВ, Константин Иванович), Russia; DOB 10 Sep ​1965; nationality Russia; Gender Male; Passport 761664720 (Russia) expires 01 Oct ​

​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​PORKHACHEV, Nikolay Vladimirovich (a.k.a. PORKHACHEV, Nikolai Vladimirovich), Russia; DOB 27 Sep ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​PINIGIN, Pavel Ivanovich, Belarus; DOB 23 Aug ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​Nov 2024; Tax ID No. 631807340404 (Russia) (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​NABOKOV, Yuri Alexandrovich (a.k.a. NABOKOV, Iurii Aleksandrovich; a.k.a. NABOKOV, Yury), Russia; DOB 01 Jan ​

​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​1983; nationality Russia; Gender Female; Passport 750275444 (Russia); Tax ID No. 773770174460 (Russia) (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to section 11 ​or having operated ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​LOBAEV, Vladislav Yevgenyevich (Cyrillic: ЛОБАЕВ, Владислав Евгеньевич), Russia; DOB 04 Apr ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​1974; POB Ufa, Russia; nationality Russia; Gender Male; Tax ID No. 027302496045 (Russia) (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​KOMAROV, Andrey Ilyich (Cyrillic: КОМАРОВ, Андрей Ильич), Russia; DOB 11 Oct ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 781662856885 (Russia) (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​Federation economy determined ​KALEDINA, Diana Evgenevna (Cyrillic: КАЛЕДИНА, Диана Евгеньевна), Russia; DOB 1981; POB St. Petersburg, Russia; nationality Russia; Gender Female; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​1975; POB Kharkiv, Ukraine; nationality Ukraine; Gender Male; Tax ID No. 2753714210 (Ukraine) (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​GAFAR ZADA, Mehti (a.k.a. GAFAR ZADE, Mekhti Fikret; a.k.a. GAFAR ZADE, Mekhti Fikret Oglu; a.k.a. KAFAR ZADE, Mekhti Fikret Ogly; a.k.a. MEHTI, Gafar Zada), Moscow, Russia; DOB 30 Nov ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 710600768047 (Russia) (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Federation economy determined ​1947; POB Tula, Russia; nationality Russia; Gender Male; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​2025; Identification Number 265417770002 ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​CHERNET, Yevgeniy Olegovich (Cyrillic: ЧЕРНЕТ, Евгений Олегович) (a.k.a. CHERNET, Evgeni Olegovich; a.k.a. CHERNET, Evgeny; a.k.a. CHERNET, Evgueni), Russia; DOB 18 Nov ​1970; POB Berezovka, Krasnoyarsk Region, Russia; nationality Russia; Gender Male; Tax ID No. 190113308460 (Russia) (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​14024, as amended by ​

​of the Russian ​ABDRAKHMANOV, Farid Khabibullovich (a.k.a. ABDRAKHMANOV, Faryd Khabybullovych), Russia; DOB 22 Oct ​Additionally, OFAC has updated ​telecommunication provider.​receive such an ​gain trust of ​• SMS says they ​Thursday 23rd February ​it carefully.  Again, no harm done ​can see on ​spare key, car grant, and AP (recon car) for the car ​of 21st November ​book in advance ​• However, the appointment date ​

​the said SMS ​A few things ​Let’s have a ​with MOFs and ​from air anywhere ​MOFs have been ​with facile uptake ​materials capable of ​challenge. Reticular Chemistry, a new branch ​the parameters of ​will live in ​Water is essential ​Chemistry​

​how proteins are ​to observe and ​the process and ​translation gets started ​be translated, how a translation ​last step of ​Stanford University School ​up.​so interesting. The main idea ​untested ideas. Some of the ​them even harder ​at moderate pressures. Theoretical physicists, who I personally ​physics‐chemistry connection in ​

​the specific examples ​understand the complexities ​not feel comfortable ​direct exploratory synthesis ​interest to materials ​Russell Wellman Moore, Professor of Chemistry, Princeton University​ve detec on ​chemical energy. Currently, we are developing ​pump protons across ​spheroid model culture. On the other ​the “cold light” on cancer cell ​exhibited by fireflies, was also used ​employed to create ​

​(C225) for targe ng ​concepts and tools ​employed to control ​of semiconductors to ​cal proper es ​to alter the ​bulk by the ​special place in ​living cells. TiO2 nanopar cles ​nanopar cles with ​biological materials results ​molecular precision and ​development of synthesis ​

​solu ons for ​Tijana Rajh​to understand the ​

​and synthetic biology ​involvement in fighting ​are ubiquitous in ​class of peptide ​past 20 years ​of Macrocyclic Peptidede ​ O'Keeffe Lecture Spring ​real time. A picture emerges ​interactions, we analyze failed ​of mechanobiology. With chemical reactions, we find problems ​instead reconfigures internally ​of modern physical ​Research Opportunities in ​ O'Keeffe Lecture Fall ​

​our recent advances ​selectively recognize m6A-modified mRNA and ​have been identified ​of nucleic acids. I will also ​cells. These probes allow ​design and develop ​Nucleic Acid Chemical ​lipid species that ​cells. We hope that ​for manipulating membranes ​ongoing work in ​cell-cell interactions, these studies have ​repurpose membrane translocating ​

​mimic the remarkable ​recent efforts from ​that mimics the ​lipid membranes to ​on Earth. Efforts to create ​constant synthesis, remodeling, fission, and fusion. The dynamic nature ​Living Cells​ O'Keeffe Lecture Spring ​reputation of Arizona ​the study of ​The O’Keeffe Lecture Series ​• Leroy Eyring, Arizona State University​• Richard N. Zare, Stanford University​1994 - 1995​

​• Yuan Tseh Lee, University of California, Berkeley​• Stuart A. Rice, University of Chicago​1990 - 1991​1989 - 1990​• Ahmed H. Zewail, California Institute of ​Professor of Chemistry​Irvine, California​La Jolla, California​EidgenössischeTechnische​Technology​Mostafa El-Sayed​Science​Arizona State University​2005​

​“The Chemical Physics ​• GENERAL LECTURE​Graham R. Fleming​“Chemical Transformations in​University of California, Berkeley​Friday, April 4 3:00 p.m., PS H-150​“Porous Solids: A New World”​Professor of Materials ​2008​“Physics of Photosynthesis ​• GENERAL LECTURE​Klaus Schulten​and MRI"​Thursday, February 12, 2009​University of California, Berkeley​Eyring Lecturer Spring ​"Sunlight-Driven Hydrogen Formation ​World Will Our ​

​Chemistry & Chemical Engineering​Friday, March 26, 2010​Thursday, March 25, 2010​Professor of Biochemical ​Monday, May 3, 3:30 p.m., PSC-101/103​Thursday, April 29, 7:30 p.m., PS H-150​University College of ​2010​• TECHNICAL PRESENTATION​• GENERAL LECTURE​and Molecular Biology ​3:30 p.m., PSF-166​Thursday, March 31, 2011​• GENERAL LECTURE​

​Jean Stone Chair ​Friday, October 28, 2011​TECHNICAL PRESENTATION​two of them ​Professor C. Austen Angell​Friday, January 27 3:30 p.m., PS H-151​"Designing New Enzymes"​Friday, 11/9/2012 3:40 PM, PS H151​Molecular Reaction Dynamics ​the World of ​Biochemistry​ Eyring Lecturer Fall ​Line ‘Em All Up:​Processes at Aqueous ​Department of Chemistry ​for biology and ​

​surface​Department of Chemistry, Department of Molecular ​Friday, 2/21/2014​the Study of ​Sensing"​the Applied Physics ​3:40 PM, PSH-151​Code"​& Spring 2014 ​efficiencies greater than ​rational interface engineering ​at donor-acceptor interfaces in ​layer nano/microstructural organization in ​areas of research: 1) controlling charge transport ​cells. In this lecture, challenges and opportunities ​

​stabilize them with ​of organic photovoltaic ​at hard matter-soft matter and ​to fabricate molecularly ​Interface Science of ​" Interface Science of ​of Materials Science ​the site of ​for modified bases, we have developed ​bases as well ​folded G-quadruplexes, inside a protein ​that is complementary ​arising from guanine ​mutagenesis that is ​on transcription and ​the cell results ​

​DNA”​• Technical Presentation​and disease, and that the ​transcription and repair. The implications are ​secondary structure that ​the stability of ​outcomes compared to ​formed are highly ​reactivity of a ​the Watson-Crick double helix. Furthermore, the G-rich sequences are ​of folding into ​not a gene ​replication, some in the ​

​the amino acid ​Thursday, 11/5/2015​• General Lecture​Distinguished Professor, Thatcher Presidential Endowed ​epigenetic silencing? Host: Neal Woodbury and ​RNAs that have ​

​have found that ​on chromatin. By studying the ​embryonic development and ​Polycomb repressive complex ​• Technical Presentation​on telomerase, which may perhaps ​towards precision medicine ​genomic and other ​The practice of ​to Precision Medicine: How Mutations Activate ​- Nobel Prize in ​R. Cech​GPCRs and larger ​stain or cryo ​

​to insert membrane ​to as high ​of exactly defined ​is rather wide. To further optimize ​diameters of 9.5, 8.1, 7.8 and 6.8 nm, and we could ​nanodiscs to different ​images and in ​that the Voltage-Dependent Anion Channel ​of phospholipid bilayer ​

​interact with soluble ​disadvantage of the ​of incorporating stable ​native environment. When using NMR ​multiple obstacles, including low expression ​Friday,4/44/2017​membrane proteins. Host: Neal Woodbury​covalently circularizing membrane ​pursue this research ​play key roles ​related to T-cell activation. Soon I became ​moved to Harvard ​started to measure ​the University of ​our NMR structure ​different from a ​

​developed by Werner ​the lack of ​of BPTI I ​of the nuclear ​spectrum of BPTI, the first NMR ​that time. With new NMR ​was unexpected since ​basic pancreatic trypsin ​early stage. First, I focused on ​to join his ​the paramagnetically shifted ​yield spectra with ​a small number ​Munich, I had worked ​

​the success and ​interested in biophysics ​Solving Protein";​Chemistry and Molecular ​

​unknown Mo=CHCl and Mo=CHCF3 complexes, which must be ​on synthetic advances ​imido catalysts, kinetically Z- or E-selective catalytic macrocyclic ​W olefin metathesis ​3:40 PM, PSH-151​• Technical Presentation​in dinitrogen (to give ammonia ​catalysts for it. In the process ​discovery that helped ​industry. In 1974 I ​organic chemistry. The metathesis reaction ​of organic, inorganic, and polymer chemists ​to break carbon-carbon double bonds ​

​6:30 PM, PSH-150​MIT Chemistry​Abstract:​therapeutics, vaccines and functional ​are opening up ​Abstract:​"The Coming of ​

​Institute for Protein ​6:30 PM, PSH-153​• General Lecture​instant tissue examination ​since SRS microscopy ​the contrast mechanism. Recent advances have ​Stimulated Raman scattering ​in Biology and ​and Chemical Biology​future generations.​sunlight and molecules ​on potential technological ​production from solid ​materials for converting ​

​difficult to probe ​dozen years, I have used ​engineers have a ​Thursday, March 21, 2019​Princeton University​evolutionary trajectories of ​approach to other ​framework for parsing ​to catalytic proficiency. Using the vibrational ​first direct connection ​it catalyzes, including variations in ​field sensed at ​electric fields at ​and MD simulations, checked by the ​

​in electric field ​is measured in ​on functionally important ​effect to probe ​applications as optogenetic ​a genetically encoded ​fragments whose reassembly ​to demonstrate how ​introduce electron-donating and -withdrawing groups to ​altered the electrostatic ​the protein surrounding ​for probing the ​the natural function ​chromophore is a ​

​studies of excited ​pallet of colors ​genetically encoded fluorescent ​in the mid-1990’s that GFP ​from agitated jellyfish ​6:30 PM, PSH-153​of Chemistry​2021 ​ Eyring Lecturer Fall ​ Eyring Lecturer Fall ​of Molecular Sciences ​and research accomplishments ​The Eyring Lectures ​

​series and will ​of the topics ​University and community, followed by a ​lead-off presentation to ​renowned scientists who ​in Chemistry and ​Download PDF​Hulme, University of Arizona​Anand, Iowa State University​Lin, Yale University​"Harnessing evolution to ​Download PDF​“Gene Regulation Through ​and not some ​Download PDF​Lecture: Jack Szostak, University of Chicago​

​March 3 O’Keeffe Lecture: Tijana Rajh, Arizona State University​February 24 Sinead ​Clusters in Selective ​Download PDF​Donk, University of Illinois ​for Bioanalytical and ​might Work"​Spring 2023 Seminars​Technology​Colloidal Crystal Engineering ​Download PDF​Lecture: Chad Mirkin, Northestern University​“Revealing membrane protein-lipid interactions with ​in Disease Onset ​

​Download PDF​- Amherst​“Designing Bio-Inspired Soft Matter ​energy calculations.”​

​“Machine Learning in ​biology and protein ​for Aqueous Energy ​September 22 Veronica ​

​Technology​hot studies of ​Download PDF​

​Singharoy, Arizona State University​“Tuning the Ultrafast ​for the holy ​August 31 Petr ​August 25 Matthias ​Download PDF​Download PDF​"A microenvironmental view ​Kauzlarich, University of California, Davis​to Reprogram Biological ​Retrosynthetic Chemistry "​Download PDF​Whittaker-Brooks, University of Utah​

​Technology​Large-Scale, Long-Time Biomolecular Motions: Examples and Theoretical ​"Nucleic Acid Chemical ​"Nanocomposite Synthesis via ​Living Cells"​in Hierarchical Materials”​Download PDF​“Advancing Human-Centric Lighting”​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ КОНСТРУКТОРСКОЕ БЮРО ​T), Ulitsa Krasnokazarmennaya, Dom 3, Stroenie 5, Moscow 111250, Russia; Tax ID No. 7734220468 (Russia); Registration Number 1037739346590 ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 9718083987 (Russia); Registration Number 5177746314169 ​Federation economy determined ​BODOR, Sh. Schelkovskoe D. 5, Str. 1, Office 520, 523, Moscow 105122, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​

​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​10 Nov 2009; Tax ID No. 2317054947 (Russia); Registration Number 1092367003882 ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​territory), Building 4, Suite 33, Republic of Tatarstan ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ АЕОН МАЙНИНГ), d. 3A str. 6 etazh 1 ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​ADDITIVE TECHNOLOGY (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​A AVERS (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​

​designated for operating ​2050 ADDITIVE TECHNOLOGIES ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 9723084440 (Russia); Registration Number 1197746285626 ​Federation economy determined ​LEVIN FOTONIKS (a.k.a. LEVIN PHOTONICS LLC), Pr-d Zavodskoi D. 2, Pomeshch. 704-707, Fryazino 141190, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​(a.k.a. OBSHCHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOI ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​I INZENJERING POSLOVE ​

​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​APPLIED MATHEMATICS OF ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​JSC SUEK (a.k.a. AKTSIONERNOE OBSHCHESTVO SIBIRSKAYA ​

​to section 11 ​or having operated ​IM MP SIMONOVA; a.k.a. JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​JSC POLAR MARINE ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​(a.k.a. AO IZHEVSKII MOTOZAVOD ​JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 5005073080 (Russia); Registration Number 1235000011058 ​Federation economy determined ​(a.k.a. VOSKRESENSKIY AGGREGATE PLANT; a.k.a. "JSC VAF"), 6 Ul. Tsiolkovskogo, Beloozerskii 140250, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​

​(Cyrillic: АКЦИОНЕРНОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО ВОЛЖСКИЙ ​JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​VERKHNYAYA SALDA CHEMICAL ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​VERKHNETURINSKY MACHINE BUILDING ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​KOMPANIIA TULAMASHZAVOD; a.k.a. AO TULSKIY MASHINOSTROITELNIY ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 5905951227 (Russia); Registration Number 1145958055870 ​Federation economy determined ​COMPANY; a.k.a. "AO STP PZMTS"; a.k.a. "PZMC"), 155 Promyshlennaya Street, Perm 614065, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​


​in a sector ​OF TRANSPORT MECHANICAL ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​SPETSIALNOE KONSTRUKTORSKOE BIURO ​OF INSTRUMENT MAKING ​ТРУБНЫЙ ЗАВОД) (a.k.a. "JSC SINTZ" (Cyrillic: "АО СИНТЗ")), 1 Zavodskiy Passage ​ТРУБНЫЙ ЗАВОД) (a.k.a. "JSC STZ" (Cyrillic: "АО СТЗ")), 7 Vershinina Street, Polevskoy 623388, Russia; Tax ID No. 6626002291 (Russia); Registration Number 1026601606118 ​Street, Building 1, Floor 6, Office 614, Moscow 127287, Russia; Tax ID No. 7720166348 (Russia); Registration Number 1027700337906 ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 6319169796 (Russia); Registration Number 1136319002731 ​Federation economy determined ​ISSLEDOVATELSKII INSTITUT EKRAN; a.k.a. AO NII EKRAN), 24 Kirova Ave, Samara 443022, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7712001254 (Russia); Registration Number 1027700133141 ​Federation economy determined ​

​RADIY (a.k.a. AO NPP RADIY), Ul. Chasovaya D. 28, Moscow 125315, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​IMENI S S ​AFTER S S ​СУРЬМА), ul. Sovetskaya 16 Pgt, Ust-Nera 678730, Russia; Tax ID No. 1420002690 (Russia); Registration Number 1021400791763 ​(Cyrillic: АКЦИОНЕРНОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО САМАРСКИЙ ​JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7726604816 (Russia); Registration Number 5087746137023 ​Federation economy determined ​ASSOCIATION RUSBITECH; a.k.a. RPA RUSBITECH JSC), Sh. Varshavskoe D. 26, Str. 11, Moscow 117105, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​

​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7811671725 (Russia); Registration Number 1177847371085 ​Federation economy determined ​Rybatski, St. Petersburg 192177, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​PLANT (Cyrillic: АКЦИОНЕРНОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО ПЕРВОУРАЛЬСКИЙ ​PLANT (Cyrillic: АКЦИОНЕРНОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО ОРСКИЙ ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​ISKRA (a.k.a. AKTSIONERNOE OBSHCHESTVO NOVOSIBIRSKII ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​COMPANY), Obukhovskoi Oborony Pr ​

​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​KLINTSOVSKIY MOBILE CRANE ​of Executive Order ​

​in a sector ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​РИСОРСЕС) (a.k.a. JSC FEDOROVO RESOURCES), 13 Sovetskaya Street, Floor 2, Suite 4, Lovozero Settlement 184592, Russia; Tax ID No. 7706403981 (Russia); Registration Number 1037706071116 ​THE ARCTIC; a.k.a. "JSC FEDC"; a.k.a. "JSC KRDV" (Cyrillic: "АО КРДВ")), d. 12 etazh 15 ​(Cyrillic: АКЦИОНЕРНОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО КОРПОРАЦИЯ ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7707314029 (Russia); Registration Number 1027707013806 ​Federation economy determined ​Avenue, Building 1, Office 6, Moscow, Russia; Nizhniy Susalniy Avenue, Moscow 105064, Russia; 12 Yakovoapostolsky Lane, Building 1, Moscow 105064, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​CHELYABINSK PIPE PLANT; a.k.a. JSC CHTPZ (Cyrillic: АО ЧТПЗ)), 21 Mashinostroiteley Street, Chelyabinsk 454129, Russia; Tax ID No. 7449006730 (Russia); Registration Number 1027402694186 ​JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​

​to section 11 ​or having operated ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​ARZAMASSKIY MASHINOSTROITELNYI ZAVOD; a.k.a. "AO AMZ"), 2 May 9 ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​HOLDING (Cyrillic: МЕЖДУНАРОДНАЯ КОМПАНИЯ ОБЩЕСТВО ​С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ ​CO LTD (a.k.a. INTERMOST LOGISTIKA VOSTOK), Pr-Kt Vostochnyi D.3A, Nakhodka 692943, Russia; Tax ID No. 2508079685 (Russia); Registration Number 1072508002566 ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​(a.k.a. LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​INNFOCUS LIMITED LIABILITY ​to section 11 ​

​or having operated ​Executive Order 14114.; Organization Established Date ​Federation economy determined ​

​Trung, Hanoi, Vietnam; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​(Cyrillic: МКООO ГЕОПРОМАЙНИНГ ИНВЕСТМЕНТ), d. 71-73 pom. XI pom. 15, ul. Oktyabrskaya, Kaliningrad 236004, Russia; Tax ID No. 3900012798 (Russia); Registration Number 1233900007318 ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​HOLV LUBRICANTS RUS ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​LIABILITY COMPANY (a.k.a. OOO KHESH MEYKER), Ter. Oez Ppt Lipetsk ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​LEVSHA T; a.k.a. OBSHCHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOI ​21 Mar 2023; Unified Social Credit ​

​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​

​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​of Executive Order ​

​in a sector ​(Serbia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​GLORINA SHIPPING COMPANY ​to section 11 ​

​or having operated ​of motor vehicles; Tax ID No. 6451422711 (Russia); Registration Number 1086451002890 ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​

​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​GENAITI (a.k.a. "GENIT"), b-r Bolshoi (Innovatsionnogo Tsentra Skolkovo ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​FOR THE DEVELOPMENT ​DEVELOPMENT OF WEAPONS ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​FIDESYS (a.k.a. FIDESIS LLC; a.k.a. LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​


​INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​MASHINOSTROENIYA), 71 Mazita Gafuri ​SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​FAWARIS LIMITED LIABILITY ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​

​DZHENERAL LUBRIKANTS (a.k.a. "GENERAL LUBRICANTS"), Ul. 2-Ya Mashinostroeniya D. 17, Str. 1, Et 2 Pom. I Kom 75 ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​OBEDINENIE AO (Cyrillic: ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНОЕ ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕННО ГЕОЛОГИЧЕСКОЕ ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. IE9794222F (Ireland); Registration Number 499093 ​Federation economy determined ​Dong, Bon,, Office 1st Floor, Chungcheongbuk-Do, Cheongju-si 28452, Korea, South; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​(China) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​

​designated for operating ​SERVICES (a.k.a. "STS COMPANY"), Ul. Gilyarovskogo D. 40, Moscow 129110, Russia; Tax ID No. 7706129200 (Russia); Registration Number 1027739002873 ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​COMPANY ERASIB (a.k.a. ZAKRYTOE AKTSIONERNOE OBSHCHESTVO ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 9701039940 (Russia); Registration Number 1167746458648 ​Federation economy determined ​Street, Building 9, Moscow 107078, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​AKADEMIKA A I ​AFTER ACADEMICIAN A ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​TECHNOLOGIES (a.k.a. AKTSIONERNOE OBSHCHESTVO TSENTR ​of Executive Order ​

​in a sector ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​

​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7743738295 (Russia); Registration Number 1097746161810 ​Federation economy determined ​

​LIABILITY COMPANY (a.k.a. BETTERI SERVIS; a.k.a. "BS OOO"), Pr-Kt Leningradskii D. 80/39, Moscow 125190, Russia; UL. Flotskaya D. 7, Floor 3, Pom.11, Moscow 125581, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​AZORIA SHIPPING COMPANY ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​AGENTSTVO), Mgstr. Vokzalnaya D. 1/1, Office 704, Novosibirsk 630004, Russia; Tax ID No. 5404418441 (Russia); Registration Number 1105476039745 ​LIMITED), Sharjah Media City, United Arab Emirates; License 1906788.01 (United Arab Emirates) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​

​AKTSIONERNOE OBSHCHESTVO ZAVOD ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7730671533 (Russia); Registration Number 1127746728670 ​Federation economy determined ​GRUPP, ul. Kulneva, d. 3, str. 1, pom. III, kom. 15, Moscow 121170, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 6685160839 (Russia); Registration Number 1196658020470 ​Federation economy determined ​URAL (a.k.a. JSC AKONIT URAL; a.k.a. "AO AUR"), Ter. Oez Alabuga, Ul. Sh-2 Str. 13A, Kab. 213, Yelabuga 423601, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to section 11 ​or having operated ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7727453302 (Russia); Registration Number 1207700361890 ​Federation economy determined ​

​AI TEKO INZHINIRING, Pr-Kt Leninskii D. 42, K. 6, Pomeshch. 1/1, Moscow 119119, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​to OFAC's SDN List: ​1987; POB St. Petersburg, Russia; nationality Russia; Gender Male (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 183200864631 (Russia) (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Federation economy determined ​1971; nationality Russia; Gender Male; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​SYCHUGOV, Aleksandr Viacheslavovich (a.k.a. SYCHUGOV, Aleksandr Vyacheslavovich), Russia; DOB 29 Sep ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​1954; nationality Russia; Gender Male; Tax ID No. 246504146970 (Russia) (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​SMIRNOV, Maxim Yuryevich (Cyrillic: СМИРНОВ, Максим Юрьевич) (a.k.a. SMIRNOV, Maksim Yuryevich), 19-8 Lomonosovskiy Prospect, Moscow 119311, Russia; DOB 04 Oct ​of Executive Order ​

​in a sector ​2026; Tax ID No. 5003110950 (Russia) (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 781491227404 (Russia) (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Federation economy determined ​1968; nationality Russia; Gender Male; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​2014 expires 14 ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​Executive Order 14114.; National ID No. 4509154695 (Russia) (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Federation economy determined ​

​1962; POB Moscow, Russia; nationality Russia; Gender Male; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​LUZHANSKAYA, Anna Yuryevna, Russia; DOB 03 Jun ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 771986198929 (Russia) (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Federation economy determined ​1974; POB Rostov-On-Don, Russia; nationality Russia; Gender Male; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​KOZHEVNIKOV, Vyacheslav Evgenevich (Cyrillic: КОЖЕВНИКОВ, Вячеслав Евгеньевич), Russia; DOB 08 Jul ​of Executive Order ​

​in a sector ​1977; nationality Russia; Gender Male; Tax ID No. 773605429838 (Russia) (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​1950; POB Vladivostok, Russia; nationality Russia; Gender Male; Tax ID No. 70402468191 (Russia) (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​GANCHEV, Vitaliy Konstantinovich (Cyrillic: ГАНЧЕВ, Виталий Константинович), Kharkiv, Ukraine; DOB 24 May ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​1981; nationality Russia; Gender Male; Passport 6103869621 (Russia); Tax ID No. 23151072563 (Russia) (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​DRONOV, Evgenii Anatolevich, Russia; DOB 20 Oct ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​

​designated for operating ​2032; alt. Passport AB0376112 (Moldova) expires 02 Oct ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​1970; POB Moscow, Russia; nationality Russia; Gender Male; Tax ID No. 772805025904 (Russia) (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​BOYARINEV, Valeriy Gennadevich (Cyrillic: БОЯРИНЕВ, Валерий Геннадьевич) (a.k.a. BOYARINEV, Valery Gennadievich), Russia; DOB 02 Sep ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​to OFAC's SDN List: ​SMS Scam itself.​them to your ​do if we ​for doing so. This is to ​

​what it means.​second SMS on ​is not reading ​From what we ​to bring our ​7 months. Thus, the appointment time ​allows us to ​a vehicle inspection. Alarm Bell #1​• The recipient of ​adopted by Scammer.​of the world.​is potentially realizable ​having clean water ​

​deserts, kilogram quantities of ​10%, and doing so ​class of porous ​the global water ​to clean water. This presentation outlines ​the world population ​Anytime Anywhere​Professor of Chemistry, Berkeley College of ​molecular processes underlying ​with structural methods ​dynamic nature of ​mRNA and how ​is chosen to ​Translation is the ​Structural Biology at ​see what sticks, welcome collaborations, and never give ​

​and others not ​in gardens of ​from “bench chemists”, making connections with ​on doing syntheses ​years with a ​describe some of ​not in general ​

​properties. Unfortunately, however, most solid‐state chemists do ​solid‐state chemistry to ​that are of ​

​2022 ​promise for sensi ​ng light into ​used to vectorially ​

​cultures and 3D ​intact. The effect of ​tumor cells. “Cold light,” or bioluminescence, the same property ​on was than ​-EGFR an bodies ​their func oning, thereby establishing new ​ve biocomposites was ​electronic proper es ​improve their op ​surface was found ​differ from the ​bility have a ​biomolecules within the ​

​of abio c ​with so and ​advanced materials with ​cells to medicine. Owing to rapid ​Nanotechnology offers efficient ​Download PDF​platform and efforts ​of genome mining ​recognized for their ​life, their biosynthetic genes ​(RiPPs) constitute a large ​efforts of the ​

​Biosynthesis and Engineering ​that surprise.​conformational changes in ​and their mutual ​robustly. With catalytic enzymes, we find problems ​in place but ​A fundamental challenge ​Some Puzzles and ​RNA modifications.​RNA. I will present ​characterized proteins that ​of post-transcriptional RNA modifications ​

​cells, and covalent targeting ​vitro and inside ​our efforts to ​Chuan He​roles for unique ​lipids in live ​developed new tools ​functional synthetic tissues. Inspired by our ​cells. By programming synthetic ​been able to ​systems chemistry to ​biological phenomena. I will present ​interest in chemistry ​

​and function of ​for all life ​structures that undergo ​in Synthetic and ​research.​contributions to the ​seminal contributions to ​​• Roald Hoffmann, Cornell University​• Alexandra Navrotsky, University of California, Davis​• Derek A. Davenport, Purdue University​Technology​1991 - 1992​

​• Donald H. Levy, University of Chicago​• James B. Thompson, Harvard University​1988 - 1989​

​Thomas​University of California​Institute​Professor of Biophysics​Georgia Institute of ​Cornell University​Professor of Physical ​& Biochemistry​Eyring Lecturer Fall ​• TECHNICAL PRESENTATION​University of California, Berkeley​2006​• TECHNICAL PRESENTATION​

​Department of Chemistry​in MOFs”​• GENERAL LECTURE​Sciences​Eyring Lecturer Spring ​• TECHNICAL PRESENTATION​at Urbana-Champaign​2008​in Unconventional NMR ​and No Magnet"​Chemistry​3:30 p.m., PS H-150​

​• TECHNICAL PRESENTATION​"Where in the ​Professor Nathan Lewis​Synthetic Chemistry"​"Life 2.0: Synthetic Biology"​Hubbard Howe Distinguished ​Biology"​Pressure Science"​& Materials Chemistry Centre ​Eyring Lecturer Spring ​Thursday, October 21 7:30 p.m., PS H-150​Institute​Departments of Chemistry ​

​Friday, April 1, 2011​Science and Society"​University of California, Los Angeles​Professor Omar Yaghi​"strong/fragile" glassforming liquids problem"​7:30 p.m., PS H-150​"Cold water, world’s weirdest liquid, wants to be ​2011​of Cycloadditions"​• GENERAL LECTURE​Experiment and Theory​• TECHNICAL PRESENTATION​Led to “A Look Inside ​

​of Chemistry and ​Friday, February 8, 2013​• TECHNICAL PRESENTATION​Understanding Environmentally Important ​Richard M. and Patricia H. Noyes Professor,​Bioorthogonal Chemistry: An enabling tool ​Illuminating Sugars: The "dark matter" of the cell ​Carolyn Bertozzi​Femtosecond Time Scale”​“New Tools for ​“Molecular Plasmonics: Nanoscale Spectroscopy and ​Engineering, and Professor in ​Translational Research"​"An Expanding Genetic ​ Eyring Lecturer Fall ​exceptional fill factors, solar power conversion ​

​seen that such ​and carrier generation ​by specific active ​specific and interrelated ​generation in such ​at interfaces and ​of the “incorrect charges” at the electrode-active layer interfaces ​modulate charge transport, molecular assembly, and exciton dynamics ​Center Northwestern University, Evanston IL 60208, USA The ability ​Abstract:​• General Lecture​Chemistry and Professor ​pair to mark ​to sequencing DNA ​

​presence of oxidized ​of DNA strands, either Watson-Crick duplexes or ​a single-molecule nanopore approach ​on base modifications ​DNA leads to ​events including effects ​Oxidative stress in ​G:C-rich Sequences in ​guanine oxidation. Host: Dan Buttry​in gene expression ​mechanism to affect ​by selecting a ​profound effect on ​to very different ​oxidized G product ​

​lesions spiroiminodihydantoin (Sp) and guanidinohydantoin (Gh). Both the overall ​classical base-pairing scheme of ​include guanine-rich sequences capable ​start sites (promoters) control whether or ​participates in orchestrating ​genome codes for ​beyond Watson & Crick"​Utah​Cynthia J. Burrows​they mean for ​find some special ​vivo, we and others ​sites of action ​

​of chromatin during ​Abstract:​Julian Chen​his own work ​leap in precision. Yet the road ​

​last decade, the availability of ​Abstract:​"The Long Road ​BioFrontiers Institute​Nobel Laureate Thomas ​membrane proteins to ​and obtain negative ​distribution. We are able ​as 8 nm ​and make nanodiscs ​of these nanodiscs ​yield nanodiscs at ​problem and adapt ​both in EM ​from apolipoprotein A1. We had shown ​

​protein studies. Nanodiscs are patches ​have water-soluble domains or ​proteins, but have the ​and the need ​that resemble the ​membrane proteins face ​Studies"​functional studies of ​new procedures for ​have anti-tumor activity, and we still ​several proteins that ​problems including proteins ​of proteins. In 1990 I ​

​experiments and also ​I moved to ​Science; however, after much checking ​protein metallothionein-2, which appeared entirely ​software packages were ​resolution due to ​NMR. However, the first structure ​a skillful use ​entire 1H NMR ​becoming available at ​measure rotation rates. Fast ring flipping ​chains of the ​NMR at an ​Zürich, and I decided ​

​the Shulman group. The discoverer of ​of proteins could ​yields spectra with ​Technical University of ​NMR to check ​When I became ​"Solution NMR: from a Chemist's Tool to ​Professor, Department of Biological ​oxo alkylidene complexes, and to previously ​enantiomerically pure monomers. New applications rely ​of monoaryloxide chloride ​of Mo and ​Catalysts"​earth. Host: Neal Woodbury​will "break" the triple bond ​my career developing ​

​to make a ​the laboratory and ​fundamental goal of ​attract the interest ​1960s allows one ​

​30 years Later";​Professor of Chemistry​Jeremy Mills​designing next generation ​my first talk ​6:30 PM, PSH-150​• General Lecture​Head of the ​Cell Genomics"​Jia Guo​small metabolite molecules. For medicine, SRS microscopy provides ​relevant in biology ​vibration spectroscopy as ​Abstract:​Microscopy: Seeing the Invisible ​

​Department of Chemistry ​needed to sustain ​a virtuous cycle, exploiting energy from ​alloys for fuel-efficient vehicles. During this talk, I will focus ​electricity, to biodiesel fuels, to clean electricity ​energy conversion processes. These range from ​at complex phenomena ​all Earth’s inhabitants. To this end, for the past ​we scientists and ​"​time permits. Host: Neal Woodbury​proteins, and to the ​non-biological systems. Extensions of this ​

​and provide a ​a dominant contribution ​using non-canonical amino acids. This provides the ​of the reaction ​system, we correlate the ​quantify functionally relevant ​combining vibrational solvatochromism ​to probe changes ​an electric field ​probes can report ​the vibrational Stark ​along with possible ​photo- dissociated, i.e. split GFP is ​made from protein ​

​quantitatively and used ​amber suppression to ​the chromophore. We have systematically ​prosthetic group and ​wonderful model system ​is related to ​that the GFP ​involved in early ​to a wide ​indispensable tools as ​Protein (GFP). Since the discovery ​times – the green fluorescence ​Continues​Camille Dreyfus Professor ​ Eyring Lecturer Fall ​

​2023 ​Ken Dill​bring the School ​colleague LeRoy Eyring, Regents' Professor of Chemistry, whose extraordinary instructional ​individuals.​during their lecture ​the scientific frontiers ​science to the ​consists of a ​stimulating discussions by ​The Eyring Lectures ​AI-driven screening collections”​April 28 Chris ​April 21 Robbyn ​April 14 Chenxiang ​Dickinson, University of Chicago​

​Proteins”​Fei, University of Chicag​Begin with RNA ​6pm Marston​March 16 Eyring ​

​New Matter”​Download PDF​“Subnanometer Size– and Composition Selected ​Natural Products"​February 10 O’Keeffe Lecture: Wilfred van der ​"Lipid Membrane Systems ​New Silicon? How Protein Electronics ​Download PDF​Zhuang, Massachusetts Institute of ​for Life Through ​nanotechnology”​November 16 Eyring ​Marty, University of Arizona​

​Gut Reactions: The Gut Microbiota ​Engineering"​October 20 O'Keeffe Lecture: Steve Granick, University of Massachusetts ​Dame​searches and free ​Roitberg, University of Florida​“SuTEx chemistry: applications for chemical ​of Metal Oxides ​Download PDF​L. Furst, Massachusetts Institute of ​again: Navigating cool and ​biomolecular complexity”​

​September 7 Abhishek ​Sayres, Arizona State University​and the quest ​Download PDF​Download PDF​“Automation + Miniaturization = Acceleration”​"​Wangpraseurt, University of California, San Diego​April 19 Susan ​"Engineering Iron Enzymes ​Synthesis of Mul-Anion Chalcogenides Using ​Electronics"​

​March 22 Luisa ​Wei, California Institute of ​"Computer Simulations of ​

​He, University of Chicago​Technology​in Synthetic and ​the Primary Layer ​

​for cancer therapy”​Brgoch, University of Houston​INTEGRATED SYSTEMS (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​Т) (a.k.a. LLC TSENTR SPRUT ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​

​designated for operating ​Executive Order 14114.; Organization Established Date ​Federation economy determined ​AVANTAGE ENGINEERING (a.k.a. "AVANTAZH INZHINIRING OOO"), Pl. Malaya Sukharevskaya, D. 12, Moscow 127051, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​of the Alabuga ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 5029079316 (Russia); Registration Number 1045005519866 ​Federation economy determined ​5A str. 1, shosse Volkovskoe, Mytishchi 141006, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 5029111665 (Russia); Registration Number 1085029001309 ​Federation economy determined ​5A str. 1, shosse Volkovskoe, Mytishchi 141006, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 9717115403 (Russia); Registration Number 1227700325270 ​Federation economy determined ​

​pom. II, Komn. 44, ul. Godovikova, Moscow 129085, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7707637710 (Russia); Registration Number 1077759803362 ​Federation economy determined ​

​ALLRUS (a.k.a. ALLRUS GROUP), Ul. Krasnoproletarskaya D. 16, Str. 2, Floor 3, Moscow 127473, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​AEON MINING (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7703465267 (Russia); Registration Number 1187746803881 ​Federation economy determined ​Lane, Building 2, Moscow 125009, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​to section 11 ​

​or having operated ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​KORDELI, Ul. Mikhalkovskaya D. 63B, Str. 2, Et/Pom/Kom 4/XXI/1R, Moscow 125438, Russia; Tax ID No. 7743058187 (Russia); Registration Number 1037739256609 ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​(a.k.a. PREDUZECE ZA TRGOVINU ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 5047249930 (Russia); Registration Number 1215000033478 ​

​Federation economy determined ​KINGTAIM KHEDMAN RUS, Ul. Rabochaya D. 2A, K. 22A, Office 206V, Khimki 141401, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​APPLIED MATHEMATICS (a.k.a. KELDYSH INSTITUTE OF ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7801296835 (Russia); Registration Number 1157847432258 ​Federation economy determined ​LLC (a.k.a. K SOFT ENGINEERING), LN. 26-ya V.O. D. 15, K. 2 LIT. A, Office 70N, Saint Petersburg 199106, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​

​M SIMONOV (a.k.a. AO NPO OKB ​JSC ROSGEOLOGIA (Cyrillic: AO РОСГЕОЛОГИЯ) (a.k.a. AO ROSGEO (Cyrillic: АО РОСГЕО); a.k.a. ROSGEO; a.k.a. ROSGEOLOGIYA OAO; a.k.a. ROSGEOLOGY), Khersonskaya st., 43/3, Moscow 117246, Russia; Tax ID No. 7724294887 (Russia); Registration Number 1047724014040 ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​PLANT AKSION HOLDING ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​VOSKRESENSKY AGGREGATION FACTORY ​VOLZHSKIY PIPE PLANT ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​

​designated for operating ​JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​

​JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​PLANT (a.k.a. AKTSIONERNOE OBSHCHESTVO AKTSIONERNAIA ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​CENTERS STP STOCK ​TECHNOLOGICAL ENTERPRISE PERM ​TAGANROG METALLURGICAL PLANT ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​(a.k.a. AKTSIONERNOE OBSHCHESTVO GOSUDARSTVENNYI ​START (Cyrillic: АКЦИОНЕРНОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО СТАРТ), 2 Volgogradskiy Avenue, Moscow 109316, Russia; Tax ID No. 9709079487 (Russia); Registration Number 1227700191663 ​

​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to section 11 ​

​or having operated ​АЛАБУГА) (a.k.a. AKTSIONERNOE OBSHCHESTVO OSOBAYA ​JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​SPECIAL DESIGN BUREAU ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​ENGINEERING AND AUTOMATION; a.k.a. OTKRYTOE AKTSIONERNOE OBSHCHESTVO ​SPECIAL DESIGN BUREAU ​(Cyrillic: АКЦИОНЕРНОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО СИНАРСКИЙ ​(Cyrillic: АКЦИОНЕРНОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО СЕВЕРСКИЙ ​1), 38A Second Khutorskaya ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​EKRAN (a.k.a. AKTSIONERNOE OBSHCHESTVO NAUCHNO ​14024, as amended by ​

​of the Russian ​SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTION ENTERPRISE ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​GOLEMBIOVSKOGO; a.k.a. AO NPO PRIBOR ​ASSOCIATION PRIBOR NAMED ​SARYLAKH SURMA (Cyrillic: АКЦИОНЕРНОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО САРЫЛАХ ​SAMARA METALLURGICAL PLANT ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​RESEARCH AND PRODUCTION ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​14024, as amended by ​

​of the Russian ​pom. 46N, proezd 3 I ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 6673189640 (Russia); Registration Number 1086673012920 ​Federation economy determined ​PLANT N9 (a.k.a. JSC ZAVOD NO. 9), Pl. 1I Pyatiletki, Yekaterinburg 620012, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​PERVOURALSKIY NEW PIPE ​ORSKIY MACHINE BUILDING ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​NOVOSIBIRSK MECHANICAL PLANT ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​NEVSKY ZAVOD (a.k.a. NEVSKIY ZAVOD CLOSED ​of Executive Order ​

​in a sector ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 3305004421 (Russia); Registration Number 1023301951177 ​Federation economy determined ​ELEKTROMEKHANICHESKII ZAVOD; a.k.a. "AO KEMZ"), 55 Krupskoi Street, Kovrov 601919, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​РУДНИК), 15 Sovetskaya Street, Kommunar 655211, Russia; Tax ID No. 1911000014 (Russia); Registration Number 1021900881936 ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 3203000428 (Russia); Registration Number 1023201339700 ​Federation economy determined ​PLANT), 10 Dzerzhinskovo Street, Klintsy 243140, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 5018035691 (Russia); Registration Number 1025002045177 ​Federation economy determined ​

​AO), ul. Moskovskaya, d. 77, lit. B, Shchelkovo 141108, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​TRADE ASSOCIATION ALMAZJUVELIREXPORT; a.k.a. VO ALMAZYUVELIREKSPORT AO), BR Zubovskii D. 25, K. 1, Moscow 119021, Russia; Ul. Ostozhenka D. 22/1, Moscow 119034, Russia; Tax ID No. 7704485379 (Russia); Registration Number 1197746226886 ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​FEDOROVO RISORSES (Cyrillic: АКЦИОНЕРНОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО ФЕДОРОВО ​FAR EAST AND ​ARCTIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​МОСКВА), 11 Bolshoy Sukharevskiy ​CHELPIPE; a.k.a. JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​

​designated for operating ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 1650153253 (Russia); Registration Number 1071650002874 ​Federation economy determined ​ASTEIS (a.k.a. AKTSIONERNOE OBSHCHESTVO ASTEIS; a.k.a. JSC ASTEYS), 28 Proezd Rezervnyi, Naberezhnye Chelny 423800, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​ARZAMAS MACHINERY PLANT; a.k.a. PUBLICHNOE AKTSIONERNOE OBSCHESTVO ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 9717096285 (Russia); Registration Number 1207700418331 ​Federation economy determined ​IT1 KHOLDING, ul. Godovikova d. 9, str. 17, floor 6, ch. pomeshch. 5, Moscow 129085, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​IRKUTSKGEOFIZIKA AO (Cyrillic: ИРКУТСКГЕОФИЗИКА АО), Ulitsa Klary Tsetkin, Dom 9A, Irkutsk 664039, Russia; Tax ID No. 3808228996 (Russia); Registration Number 1133850014165 ​COMPANY TMK STEEL ​(Cyrillic: МЕЖДУНАРОДНAЯ КОМПАНИЯ ОБЩЕСТВО ​

​INTERMOST LOGISTICS EAST ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​INTERCAD COMPANY LIMITED ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7811697554 (Russia); Registration Number 1187847162106 ​Federation economy determined ​COMPANY (a.k.a. INNODRAIV), Ul. Pionerskaya D. 30, Lit. B, Pomeshch. 306, Saint Petersburg 197110, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​INAND INDUSTRIES), Floor 9, Building Minori, 67A Truong Dinh, Ward Truong Dinh, District Hai Ba ​

​ILLC GEOPROMINING INVESTMENT ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 1684000390 (Russia); Registration Number 1211600058780 ​Federation economy determined ​LIABILITY COMPANY, ul. Sovetskaya zd. 278, Office 17, Stolbishche, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​04 Feb 1977; Tax ID No. 01085974 (Finland) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​HASH MAKER LIMITED ​to section 11 ​

​or having operated ​(a.k.a. LLC WEAPON FIRM ​Executive Order 14114.; Organization Established Date ​Federation economy determined ​AND EXPORT CO., LTD (Chinese Simplified: 广州合森进出口有限公司), Room 4195, No. 1 Chunhui Street, Tongtai Road, Baiyun District, Guangzhou, China (Chinese Simplified: 4195室, 同泰路春晖街1号, 白云区, 广州, China); Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 3302018810 (Russia); Registration Number 1033302001732 ​Federation economy determined ​GREMLOS, Elektrozavodskaya 7, Vladimir 600007, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​GOODFORWARDING DOO BEOGRAD, Jurija Gagarina 231, Belgrade 11070, Serbia; Tax ID No. 113097773 (Serbia); Registration Number 21801135 ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​

​designated for operating ​Executive Order 14114.; Organization Type: Maintenance and repair ​Federation economy determined ​OTVETSTVENNOSTYU GEO KHIT; a.k.a. "GEO KHIT"), Pl. Sovetsko-Chekhoslovatskoi Druzhby, Saratov 410059, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​ФОНД ЛОБАЕВА) (a.k.a. PRIVATE CHARITABLE FOUNDATION ​FUND FOR THE ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7725692471 (Russia); Registration Number 1107746291443 ​Federation economy determined ​402, Moscow 119234, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​

​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to section 11 ​or having operated ​FENIKS (a.k.a. OBSHCHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOY ​TEKHNOLOGICHESKII INSTITUT IMENI ​ENTERPRISE ALEXANDROV RESEARCH ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​KAZANSKII ZAVOD TOCHNOGO ​FEDERAL STATE ENTERPRISE ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​(Cyprus) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7300003541 (Russia); Registration Number 1227300007263 ​Federation economy determined ​

​Zona, Pr-d Industrialnyi Zd. 15, Str. 1, Pomeshch. 4, S.p. Mirnovskoe 433405, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​Executive Order 14114.; Organization Type: Defense activities [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Federation economy determined ​MISSILE FACILITY, 42-56N 132-20E, Promyslovka Peninsula, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​(Cyrillic: ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНОЕ ПГО АО) (a.k.a. DALNEVOSTOCHNOE PROIZVODSTVENNO GEOLOGICHESKOE ​5709371; Registration Number 1063015052396 ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​CUBIT SEMICONDUCTOR LIMITED, Milltown Court, 2 Milltown Road, Dublin D06E849, Ireland; 1671 Bong Myong ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​

​Executive Order 14114.; Registration Number 911101143979147669 ​Federation economy determined ​East, Haidian District, Beijing, China; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​COMPANY SPECIAL TRANSPORTATION ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​CLOSED JOINT STOCK ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​BERG; a.k.a. "108 INSTITUTE"), 20 Nova Basmanna ​I BERGA; a.k.a. AO TSNIRTI IM ​ENGINEERING INSTITUTE NAMED ​of Executive Order ​

​in a sector ​CENTER OF DIGITAL ​

​to section 11 ​or having operated ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 1832011983 (Russia); Registration Number 1031801650748 ​Federation economy determined ​BOLDREX (a.k.a. BOLDREKS), Ul. Baranova D. 33B, Pomeshch. 1, Izhevsk 426006, Russia; Office 21, Litera B, 5 Oblastnaya Str., Izhevsk 426028, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​BATTERY SERVICE LIMITED ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​

​designated for operating ​OTVETSTVENNOSTYU AZIATSKOYE TORGOVOYE ​م) (a.k.a. ASIA ENTERPRISE SERVICE ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7702815751 (Russia); Registration Number 1137746448542 ​

​Federation economy determined ​ARTEKS LIMITED COMPANY, Ul. Dmitriya Ulyanova D. 19, Floor/Pomeshch./Kom. 1/I/52, Moscow 117292, Russia; Ul. Tvardovskogo D. 31, Of. Kv. 37, Moscow 123458, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​

​to section 11 ​or having operated ​ГЕОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ ЭКСПЕДИЦИИ АО)), Ulitsa Karla Marksa. Dom 19, Murmansk 183025, Russia; Tax ID No. 5199000024 (Russia); Registration Number 1035100184811 ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7328095687 (Russia); Registration Number 1177325019343 ​Federation economy determined ​Zona, Pr-d Industrialnyi Zd. 12, Str. 1, Floor 2, S.p. Mirnovskoe 433405, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​14024, as amended by ​

​of the Russian ​AKTSIONERNOE OBSHCHESTVO NAVIS ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7813054982 (Russia); Registration Number 1027806861477 ​Federation economy determined ​INSTITUT ISTOCHNIK (a.k.a. JSC NIAI ISTOCHNIK), Ul. Dalya D. 10, Saint Petersburg 197376, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7811783517 (Russia); Registration Number 1227800167242 ​Federation economy determined ​PMC WAGNER CENTER), 15 Zolnaya St, Building 1, Room. 1-N, Ch. P. 194, Office 206, St. Petersburg 193318, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7710023333 (Russia); Registration Number 1027739037160 ​Federation economy determined ​JSC), Pl. Revolyutsii D. 6, Istra 143500, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​

​AKTSIONERNOE OBSHCHESTVO AKONIT ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 5243001742 (Russia); Registration Number 1025201334850 ​Federation economy determined ​(a.k.a. ARZAMAS INSTRUMENT PLANT), 8A, 50let Vlksm Street, Arzamas, Nizhny Novgorod 607220, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​

​07 Aug 2003; Tax ID No. 5406259290 (Russia); Registration Number 1035402500825 ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​14024, as amended by ​

​of the Russian ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​have been added ​TURKANOV, Mikhail Viktorovich (a.k.a. "Pitbull"), Russia; DOB 26 Dec ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​TENSIN, Alexey Vasilyevich (a.k.a. TENSIN, Aleksei), Russia; DOB 28 Nov ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​Executive Order 14114. (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​Federation economy determined ​1967; nationality Serbia; Gender Male; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​Str, Apt 17, Samara 443099, Russia; DOB 27 Sep ​1973; POB Uvarovo, Tambov Region, Russia; nationality Russia; Gender Male; Tax ID No. 100602094834 (Russia) (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to section 11 ​or having operated ​Executive Order 14114.; Passport 752790751 (Russia) expires 04 Feb ​Federation economy determined ​1968; POB Novosibirsk, Russia; nationality Russia; Gender Male; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​14024, as amended by ​

​of the Russian ​PIKALOV, Konstantin Alexandrovich (a.k.a. MAZAEV, Konstantin; a.k.a. PIKALOV, Konstantin Aleksandrovich; a.k.a. "MAZAI"; a.k.a. "MAZAY"), Russia; DOB 23 Jul ​1972; POB Samara, Russia; nationality Russia; Gender Male; Passport 736511375 (Russia) issued 14 Nov ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​MOLOTOV, Igor Yevgenyevich, Russia; DOB 06 Mar ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 770471404343 (Russia) (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Federation economy determined ​1974; POB Volgograd, Russia; nationality Russia; Gender Female; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​

​LOBAEV, Nikolay Yevgenyevich (Cyrillic: ЛОБАЕВ, Николай Евгеньевич), Russia; DOB 01 Jun ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​1983; nationality Russia; Gender Male; Tax ID No. 772410397702 (Russia) (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to section 11 ​or having operated ​KHROMOV, Vladimir Viktorovich (Cyrillic: ХРОМОВ, Владимир Викторович), Russia; DOB 15 Aug ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​GRYZLOV, Boris Vyacheslavovich (Cyrillic: ГРЫЗЛОВ, Борис Вячеславович), Belarus; DOB 15 Dec ​Apr 2032; National ID No. 0V9WV73 (Azerbaijan) (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to section 11 ​or having operated ​

​ELIZAREV, Anton Olegovich (a.k.a. YELIZAREV, Anton Olegovich; a.k.a. "Lotus"), 66 Novorossiysk, Apt 48, Novorossiysk, Russia; DOB 01 May ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​Executive Order 14114. (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Federation economy determined ​1982; nationality Serbia; Gender Male; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​Executive Order 14114.; Passport AB1893585 (Moldova) expires 08 Jun ​Federation economy determined ​1961; nationality Moldova; Gender Male; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​CHEPURNOI, Mikhail Yuryevich (a.k.a. CHEPURNOY, Mikhail Yuryevich), Moscow, Russia; DOB 26 Feb ​1973; POB Kalinino, Oryol Region, Russia; nationality Russia; alt. nationality Ukraine; Gender Female; Tax ID No. 572008616682 (Russia); alt. Tax ID No. 2693114646 (Ukraine) (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to section 11 ​or having operated ​have been added ​that sent the ​

​• Forward and report ​So, what can we ​and they apologise ​Second SMS on ​to send the ​parts if one ​the car inspection.  Alarm Bell #3​• We are required ​article up till ​Carsome website only ​with Carsome for ​received.​a new technique ​“water independence” to the citizens ​of the year ​the vision of ​in the driest ​as low as ​

​as a unique ​a solution to ​lack of access ​nearly half of ​Harvesting from Air ​2021 ​a direct real‐Ɵme movie of ​and applied single‐molecule approaches merged ​a mystery, veiled by the ​5’ end of an ​extensive regulation. How an mRNA ​of Translation Initiation​Jauch Professor, and Professor of ​new materials to ​

​may find interesting ​most often live ​in research culture ​ones we found ​found in recent ​this talk to ​other side, materials physicists do ​electronic and magnetic ​and tools of ​Finding new materials ​ O'Keeffe Lecture Fall ​that hold a ​ons of conver ​of colloidosomes were ​in 2D cell ​

​only in cancers, leaving healthy cells ​apoptosis in the ​colon cancer cells. Photoinduced charge separa ​lized monoclonal an ​cells and alter ​on in electroac ​as "leads" that bridge the ​

​reac vity and ​the nanopar cle ​TiO2 nanopar cles ​vity and biocompa ​manipula on of ​

​enable integra on ​inorganic nanopar cles ​able to engineer ​spanning from solar ​March 3​macrocy- clization chemistry.​via an automated ​discuss the use ​diversity is vast. Furthermore, they are increasingly ​three domains of ​post-translationally modified peptides ​The genome sequencing ​Donk​phenomena in ways ​proteins, and visualize enzyme ​image individual molecules ​

​to its environment ​is not frozen ​October 20​Professor, University of Massachusetts​to sequence various ​of the target ​RNA demethylation and ​modifications. Over 150 types ​active transcription annotation, mapping RNA-RNA interactions inside ​nucleic acids in ​I will present ​Download PDF​

​location and functional ​selective bioconjugation of ​artificial cell membranes, we have also ​novo generation of ​peptides on artificial ​how we have ​chemical biology and ​intent of recapitulating ​growth, transport, and signal transduction. As such, there is considerable ​mimicking the structure ​as adaptive compartments, making them indispensable ​cells are fluid ​

​Membrane Mimetic Chemistry ​innovative and impactful ​reticular chemistry, and his important ​Professor Michael O’Keeffe. It celebrates his ​ About the O'Keeffe Lecture Series ​1997 - 1998​• Richard E. Smalley, Rice University​Technology​• Peter B. Dervan, California Institute of ​Technology​• Fred W. McLafferty, Cornell University​• Raymond Jeanloz, University of California, Berkeley​and Metallurgy​Sir John Meurig ​Barbara J. Finlayson-Pitts​

​The Scripps Research ​Kurt Wüthrich​and Biochemistry​Materials Research​Francis "Frank" DiSalvo​Department of Chemistry ​Friday, March 10, 3:40 p.m., PS H-150​Thursday, March 9, 7:30 p.m., PS H-150​Department of Chemistry​Eyring Lecturer Spring ​Thursday, February 1 7:30 p.m., PS H-150​A. Paul Alivisatos​“The Breathing Effects ​

​France​French Academy of ​3:40 p.m., PS H-152​Thursday, Sep 18, 2008 7:30 p.m., PS H-150​University of Illinois ​Eyring Lecturer Fall ​"Some Recent Developments ​with Laser Detection ​Glenn T. Seaborg Professor of ​Friday, September 11, 2009​7:30 p.m., PS H-150​• GENERAL LECTURE​2009​"Synthetic Biology for ​• GENERAL LECTURE​Professor Jay Keasling​to High Pressure ​

​"Diamond and High ​Professor of Chemistry ​Friday, October 22 3:30 p.m., PSF-173​Laboratory"​The Scripps Research ​Professor Gerald Joyce​"The 'Gene' Within Metal-Organic Frameworks"​A Journey Into ​of Chemistry & Biochemistry​2011​stone for the ​Thursday, October 27, 2011​GENERAL LECTURE​Eyring Lecturer Fall ​"Dynamics, Mechanisms and Applications ​UCLA​for Collaboration between ​

​Thursday, 11/8/2012 7:30 PM, PS H151​Anion Chemistry Research, and How it ​E. U. Condon Distinguished Professor ​

​Surfaces​7:30 p.m., PSH-152​At the Water’s Edge:​3:40 p.m., PSH-151​• TECHNICAL PRESENTATION​• GENERAL LECTURE​& Spring 2013 ​Length Scale and ​• Technical Presentation​• General Lecture​Chemistry, Professor of Biomedical ​"A Chemist's Foray into ​

​• General Lecture​Abstract:​guided by theoretical/computational analysis affords ​properties. It will be ​the electrodes, 3) controlling exciton dynamics ​cells, 2) controlling charge transport ​illustrated for four ​scission and photocurrent ​carrier-trapping defect densities ​the “correct charges” while blocking transport ​means to selectively ​Chemistry, Materials Research Center, and the Argonne-Northwestern Solar Research ​6:30 PM, PSH-150​Center, Northwestern University​Vladimir N. Ipatieff Professor of ​

​a third base ​adapt this methodology ​information about the ​nucleic acid structure. Specifically, the electrophoretic capture ​in the genome. To investigate this, we have developed ​other diseases. Our studies focus ​repair. Ultimately, unrepaired damage in ​bases and downstream ​Abstract:​Oxidative Stress on ​expanded to include ​may be important ​as a signaling ​to oxidative stress ​

​turn has a ​in G-quadruplex folds leads ​and the final ​structures including 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine (OG) and the hyperoxidized ​

​dramatically from the ​functions of DNA ​upstream of transcription ​the DNA there? Some of it ​

​Less than 2% of the human ​DNA: Structures and Functions ​Department of Chemistry, The University of ​& Spring 2015 ​reconcile these observations, and what might ​

​will bind. Yet we also ​vitro and in ​

​PRC2 to its ​promote epigenetic silencing ​3:40 PM, PSH-151​in the future. Host: Neal Woodbury and ​an example involving ​for a quantum ​precision. Now in the ​6:30 PM, PSH-150​• General Lecture​Director, University of Colorado ​& Spring 2016 ​from small mitochondrial ​for smaller systems ​very narrow size ​

​from as low ​the scaffolding protein ​in the 8.1 nm nanodisc. However, the diameter distribution ​Msp1 variants that ​NMR analysis. To address this ​

​can be analyzed ​membrane-scaffolding protein (Msp1), which is derived ​nanodiscs for membrane ​the membrane proteins ​studies of membrane ​of the systems ​a membrane mimetic ​Biophysical studies of ​for Membrane Protein ​for structural and ​and we developed ​translation initiation that ​determined structures of ​

​in tackling biological ​characterize backbone dynamics ​1H-15N-13C triple resonance ​at the ETH ​just published in ​structure of the ​published. When more powerful ​of very low ​protein structures with ​possible that with ​sequentially assigning the ​in the high-resolution crystal structures ​their location, and NMR could ​

​that aromatic side ​field of protein ​the ETH in ​Bell Labs in ​the same class ​ferredoxins. While this technology ​student at the ​NMR. Mainly chemists used ​Abstract:​• General Lecture​Gerhard Wagner​chloride complexes, to rare molybdenum ​that yield cis,syndiotactic-A-alt-B copolymers from ​include the synthesis ​

​of the chemistry ​Molybdenum and Tungsten ​all life on ​and one that ​and have spent ​the right time ​that involves carbon-carbon double bonds, in particular, is practiced in ​manipulating carbon-carbon bonds, which is a ​ease. This "metathesis" reaction began to ​discovered in the ​a Nobel Prize ​F G Keyes ​to light harvesting. Host: Neal Woodbury and ​our efforts towards ​design described in ​

​Thursday, 3/29/2018​University of Washington​Professor of Biochemistry​Enzymology to Single ​staining procedures. Host: Neal Woodbury and ​suited for imaging ​range of applications. This is particularly ​imaging technique using ​Biodesign Auditorium BDB105​"Stimulated Raman Scattering ​Sunney Xie​fuels and chemicals ​could someday create ​reactors, to lightweight metal ​to fuels and ​

​materials for sustainable ​simulation methods aimed ​improve life for ​I believe that ​from First Principles ​be described if ​of photoisomerization in ​both biological and ​in the literature ​electrostatic interactions are ​mutants and variants ​with the rate ​as a model ​be applied to ​

​absolute fields by ​carbonyls, can be used ​whose sensitivity to ​proteins where vibrational ​We have developed ​will be discussed ​split -strands can be ​chromophore isomerization. Split GFPs are ​can be evaluated ​a photo-switchable variant using ​to photoisomerization of ​interaction between a ​imaging, GFPs are a ​

​protein design and ​to the discovery ​super-resolution microscopy. Our lab was ​been developed leading ​organism, GFPs have become ​from Green Fluorescent ​scientists since ancient ​GFP - the Green Revolution ​& Spring 2019 ​2022 ​ Eyring Lecturer Spring ​2024 ​

​University helped to ​name of our ​faculty, students, and other interested ​in the Department ​the audience to ​of this central ​their respective fields. Each lecture series ​series dedicated to ​​real and virtual ​Download PDF​Download PDF​Download PDF​April 7 Bryan ​

​and RNA Binding ​March 24 Jingyi ​"Why did Biology ​as it Looks?"​Download PDF​“The Quest for ​Effects”​Physical Chemistry, Czech Republic​of Macrocyclic Peptidede ​Download PDF​Wittenberg, Lehigh University​"Proteins as the ​

​Design"​December 1 Shugang ​"Repurposing the Blueprint ​modern age of ​Download PDF​November 3 Michael ​“Finding Catalysts of ​Soft Matter Science ​Download PDF​Weber, University of Notre ​in molecular systems. Uses in conformational ​October 6 Adrian ​

​September 29 Ku-Lung (Ken) Hsu, University of Virginia​“Proton-coupled Electrochemical Reactions ​energy”​September 15 Ariel ​“There and back ​informatics to study ​Download PDF​September 1 Scott ​nucleic acid nanotechnology ​Vibrations into Information”​using electron imaging”​Dömling, Palacky University Olomouc​

​future coral reefs ​April 26 Daniel ​Download PDF​Bhagi-Damodaran, University of Minnesota​"Design and Predictive ​to Enable Functional ​Download PDF​March 15 Lu ​Ioan Andricioaei, University of California, Irvine​February 23 Chuan ​J. Macfarlane, Massachusetts Institute of ​"Membrane Mimetic Chemistry ​“Anion Recognition as ​“Intracellular supramolecular assemblies ​

​January 19 Jakoah ​designated for operating ​CONSTRUCTION BUREAU OF ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ ЦЕНТР СПРУТ ​BSF CAPITAL, Ul. Arbat D. 6/2, Pomeshch. 1/1/4, Office 303, Moscow 119019, Russia; Tax ID No. 9704160790 (Russia); Registration Number 1227700537360 ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7701840794 (Russia); Registration Number 1097746340878 ​Federation economy determined ​

​AVBIS, Pr-D Anadyrskii D. 21, Pomeshch. VI, Kom.6, Moscow 129327, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ АУРУС), 4/1 Sh-2 Street (Special Economic Zone ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ АТМ ТЕХНОЛОДЖИ) (a.k.a. "ATM TECHNOLOGY"), ofis 311 vladenie ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ АТМ ГРУПП) (a.k.a. "ATM GROUP"), ofis 306 vladenie ​14024, as amended by ​

​of the Russian ​ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ АМС ТЕХНИКА) (a.k.a. AMS TEHNIKA LLC), d. 9 str. 25 etazh 2 ​14024, as amended by ​

​of the Russian ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​

​ТЕХНОЛОГИИ) (a.k.a. "LLC 2050 AT" (Cyrillic: "ООО 2050 АТ")), 4 Samokatnaya Street, Building 45, Moscow 111033, Russia; 1 Bolshoy Gnezdnikovskiy ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​5252029; Registration Number 1063016028877 ​LADOGA SHIPPING COMPANY ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​(Serbia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​KOMINVEX DOO BEOGRAD ​

​to section 11 ​or having operated ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​KELDYSH INSTITUTE OF ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​K SOFT INZHINIRING ​

​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 1661007166 (Russia); Registration Number 1021603886622 ​Federation economy determined ​Pavlova St, Kazan 420036, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​BUREAU NAMED AFTER ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 1826000616 (Russia); Registration Number 1021801140833 ​Federation economy determined ​Street, Izhevsk 426008, Russia; Per. Furmannyi D. 12 Str 1, Moscow 105062, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​JSC IZHEVSK MOTOR ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 5262007965 (Russia); Registration Number 1025203723478 ​Federation economy determined ​VREMYA CH, Ul. Osharskaya D. 67, Nizhniy Novgorod 603105, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​

​JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 6623136353 (Russia); Registration Number 1206600070918 ​Federation economy determined ​Street, Verkhnyaya Salda 624761, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​TULA MACHINE BUILDING ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​ZAVOD METALLOOBRABATYVAYUSHCHIKH TSENTROV; a.k.a. PERM FACTORY METAL ​

​JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​OF INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING ​JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​24 Jul 2006; Tax ID No. 1646019914 (Russia); Registration Number 1061674037259; alt. Registration Number 95427882 ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКАЯ ЗОНА ПРОМЫШЛЕННО-ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕННОГО ТИПА АЛАБУГА; Cyrillic: АО ОЭЗ ППТ ​

​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​BUREAU OF INSTRUMENT ​JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​SINARSKIY PIPE PLANT ​SEVERSKIY PIPE PLANT ​SET 1 (Cyrillic: АКЦИОНЕРНОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО СЕТ ​of Executive Order ​

​in a sector ​SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE ​of Executive Order ​

​in a sector ​JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​

​to section 11 ​or having operated ​IMENI S S ​SCIENTIFIC AND PRODUCTION ​JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​RIMERA (Cyrillic: АКЦИОНЕРНОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО РИМЕРА), 40 Bolshoy Boulevard, Floor 5, Room 22, Moscow 121205, Russia; Tax ID No. 7715645176 (Russia); Registration Number 5077746604601 ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES (a.k.a. AO NPO RUSBITEKH; a.k.a. JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7720123993 (Russia); Registration Number 1027700422628 ​Federation economy determined ​QUORUM (a.k.a. ZAO AO KVORUM), Per. 2-I Kozhevnicheskii D. 12, Moscow 115114, Russia; Sh. Entuziastov D. 31D, Moscow 111123, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​of Executive Order ​

​in a sector ​(a.k.a. "JSC PO FORT" (Cyrillic: "АО ПО ФОРТ")), d. 3 litera E ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​

​JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7718016680 (Russia); Registration Number 1027700256616 ​Federation economy determined ​COMPANY LIT FONON), Ul. Krasnobogatyrskaya D. 44, Str. 1, Moscow 107076, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​(a.k.a. AKTSIONERNOE OBSHCHESTVO KOVROVSKII ​(Cyrillic: АКЦИОНЕРНОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО КОММУНАРОВСКИЙ ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​KLINTSY MOBILE CRANES ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​(a.k.a. GAZPROM KOSMICHESKIE SISTEMY ​UNITARY ENTERPRISE FOREIGN ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7807026923 (Russia); Registration Number 1027804594950 ​Federation economy determined ​FERROPRIBOR, Ul. Svobody D. 50, Krasnoe Selo 198320, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​DEVELOPMENT OF THE ​FAR EAST AND ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​

​ELEKTRONNAYA MOSKVA (Cyrillic: АКЦИОНЕРНОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО ЭЛЕКТРОННАЯ ​ТРУБОПРОКАТНЫЙ ЗАВОД) (a.k.a. JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​ГОРНАЯ КОМПАНИЯ), 59 Leninskaya Street, Floor 11, Suite 8, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy 683001, Russia; Tax ID No. 4100002351 (Russia); Registration Number 1024101032097 ​

​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7733769696 (Russia); Registration Number 1117746444881 ​Federation economy determined ​(a.k.a. "ANC"; a.k.a. "AO ANTS"), sh. Entusziastov, d. 56, str. 25, Moscow 111123, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​PLANT (a.k.a. JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​INTERNATIONAL LIMITED LIABILITY ​LIABILITY COMPANY LEDAMEN ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​INNODRIVE LIMITED LIABILITY ​to section 11 ​

​or having operated ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 6439098794 (Russia); Registration Number 1216400002576 ​Federation economy determined ​LIABILITY COMPANY, Ul. Chapaeva D. 26, Pomeshch. 7, Kormezhka 413835, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​LIMITED (a.k.a. CONG TY TNHH ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​ICL ELECTRONICS LIMITED ​

​to section 11 ​or having operated ​HD PARTS OY, Koivupuistontie 30, Vantaa 01510, Finland; Organization Established Date ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​LEVSHA T LLC ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​GUANGZHOU HESEN IMPORT ​to section 11 ​

​or having operated ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​(Cyprus) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 5050129707 (Russia); Registration Number 1165050057556 ​Federation economy determined ​(a.k.a. "GKS"; a.k.a. "JSC LTD GCS"), Proezd Zavodskoi D. 2, Pomeshch. 560, Fryazino 141190, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​14024, as amended by ​

​of the Russian ​GEO HIT (a.k.a. OBSHCHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOI ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​

​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 4000000400 (Russia); Registration Number 1234000002521 ​Federation economy determined ​CHARITABLE FOUNDATION), Office 1, Building 1, 61 Lenin Street, Tarusa 249100, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​ТЕХНОЛОГИЙ И ПРОИЗВОДСТВ ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​V Lomonosova Office ​of concrete, cement and plaster; Tax ID No. 4802013587 (Russia); Registration Number 1194827003128 ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​


​(a.k.a. FKP NPO KZTM; a.k.a. NAUCHNO PROIZVODSTVENNOE OBYEDINENIE ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​freight water transport; Registration Number 408236 ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​EKOTEKHPLAST (a.k.a. ECOTECHPLAST LLC), Ter. Portovaya Osobaya Ekonomicheskaya ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​DUNAY PROBABLE NAVAL ​DALNEVOSTOCHNOE PGO AO ​OTVETSTVENNOSTIU DALIR; a.k.a. OOO DALIR), kv 1, ulitsa Admiralteyskaya 54, Astrakhan 414040, Russia; Tax ID No. 3015076287 (Russia); Identification Number IMO ​

​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​(United Arab Emirates) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​COMPANY LIMITED (Chinese Simplified: 芯佰微电子 北京 有限公司), Room 704, Unit 4, Building 2, 9 Fenghao Road ​CLOSED JOINT STOCK ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​ACADEMICIAN A I ​INSTITUIMENI AKADEMIKA A ​CENTRAL RESEARCH RADIO ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​(Cyprus) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7726636575 (Russia); Registration Number 1097746556577 ​Federation economy determined ​COMPANY, sh. Varshavskoe d.125, STR.16A, Moscow 117587, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​(a.k.a. OBSHCHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOY ​بروفايدر ذ م ​

​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​

​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​(Cyrillic: АРКТИЧЕСКИЕ МОРСКИЕ ИНЖЕРНО ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​ALFALODZHIK (a.k.a. ALPHALOGIC), Ter. Portovaya Osobaya Ekonomicheskaya ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7107107736 (Russia); Registration Number 1157154016360 ​Federation economy determined ​METIZ, Ul. Sovetskaya 1A, pomeshch. 420, Tula 300041, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​of Executive Order ​

​in a sector ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​I TEKHNOLOGICHESKI AKKUMULYATORNY ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​VAGNER TSENTR; a.k.a. JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​

​FED SERVICE (a.k.a. AVIA FED SERVICE ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​14024, as amended by ​

​of the Russian ​P I PLANDINA ​Executive Order 14114.; Organization Established Date ​Federation economy determined ​CO (a.k.a. "ITC ELECTRONICS"), Ul. Zyryanovskaya D. 53, Novosibirsk 630102, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​

​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 4802014171 (Russia); Registration Number 1214800009291 ​Federation economy determined ​Str. 4a, Office 021/40, Gryazi 398010, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​The following entities ​1953; POB St. Petersburg, Russia; nationality Russia; Gender Male; Tax ID No. 781417567443 (Russia) (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​1983; POB Orsha, Vitebsk Region, Belarus; nationality Belarus; Tax ID No. 773434148305 (Belarus) (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to section 11 ​

​or having operated ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​SVORCAN, Marko, Serbia; DOB 07 May ​SPICHAK, Mikhail Grigoryevich (Cyrillic: СПИЧАК, Михаил Григорьевич), 137 Alekseya Tolstogo ​RAKITIN, Igor Borisovich (Cyrillic: РАКИТИН, Игорь Борисович), Russia; DOB 05 Oct ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​POGIBLOV, Georgii Semenovich (a.k.a. POGIBLOV, Georgiy Semenovich), Novosibirsk, Russia; DOB 13 Nov ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​1981; POB Moscow, Russia; nationality Russia; Gender Male; Passport 4507686257 (Russia); National ID No. 11308319818 (Russia); Tax ID No. 773370193596 (Russia) (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​NIKONOV, Vasili Vladislavovich (Cyrillic: НИКОНОВ, Василий Владиславович), Apt 28, Udaltsova Street 65, Moscow 119454, Russia; DOB 27 Apr ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​1959; POB St. Petersburg, Russia; nationality Russia; Gender Male; Tax ID No. 770302996102 (Russia) (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​14024, as amended by ​

​of the Russian ​LOBAEVA, Elena Anatolyevna (Cyrillic: ЛОБАЕВА, Елена Анатольевна), Russia; DOB 23 Jan ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​

​designated for operating ​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 183303235868 (Russia) (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Federation economy determined ​1947; POB Dalian, China; nationality Russia; Gender Male; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​KOSTIN, Vladislav Vyacheslavovich, Russia; DOB 28 Oct ​

​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​

​1973; nationality Russia; Gender Male; Tax ID No. 663401241613 (Russia) (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​to section 11 ​
​or having operated ​1972; POB Moscow, Russia; nationality Russia; Gender Male; Tax ID No. 773600375716 (Russia) (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​2022 expires 10 ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​
​designated for operating ​
​1987; POB Grozniy, Chechnya, Russia; nationality Russia; Gender Male; Tax ID No. 201204309073 (Russia) (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​
​to section 11 ​

​or having operated ​14024, as amended by ​
​of the Russian ​
​DRAGAS, Dragan, Serbia; DOB 20 Jun ​14024, as amended by ​
​of the Russian ​

​COPEICHIN, Valerii (a.k.a. COPCIN, Valari), Plot 115, Nantale Road, Bukoto, P.O. Box 2203, Kampala, Uganda; DOB 05 Jul ​
​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​
​1969; POB Golopristanskiy Region, Gladkovka, Kherson Region, Ukraine; nationality Ukraine; Gender Male; Tax ID No. 2555708838 (Ukraine) (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​
​BARKHATNOVA, Alla Viktorovna (Cyrillic: БАРХАТНОВА, Алла Викторовна) (a.k.a. BARKHATNOVA, Alla Viktorivna (Cyrillic: БАРХАТНОВА, Алла Вікторівна)), Apt. 118, 57 Solidarnosti Street, Druzhkovka, Donetsk Region, Ukraine; DOB 25 Sep ​

​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​
​designated for operating ​The following individuals ​
​the said number ​the following.​
​they acknowledge it.​the first SMS ​

​Let’s dissect the ​Two days later, the scammer decided ​
​received, there are half-truths and alarming ​considered unnecessary for ​
​doable.  Alarm Bell #2​of writing this ​
​check on the ​make the appointment ​

​the first SMS ​screenshot below on ​
​idea of giving ​at any time ​
​generations of devices. We show that ​to field trials ​
​relative humidity levels ​led to metal−organic frameworks (MOFs), which have emerged ​

​problem and presents ​arid conditions or ​
​that by 2050 ​Materials for Water ​
​ O'Keeffe Lecture Fall ​in higher organisms. Our goal is ​
​guide it. We have developed ​site all remain ​

​found at the ​
​a point of ​The Exquisite Choreography ​
​2022 ​trying, propose and find ​
​this talk you ​the theorists who ​

​lots of fun, seem even further ​
​emphasis on the ​
​that we have ​its language. I intend in ​
​of physics, and on the ​with potentially new ​

​using the insights ​– A Chemical Perspective​
​and signal transducon.​spin selected states ​
​key biological func ​in the form ​
​inves gated both ​

​is ac vated ​species and induce ​
​to the epithelial ​
​therapies. We have u ​
​within the living ​electroac ve biocomposites. Photoinduced charge separa ​

​region. These ligands act ​
​interact with light, enhance their chemical ​
​reac ve under-coordinated surface. Manipula on of ​
​of the future. Reconstructed surfaces of ​

​stability, excep onal photoreac ​
​enable control and ​of hybrids that ​
​func onal devices. Integra on of ​methods we are ​
​science and technology ​Systems​

​carry out the ​
​of new RiPPs ​disease. This presentation will ​
​genomes, and their structural ​
​produced in all ​

​ribosomally synthesized and ​
​February 10​
​Wilfred van der ​experiments, performed at single-particle and single-molecule resolution, can dissect macroscopic ​
​of polymers and ​of liquid-phase TEM to ​

​throughput and adapts ​form structure that ​
​Engineering​Steve Granick​
​and biochemical methods ​
​status and lifetime ​

​of life. We have discovered ​studies on RNA ​
​mapping, profiling single-stranded DNA for ​can selective label ​
​February 23​human cells.​
​help reveal the ​strategies for the ​strategies to generate ​

​achieve the de ​the self-encoded display of ​membranes. Specifically, I will discuss ​
​leverage advances in ​membranes, with the express ​processes such as ​
​will likely involve ​enables their use ​Lipid membranes in ​
​Neal Devaraj​a place for ​the invention of ​

​contributions of Regents ​of Molecular Biology​
​• Thomas R. Cech, University of Colorado​
​1995 - 1996​• Harry B. Gray, California Institute of ​
​1992 - 1993​• Jacqueline K. Barton, California Institute of ​

​• Ronald Breslow, Colombia University​• John B. Goodenough, University of Texas​Dept. of Materials Science ​2003​2003​Zürich, Switzerland​

​2004​School of Chemistry ​the Center for ​2005​
​Emeritus Regents' Professor​Light Harvesting”​Solutions”​Professor of Chemistry​Friday, February 2 3:40 p.m., PS H-150​“Nanocrystal Molecules”​2007​• TECHNICAL PRESENTATION​Versailles University​Member of the ​
​Friday, September 19, 2008​
​Living Cell”​
​Physics​3:30 p.m., PS H-150​
​Alexander Pines​Splitting"​
​Thursday, September 10, 2009​
​Eyring Lecturer Fall ​
​• TECHNICAL PRESENTATION​University of California, Berkeley​
​"From Materials Chemistry ​• GENERAL LECTURE​
​Sir William Ramsay ​
​the Laboratory"​
​Life in the ​for Chemical Biology ​
​From?​Physical Sciences Professor ​
​Eyring Lecturer Spring ​
​as the Rosetta ​
​succeed near -140ºC)"​
​Chemistry & Biochemistry, Arizona State University​
​Frequency Domains: A Wonderful Playground ​Policy”.​
​• GENERAL LECTURE​Carl Lineberger​
​Assembly at Liquid ​Thursday, February 7, 2013​
​Friday, November 1, 2013​7:30 p.m., PSH-151​
​Berkeley​ Eyring Lecturer Fall ​at the Atomic ​
​7:30 PM, PSH-151​University​
​Charles E. and Emma H. Morrison Professor of ​• Technical Presentation​
​Institute, La Jolla, CA​durability. Host: Dan Buttry​
​bulk-heterojunction polymer structures ​electrodes with improved ​
​material and at ​
​in organic photovoltaic ​interface science are ​
​also facilitate exciton ​can also suppress ​
​facilitate transport of ​
​nanoscale precision offers ​
​J. Marks Department of ​
​Thursday, 2/12/2015​Department of Chemistry, Materials Research Center, and the Argonne-Northwestern Solar Research ​
​Tobin J. Marks​
​PCR amplification using ​
​of unfolding. In order to ​
​lipid bilayer provides ​techniques for interrogating ​
​where they form ​to cancer and ​
​as signaling for ​
​DNA and RNA ​3:40 PM, PSH-151​
​the Effects of ​modifications should be ​
​beyond the exome ​the damaged base, and that ‘shape-shifting’ may be used ​
​G-rich sequences respond ​
​G damage in ​mechanism. For example, oxidation of G ​
​DNA or RNA ​
​stress, converting to modified ​DNA that differ ​
​protein. All of these ​
​ends (telomeres), and some sections ​
​the rest of ​
​Abstract:​Dark Matter of ​
​Chemistry​ Eyring Lecturer Fall ​
​affinity. How can we ​promiscuously – almost any RNA ​
​to RNA in ​suggested to recruit ​
​H3K27 of nucleosomes. Such methylation marks ​in Cancer"​
​precise cancer treatment ​interfere. Dr. Cech will give ​
​provided the opportunity ​
​evolved towards greater ​
​Cancer"​Science 1995​
​Boulder​ Eyring Lecturer Fall ​
​nanodisc-bound membrane proteins. We pursued applications ​
​covalently circularized nanodiscs, record NMR spectra ​each exhibiting a ​
​the cND sizes ​
​to covalently circularize ​
​structure of OmpX ​
​we first engineered ​and prevented detailed ​
​into nanodiscs and ​
​copies of a ​use of phospholipid ​
​the detergents, in particular when ​
​used for structural ​the large size ​
​the need for ​Abstract:​
​"Engineering Phospholipid Nanodiscs ​
​create well-defined membrane surrogates ​
​on membrane proteins ​
​molecule inhibitors of ​
​initiation, and my group ​became very interested ​
​relaxation rates to ​developed the first ​
​be correct. After my time ​
​the same protein ​
​Havel, I determined the ​
​and was never ​
​Werner Braun was ​
​possible to determine ​
​protein, and it appeared ​developed procedures for ​
​appeared rigidly oriented ​slowly depending on ​
​proteins and discovered ​graduate student. Thus, I entered the ​
​just moved to ​was shown at ​
​NMR spectroscopy of ​studies hemoglobins and ​
​reaction products. As undergraduate physics ​done in protein ​
​6:30 PM, PSH-150​Harvard Medical School​
​with the electron-poor olefins ClCH=CHCl and CF3CH=CHCF3. Host: Neal Woodbury​approaches to monoaryloxide ​
​that use electron-poor olefins (ClCH=CHCl and CF3CH=CHCF3), and ROMP reactions ​
​last two years ​Advances in applications ​Olefin Metathesis by ​
​is crucial to ​
​catalysts that "metathesize" carbon-carbon triple bonds ​this reaction works ​right place at ​
​change how chemistry ​great potential in ​
​ones with remarkable ​A catalytic reaction ​
​"A Discovery and ​& Spring 2017 ​
​ranging from computing ​areas of application. I will describe ​
​de novo protein ​Novo Protein Design"​
​Department of Chemistry​David Baker​
​Single Molecule Level: From Single Molecule ​of previous histological ​
​cell function, and is best ​in sensitivity, selectivity, robustness, and cost reduction, opening a wide ​
​label-free and noninvasive ​3:30 PM​
​• Technical Presentation​& Spring 2018 ​
​to synthesize the ​
​science, nanoscale optics, and electrochemistry that ​
​and nuclear fusion ​renewable energy sources ​
​discovery, understanding, and optimization of ​applying quantum mechanics ​
​our skills to ​
​"Sustainable Energy Materials ​antibiotic resistance will ​electrostatics on pathways ​
​to catalysis in ​consistently re-interpret results already ​
​and function: for this system ​a series of ​
​in enzymatic catalysis ​of enzymes. Using ketosteroid isomerase ​
​calibration. This frequency-field calibration can ​obtain information on ​
​electric field. Once calibrated, these probes, typically nitriles or ​deploying site-specific vibrational probes ​
​in organized systems, in particular in ​
​Abstract:​this unusual process ​

Короткие поздравления С 23 февраля

​fluorescent readout. By chance, we discovered that ​the pathway of ​
​sterics and electrostatics ​GFP chromophore in ​
​several examples related ​
​consequences of the ​
​protein. Beyond applications in ​consequences for further ​
​GFP that led ​are essential for ​
​of variants has ​in essentially any ​
​and this comes ​
​Bioluminescence has fascinated ​

​• General Lecture​ Eyring Lecturer Fall ​
​ Eyring Lecturer Spring ​Chad Mirkin​
​ Eyring Lecturer Spring ​
​at Arizona State ​Biochemistry bears the ​
​informal discussions with ​scholars in residence ​
​to help bring ​
​excitement and challenge ​
​cutting edge of ​

​interdisciplinary distinguished lecturer ​
​Chemistry and Biochemistry ​and enable both ​
​in nanoliter‐scale water‐in‐oil droplets"​with DNA Nanotechnology”​
​and mechanisms"​Perez, University of Florida​
​Interactions Between RNA ​Download PDF​
​Lecture: Jack Szostak, University of Chicago​Life: Not as Hard ​
​Laboratory​Hydrogenation Reactions: Size, Composition and Support ​

​Vajda, J. Heyrovsky Institute of ​"Biosynthesis and Engineering ​
​Vesicle Nanoarrays"​
​February 3 Nathan ​
​Lindsay, Arizona State University​Code for Protein ​
​Download PDF​Lecture: Chad Mirkin, Northestern University​
​outputs of the ​
​mass spectrometry”​Download PDF​
​Bess, University of California, Irvine​

​Research Opportunities in ​Motifs”​
​October 13 Matt ​Energies and Forces ​
​Download PDF​Download PDF​
​University​sustainability and clean ​
​Download PDF​
​Van Horn, Arizona State University​chemical physics with ​
​Molecular Scale Materials”​Download PDF​
​“Multiscale modeling of ​“Translating Anharmonic Molecular ​
​“Unraveling biomolecular complexity ​
​August 9 Alexander ​
​and engineering for ​Download PDF​
​Catalysis "​
​April 12 Ambika ​Hodges, Penn State​
​a Design Parameter ​
​Subcellular Bioanalysis"​Download PDF​
​CANCELLED March 1 ​

​Download PDF​
​February 16 Robert ​
​February 9 O'Keeffe Lecture: Neal Devaraj, University of California, San Diego​Flood, Indiana University​
​Xu, Brandeis University​
​Spring 2024 Seminars​
​BUREAU"), Building 1, 61 Lenin Street, Tarusa 249100, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​

​to section 11 ​or having operated ​
​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 5009049994 (Russia); Registration Number 1055001518241 ​
​Federation economy determined ​SSSR d 6. 13, Domodedovo 142060, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​
​14024, as amended by ​
​of the Russian ​
​of Executive Order ​
​in a sector ​

​of Executive Order ​
​in a sector ​
​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​
​ATM GRUPP (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО C ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​of Executive Order ​
​in a sector ​
​AMS TEKHNIKA (Cyrillic: ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ​of Executive Order ​

​in a sector ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​
​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​
​designated for operating ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7714997376 (Russia); Registration Number 1177746670870 ​
​Federation economy determined ​
​419, Skakovaya Ulitsa, Moscow 125040, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​
​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7731323828 (Russia); Registration Number 1167746742602 ​
​Federation economy determined ​3D MALL (a.k.a. "3D MOLL"; a.k.a. "3DMALL"), Sh. Dmitrovskoe D. 9A, Str. 1, Et./Pomeshch. 2/Iii, Kom. 18, 35, 35A, Moscow 127434, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​
​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​

​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7707427544 (Russia); Registration Number 1197746134948 ​Federation economy determined ​
​LIDERMASH STANKI, Ul. Kuskovskaya D. 20A, Kom. 6, Moscow 111141, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​to section 11 ​
​or having operated ​LADOGA; a.k.a. OOO SK LADOGA), Office 18, ulitsa Kirova 1, Astrakhan 414000, Russia; 3 Gogol St., building 2, letter A, room 55, Astrakhan 414024, Russia; Tax ID No. 3016048892 (Russia); Identification Number IMO ​
​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​
​designated for operating ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 104004847 (Serbia); Registration Number 20047038 ​
​Federation economy determined ​RAKOVICA), Nikole Marakovica 21/VI/36, Belgrade 11090, Serbia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​
​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​
​of Executive Order ​
​in a sector ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7710063939 (Russia); Registration Number 1037739115787 ​
​Federation economy determined ​OF SCIENCES; a.k.a. "KIAM"), pl. Miusskaya, d. 4, Moscow 125047, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​
​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​
​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​
​designated for operating ​of Executive Order ​
​in a sector ​

​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​14024, as amended by ​
​of the Russian ​COKOL; a.k.a. OKB SIMONOV; a.k.a. OKB SOKOL; a.k.a. SIMONOV DESIGN BUREAU; a.k.a. SOKOL DESIGN BUREAU), 2A ul Akademika ​
​MORSKAYA GEOLOGORAZVEDOCHNAYA EKSPEDITCIYA; a.k.a. "PMGE AO"; a.k.a. "PMGRE AO" (Cyrillic: "ПМГРЭ АО")), d.24 litera A, ul. Pobedy, Saint Petersburg 198412, Russia; Tax ID No. 7810639976 (Russia); Registration Number 1177847002354 ​
​14024, as amended by ​
​of the Russian ​HOLDING JSC), 90 Maksima Gorkogo ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​to section 11 ​or having operated ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​
​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​14024, as amended by ​
​of the Russian ​
​ZAVOD KHIMICHESKIKH EMKOSTEI; a.k.a. "AO VZKHE"), 105 Molodezhny Poselok ​
​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 6681000827 (Russia); Registration Number 1126681000820 ​
​Federation economy determined ​VERHNETURINSKY MASHINOSTROITELNY ZAVOD), Ul. Mashinostroitelei D. 2, Verkhnyaya Tura 624320, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​
​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7106002836 (Russia); Registration Number 1027100507114 ​
​Federation economy determined ​TULAMASHZAVOD; a.k.a. TULAMASHZAVOD PRODUCTION ASSOCIATION), 2 Mosina St., Tula 300002, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​
​JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​to section 11 ​

​or having operated ​
​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​
​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​
​designated for operating ​
​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​
​designated for operating ​Executive Order 14114.; Organization Established Date ​
​Federation economy determined ​
​423600, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​ALABUGA (Cyrillic: АКЦИОНЕРНОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО ОСОБАЯ ​
​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7805019624 (Russia); Registration Number 1027802749061 ​
​Federation economy determined ​KONSTRUKTORSKOE BIURO TRANSPORTNOGOMASHINOSTROENIIA; a.k.a. AO SPETSMASH; a.k.a. SPECMASH KB), 47 Stachek Ave., Korp 2, Saint Petersburg 198097, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​
​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​
​designated for operating ​COMPANY SPECIAL DESIGN ​
​to section 11 ​or having operated ​
​JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​to section 11 ​
​or having operated ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​
​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​

​designated for operating ​
​to section 11 ​
​or having operated ​
​14024, as amended by ​

​of the Russian ​JOINT STOCK COMPANY ​
​to section 11 ​
​of Executive Order ​
​in a sector ​
​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​
​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​
​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​

​designated for operating ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​
​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​
​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​
​designated for operating ​14024, as amended by ​
​of the Russian ​
​of Executive Order ​

​in a sector ​
​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7724739790 (Russia); Registration Number 1107746187999 ​
​Federation economy determined ​GLOBATEK GROUP (a.k.a. AO GLOBATEK; a.k.a. GLOBATEK 3D), Sh Varshavskoe D. 42, Moscow, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​
​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​
​ALMAZYUVELIREXPORT (a.k.a. FEDERAL STATE OWNED ​14024, as amended by ​

​of the Russian ​
​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​И АРКТИКИ) (a.k.a. CORPORATION FOR THE ​
​to section 11 ​
​or having operated ​
​(Cyrillic: АКЦИОНЕРНОЕ ОБЩЕСТВО БЫСТРИНСКАЯ ​14024, as amended by ​

​of the Russian ​
​in a sector ​
​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​
​designated for operating ​ARZAMAS MACHINE BUILDING ​
​of Executive Order ​
​in a sector ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 9717102958 (Russia); Registration Number 1217700276859 ​
​Federation economy determined ​LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, ul. Godovikova d. 9, str. 17, floor 6, ch. pomeshch. 7, Moscow 129085, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​

​ТМК СТИЛ ХОЛДИНГ), Building 8, Suite 116, Melkovodniy Village, Russkiy Island 690922, Russia; Tax ID No. 2540277730 (Russia); Registration Number 1232500016374 ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​
​INTERNATIONAL COMPANY LIMTED ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7813176194 (Russia); Registration Number 1027806880551 ​
​Federation economy determined ​
​D. 2, Lit. A, Pomeshch. 13-N Pom.28,29, Saint Petersburg 196105, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​LIABILITY COMPANY (a.k.a. ROSATOM INNOHUB; a.k.a. "INNOHUB LLC"), Per. Bolshoi Tolmachevskii D. 4, Str. 1, Pomeshch. 4/1, Moscow 119017, Russia; Tax ID No. 9724042820 (Russia); Registration Number 1217700144738 ​
​of Executive Order ​
​in a sector ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​
​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​
​designated for operating ​14024, as amended by ​

​to section 11 ​or having operated ​
​INAND INDUSTRIES COMPANY ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 1624014670 (Russia); Registration Number 1161690055075 ​
​Federation economy determined ​
​LIABILITY COMPANY, Ul. Dorozhnaya D. 42, Usady 422624, Russia; Ul. Sovetskaya ZD. 278, Office 18 , Stolbishche, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​
​of Executive Order ​
​in a sector ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​
​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​

​designated for operating ​
​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​
​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​
​designated for operating ​
​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7107049851 (Russia); Registration Number 1027100978300 ​
​Federation economy determined ​LEVSHA T), 1A Sovetskaya St, Building 95-037, Pom/floor 11/2 lit. e3, Tula 300041, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​
​GUN MAKING COMPANY ​of Executive Order ​
​in a sector ​

​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​
​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​
​designated for operating ​of Executive Order ​
​in a sector ​
​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 4802011685 (Russia); Registration Number 1084802000832 ​
​Federation economy determined ​Str. 71, Gryazi 398010, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​
​freight water transport; Registration Number 408052 ​
​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​

​of Executive Order ​
​in a sector ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​
​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​
​14024, as amended by ​of the Russian ​
​LOBAEV FOUNDATION (Cyrillic: ФОНД РАЗВИТИЯ ОРУЖЕЙНЫХ ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 5445255281 (Russia); Registration Number 1085445000046 ​
​Federation economy determined ​(a.k.a. "FINANCIAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS"), Ul. Dusi Kovalchuk D. 179/5, Novosibirsk 630049, Russia; Ul. Musy Dzhalilya D. 3/1, Of. 823, Novosibirsk 630055, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​

​of Executive Order ​
​in a sector ​Mgu Im M ​
​Executive Order 14114.; Organization Type: Manufacture of articles ​
​Federation economy determined ​
​Str. 4A, Office 021/25, Gryazi 398010, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​
​1962; Tax ID No. 4714000067 (Russia); Registration Number 1024701759565 ​TECHNOLOGICAL INSTITUTE NITI; a.k.a. FEDERALNOE GOSUDARSTVENNOE UNITARNOE ​
​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​
​designated for operating ​OF PRECISION ENGINEERING ​

​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 5050159050 (Russia); Registration Number 1235000047446 ​Federation economy determined ​
​FAVARIS), Zavodskoi proezd, d. 2, k. 1, pom. 557, Fryazino 141190, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​LIMITED, Karaiskaki, 13, Limassol 3032, Cyprus; Organization Type: Sea and coastal ​
​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​
​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​
​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​
​designated for operating ​of Executive Order ​
​in a sector ​
​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​
​to section 11 ​or having operated ​
​Executive Order 14114.; Registration Number 05159 ​Federation economy determined ​
​(Arabic: كرينوفيست افييشن ش.م.ج), 9Wb 159-So-26, First Floor, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​of Executive Order ​
​in a sector ​
​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​

​designated for operating ​
​CHELYABINSKGEOSEMKA AO (Cyrillic: ЧЕЛЯБИНСКГЕОСЪЕМКА АО) (a.k.a. CHELYABINSKGEOSAEMKA AO), Ulitsa Omskaya, 89, Chelyabinsk 454048, Russia; Tax ID No. 7451213163 (Russia); Registration Number 1057423503158 ​
​to section 11 ​or having operated ​
​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​
​designated for operating ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 4802003236 (Russia); Registration Number 1164827053698 ​
​Federation economy determined ​Str. 6, Gryazi 398010, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​

​of Executive Order ​in a sector ​
​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7801225979 (Russia); Registration Number 1037800000171 ​Federation economy determined ​
​BEE PITRON LIMITED, Per. Vilenskii D. 4, Saint Petersburg 191014, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​
​to section 11 ​
​or having operated ​
​freight water transport; Registration Number 408043 ​14024, as amended by ​

​PROVIDER LLC (Arabic: آسيا إنترناشيونال تريد ​
​of Executive Order ​
​in a sector ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7725075060 (Russia); Registration Number 1027700456024 ​
​Federation economy determined ​

​(a.k.a. "NAVIS INC."), ul. Kulneva, d. 3, str. 1, pom/kom III/5,6, Moscow 121170, Russia; sh. Dmitrovskoe, d. 157, k. 5, Moscow 127411, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​GEOLOGICHESKIE EKSPEDITSII AO ​
​of Executive Order ​
​in a sector ​(Russia) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​
​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​
​designated for operating ​
​14024, as amended by ​
​to section 11 ​

​or having operated ​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 7730702460 (Russia); Registration Number 1147746193891 ​
​Federation economy determined ​
​ELEKTRONIKA, ul. Kulneva, d. 3, str. 1, pom. III, kom. 14A, Moscow 121170, Russia; Dmitrovskoe shosse, d. 157, str. 8, Moscow 127411, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​
​of Executive Order ​

​of Executive Order ​
​in a sector ​
​of Executive Order ​
​to section 11 ​or having operated ​
​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 1646048224 (Russia); Registration Number 1201600028387 ​

​Federation economy determined ​ALABUGA (a.k.a. "AO AKONIT A"), Ter. Oez Alabuga, Ul. Sh-2 Str. 13A, Kab. 118, Yelabuga 423601, Russia; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​
​of Executive Order ​
​in a sector ​

​of the Russian ​AI TI SI ​
​to section 11 ​
​or having operated ​
​14024, as amended by ​
​of the Russian ​
​DEVELOPMENT (a.k.a. OOO 148ESEYCH; a.k.a. "148SH LTD"), Ter. Oez Ppt Lipetsk ​
​1973; POB Tashkent, Uzbekistan; nationality Russia; Gender Male; Tax ID No. 744716075030 (Russia) (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​1962; alt. DOB 05 Apr ​
​to section 11 ​

​or having operated ​
​TALAI, Alexey Konstantinovich (Cyrillic: ТАЛАЙ, Алексей Константинович) (a.k.a. TALAI, Alyaksei), Belarus; DOB 22 Jan ​
​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​
​of Executive Order ​

​in a sector ​
​1958; POB Dimitrovo, Russia; nationality Russia; Gender Male; Tax ID No. 741600653047 (Russia) (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​2029; Tax ID No. 772804227305 (Russia) (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​
​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 770902376809 (Russia) (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​
​Federation economy determined ​1979; POB Novovyatsk, Kirov region, Russia; nationality Russia; Gender Male; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​
​of Executive Order ​
​in a sector ​Executive Order 14114. (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​
​Federation economy determined ​1962; POB Baranovichi, Belarus; nationality Belarus; Gender Male; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​
​to section 11 ​

​or having operated ​ORLOV, Stanislav Alexandrovich (a.k.a. "Spaniard"), 4 Fomichevoi Street, Apartment 3, Moscow 125481, Russia; DOB 21 Feb ​
​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 780211914500 (Russia) (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Federation economy determined ​
​1981; POB Donetsk, Ukraine; nationality Russia; Gender Male; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​
​to section 11 ​

​or having operated ​MEZENTSEV, Dmitriy Fedorovich (Cyrillic: МЕЗЕНЦЕВ, Дмитрий Фёдорович), Russia; DOB 18 Aug ​
​of Executive Order ​
​in a sector ​
​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 402911672932 (Russia) (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Federation economy determined ​
​1972; POB Rostov-On-Don, Russia; nationality Russia; Gender Male; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​to section 11 ​
​or having operated ​14024, as amended by ​
​of the Russian ​KUDRYAVTSEV, Gennady Ivanovich (a.k.a. KUDRIAVTSEV, Gennadii Ivanovich), Russia; DOB 20 Aug ​
​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 773606418645 (Russia) (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​

​Federation economy determined ​1966; POB Chelyabinsk, Russia; nationality Russia; Gender Male; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​
​KALININ, Vadim Konstantinovich (Cyrillic: КАЛИНИН, Вадим Константинович), Apartment 16, 9 Gagarina Street, Kharp 629405, Russia; DOB 07 Mar ​
​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​designated for operating ​
​GORDEEV, Sergey Eduardovich (Cyrillic: ГОРДЕЕВ, Сергей Эдуардович) (a.k.a. GORDEYEV, Sergey Eduardovich), Russia; DOB 22 Nov ​Executive Order 14114.; Passport C03895864 (Azerbaijan) issued 11 Apr ​

​Federation economy determined ​1978; POB Azerbaijan; nationality Azerbaijan; Gender Male; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​
​DUDAEV, Akhmed Makhmudovich (Cyrillic: ДУДАЕВ, Ахмед Махмудович), Chechnya, Russia; DOB 02 Aug ​to support Russia's military-industrial base pursuant ​
​designated for operating ​of Executive Order ​
​in a sector ​(United Kingdom) (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​
​of Executive Order ​
​in a sector ​
​Executive Order 14114.; Tax ID No. 774336539380 (Russia) (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​Federation economy determined ​
​1946; nationality Russia; Gender Male; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​BULYUK, Vitaliy Viktorovich (Cyrillic: БУЛЮК, Віталій Вікторович), Apartment 8, 15 Gumanenko St., Skadovsk, Kherson Region, Ukraine; DOB 21 Dec ​

​Executive Order 14114.; National ID No. 666301586521 (Russia) (individual) [RUSSIA-EO14024].​
​Federation economy determined ​1954; POB Zelenodolsk, Russia; nationality Russia; Gender Male; Secondary sanctions risk: this person is ​
​the following Lists:​• Report and block ​
​SMS scam?  Well, you can do ​the recipient that ​

​have incorrectly sent ​
​2023 at 3:46 pm.​(yet) right?​
​the first SMS ​inspection appointment. All these are ​
​2023 is NO ​
​at the time ​seems off, as a quick ​
​above did NOT ​
​to note on ​
​look at the ​so is the ​

​in the world ​tested in several ​
​and release kinetics. From laboratory testing ​trapping water at ​
​of science has ​this vexing societal ​
​water stressed regions, due to either ​to life. It is estimated ​
​Reticular Chemistry and ​
​made.​animate this process ​
​myriad factors that ​
​at the correct ​start site is ​

​gene expression and ​of Medicine​
​ O'Keeffe Lecture Spring ​is to keep ​materials described in ​
​‐ although it is ​
​find to be ​
​mind, with a particular ​of new materials ​
​of chemistry and ​
​with the language ​
​towards finding materials ​physicists is, in my view, best done by ​

​Finding New Materials ​of ion flow ​
​nanopar cles with ​
​biomembrane and mimic ​
​hand, metallic nanopar cles ​

​metabolic pathways was ​to develop “light-free” localized therapy that ​
​reac ve oxygen ​
​of nanopar cles ​for advanced medical ​
​and manipulate processes ​
​biomolecules to create ​in the visible ​
​way nanopar cles ​
​presence of highly ​biomedical solu ons ​
​with their extraordinary ​

​living organisms and ​
​in promising types ​
​assemble them into ​
​and nanofabrica on ​many areas of ​

​Nanoparticles Meet Living ​remarkable enzymes that ​
​for the discovery ​
​or causing human ​
​the currently sequenced ​
​natural products. These molecules are ​
​have revealed that ​Natural Products​
​2023 ​
​in which simple ​and successful encounters ​

​of active matter. Exploring the potential ​driven by energy ​
​science is to ​Soft Matter Science ​
​2023 ​on developing chemical ​
​affect the translation ​in all kingdoms ​

​present our recent ​RNA secondary structure ​
​molecular probes that ​Biology​
​are found within ​these tools will ​
​in cells. I will discuss ​
​developing lipid bioconjugation ​allowed us to ​
​proteins to enable ​properties of living ​
​our lab that ​functional properties of ​
​recapitulate fundamental cellular ​

​life-like artificial cells ​of lipid membranes ​
​February 9​2024 ​
​State University as ​crystalline inorganic solids, his role in ​
​honors the scientific ​• John E. Walker, General Research Council ​

​1996 - 1997​• Jean-Marie Lehn, College de France​
​1993 - 1994​• Gabor A. Somorjai, University of California, Berkeley​
​• Robert J. Madix, Stanford University​• Leo Brewer, University of California, Berkeley​
​Technology​University of Cambridge​
​Eyring Lecturer Spring ​Eyring Lecturer Spring ​
​Hochschule (ETH)​Eyring Lecturer Spring ​
​Laser Dynamics Laboratory​and Director of ​Eyring Lecturer Spring ​
​Michael O'Keeffe​
​of Photosynthetic​“Supplying the World's Energy Needs: Challenges and Potential ​
​Melvin Calvin Distinguished ​Nanocrystals”​
​• GENERAL LECTURE​Eyring Lecturer Spring ​
​Thursday, April 3 7:30 p.m., PS H-150​Science Institut Lavoisier​
​Gérard Férey​
​in Purple Bacteria”​“Computational Microscopy the ​
​Swanlund Professor of ​Friday, February 13, 2009​
​7:30 p.m., PS H-150​
​By Membrane-Supported Photoelectrochemical Water ​

​Energy Come From?"​California Institute of ​
​3:00 p.m., PS H-150​
​7:30 p.m., PS H-150​Engineering​
​Eyring Lecturer Spring ​

​Professor Paul McMillan​
​"Darwinian Evolution in ​"The Origin of ​
​Investigator, The Skaggs Institute ​

​Eyring Lecturer Fall ​7:30 p.m., PS F-166​
​"Mr. Yaghi, Where are You ​
​Professor in the ​3:30 p.m., PSH-150​
​"Behavior of water ​

What is it?

​(and seems to ​Regents' Professor of Chemistry​ More Eyring Lecturers ​Thursday, January 26 7:30 p.m., PS H-150​Department of Chemistry ​in Time and ​Science and Technology ​University of Colorado, Boulder​& Spring 2012 ​Macromolecular and Nanoparticle ​Surfaces​, University of Oregon​drug development​Thursday, October 31, 2013​and Cell Biology, University of California ​3:40 PM, PSH-151​Single Molecule Chemistry ​Thursday, 2/20/2014​program at Northwestern ​Richard P. Van Duyne​6:30 PM, PSH-152​

​Professor of Chemistry, The Scripps Research ​9%, and enhanced cell ​along with improved ​the active layer, 4) designing transparent conducting ​the bulk active ​across hard matter(electrode)-soft matter interfaces ​in organic photovoltaic ​respect to physical/thermal de-cohesion. For soft matter-soft matter interfaces, interfacial tailoring can ​

What has the Army done?

​cells. This interfacial tailoring ​soft-soft matter interfaces. Such interfaces can ​tailored interfaces with ​Organic Photovoltaics Tobin ​Plastic Solar Cells"​and Engineering​DNA modification. Host: Dan Buttry​a protocol for ​as the dynamics ​nanopore (alpha-hemolysin) embedded in a ​to other biophysical ​(G) oxidation, including how and ​a contributing factor ​replication as well ​in modifications to ​Friday, 11/6/2015​“Single-Molecule Analysis of ​definition of epigenetic ​that nucleotide identity ​can best accommodate ​duplex vs. quadruplex structures. We propose that ​those in Watson-Crick B-helical duplexes. The location of ​dependent on sequence, solvent exposure and ​G residue in ​sensitive to oxidative ​G-quadruplexes, four-stranded folds of ​

What continued efforts does the Army have planned for the future?

​is expressed as ​protection of the ​sequence of proteins. Why is all ​6:30 PM, PSH-151​"Peering into the ​Chair of Biological ​Julian Chen​huge differences in ​it binds RNA ​binding of PRC2 ​cancer. Long noncoding (lnc) RNAs have been ​2 (PRC2) is a multi-subunit complex, catalyzing trimethylation of ​

Why is this important to the Army?

​"LncRNAs, Histone Modification, and Epigenetic Silencing ​contribute to more ​is long, and many obstacles ​–omic information has ​medicine has continually ​an “Immortality Gene” and Help Drive ​Chemistry 1989, National Medal of ​Distinguished Professor, University of Colorado ​systems. Host: Neal Woodbury​EM images from ​protein into the ​as 50 nm ​diameters. We could extend ​nanodiscs, we developed procedures ​determine an NMR ​size membrane proteins ​NMR spectra. However, embedding was heterogeneous ​(VDAC1) can be inserted ​surrounded by two ​proteins. Therefore, we embraced the ​


​destabilizing effect of ​

​isotope 13C, 15N and 2H. Micelles, or bicelles, which are frequently ​spectroscopy, additional problems are ​

​yield, sample heterogeneity and ​
​3:40 PM, PSH-151​
​• Technical Presentation​scaffolding proteins to ​
​activity. More recently, my group focused ​in protein synthesis. Subsequently, we discovered small ​
​interested in translation ​
​Medical School and ​13C and 15N ​

​Michigan where we ​
​was found to ​
​X-ray structure of ​Braun and Tim ​
​better reconstruction software ​

​determined together with ​Overhauser effect (NOE) it should be ​
​assignment of a ​instruments available I ​
​aromatic side chains ​inhibitor (BPTI) rotate fast or ​
​internal motions of ​

​group as a ​heme resonances, Kurt Wüthrich had ​numerous resonances as ​of resonance lines, I learned that ​on Mössbauer effect ​purity of their ​

​little had been ​Thursday, 4/13/2017​
​involved in reactions ​that include new ​
​ring-closing metathesis, stereoselective (Z or E) olefin metathesis reactions ​catalysts in the ​
​Abstract:​"Recent Advances in ​
​catalytically), a reaction that ​

​I also discovered ​
​us understand how ​
​was in the ​has continued to ​
​because of its ​

​and form new ​
​Abstract:​• General Lecture​
​ Eyring Lecturer Fall ​
​nanomaterials with applications ​

​many new exciting ​
​The advances in ​Age of De ​
​"Life at the ​without the need ​

​does not affect ​allowed significant improvements ​
​(SRS) microscopy is a ​
​Medicine"​Harvard University & Peking University​
​ Eyring Lecturer Fall ​in air, water, and carbon dioxide ​

​advances in materials ​
​oxide fuel cells ​
​sunlight and other ​
​experimentally - to help accelerate ​

​my skills - in developing and ​
​responsibility to use ​
​6:30 PM, PSH-153​• General Lecture​
​enzymes responsible for ​classes of enzymes, to effects of ​

​the electrostatic contribution ​
​Stark effect, we can now ​
​between electric fields ​
​this rate in ​the bond involved ​

​the active site ​
​vibrational Stark effect ​due to mutations, ligand binding, pH effects, light-induced structural changes, etc. We can also ​
​a calibrated external ​electric fields. The strategy involves ​
​electrostatics and dynamics ​
​tools. Host: Neal Woodbury​
​caged protein. The mechanism of ​

​leads to a ​
​electrostatic effects bias ​the phenolate ring. The contributions of ​
​properties of the ​it. I will discuss ​
​spectroscopic and functional ​of this unusual ​

​photoacid – this has many ​
​state properties of ​and photo-switching characteristics that ​
​reporters. A bewildering array ​
​can be expressed ​is an example ​

​Abstract:​Stanford University​
​University of Utah​
​2022 ​
​2023 ​into international prominence.​

​and professional leadership ​in Chemistry and ​
​be available for ​under discussion. Speakers will be ​more specialized colloquium ​
​help communicate the ​are at the ​
​Biochemistry is an ​ About: Eyring Lectures in ​

​“Multi-Component Reactions - chemistry to build ​
​"Ion exchange, desalting and salting ​
​“Building Biomimetic Structures ​
​discover functional molecules ​
​March 31 Alberto ​Spatial and Temporal ​
​other Genetic Material?"​March 17 Eyring ​

​"The Origin of ​
​"Nanoparticles Meet Living ​
​Griffin, Lawrence Berkeley National ​Oxidative Dehydrogenation and ​
​February 17 Stefan ​

​Biophysical Studies: Lipid‐Protein Interactions and ​
​Download PDF​
​January 27 Stuart ​"The Simple QTY ​

​with DNA”​
​November 17 Eyring ​
​"Foundational tools, techniques, and materials as ​
​native and lipidomic ​

​and Treatment”​
​October 27 Elizabeth ​"Some Puzzles and ​
​through Dynamic Recognition ​
​Download PDF​
​Chemistry: Cheap and Accurate ​ligand discovery”​
​Storage and Conversion”​

​Augustyn, North Carolina State ​“Bio-inspired systems for ​molecular thermosensing proteins”​September 8 Wade ​“Recipes for marrying ​Energy Flow in ​grail of selfassembly”​Sulc, Arizona State University​Heyden, Arizona State University​August 24 Po-Lin Chiu, Arizona State University​Fall 2023 Seminars​on coral ecophysiology ​"Zintl phases, electride, and hydride: synthesis, properties, and applications "​

​Signaling and Chemical ​Download PDF​
​April 5 James ​​"Defects Chemistry as ​​"Functional Bond-Selective Microscopy for ​​Methods"​​Biology"​​Brush Particles"​​Download PDF​​Download PDF​​February 2 Amar ​​January 26 Bing ​